Supreme Chef

Chapter 1892 No Bottom Line

Chapter 1892 No Bottom Line
Knowing some of the secrets and inside stories here, the four Lin Mu also set off and entered this basin.

In this basin, there is obviously a mystery inside.

From the outside, the basin doesn't look that big, but after going deep, you can really see its vastness.

After Lin Mu and the others entered, they also saw all kinds of precious lights, forming various creatures.

Obviously those are all Dao Seeds condensed, but they can't be easily approached, because these are first-class Dao Seeds, and those who can't see what they are are even more so.

Those are heterogeneous Dao species, who knows what kind of abilities it will have.


I don't know who angered a Dao Seed with the blood of a divine beast, and then three people in a small team were directly torn apart by the creatures condensed by the Dao Seed.

Obviously, although there are many opportunities here, they are much more dangerous than outside.

"This is the Dao Seed of a unicorn beast. Let's work together to see if we can shake it." Bai Yixian looked at the Dao Seed here, and his eyes were also very hot.

Of course, no one will be jealous, and no one will remain calm.

"I think, if we still want to survive, it's best not to think about these Dao species for the time being." Lin Mu said calmly.

"Brother Lin, isn't he tempted?" Bai Yixian asked.

Lin Mudao: "Be tempted, but I think our lives are more important. The Dao Seeds here are not placed randomly. These Dao Seeds form the Ten Thousand Demon Formation. If one fails, we will fall into the formation." Fa, when the time comes, do you think we can survive with just the four of us?"

"Ten Thousand Demon Formation!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, the expressions of the three Bai Yixians all changed.

There are countless formations in this world, but there are still a few famous ones.The Ten Thousand Demon Formation is one of them. It is not known who invented the Ten Thousand Demon Formation.

However, the Yaozun once used it once in the past, and the Yaozun used it alone, trapping the Supreme of the three human races with the Ten Thousand Demon Formation.If it wasn't for the fourth Supreme Being who joined in later, Yao Zun would be able to kill three Human Race Supremes by himself.

It was also at that time that the Ten Thousand Monster Formation became a real sensation.

Even the Supreme can't escape, if he and others fall into the formation, then there is really no possibility of surviving.

"I don't have the time to lie to you. This is indeed the Ten Thousand Demon Formation, but it has changed from a monster to a Dao species, but the essence is still the same. It's just that the area is too large and will be ignored by people." Lin Mu said .

Although Lin Mu's accomplishments in formations are not as good as his cultivation, they are not comparable to ordinary people.

Moreover, Lin Mu has read all the formations recorded in the "Formation", and has studied several extremely special formations in depth.So when he saw the Ten Thousand Demon Formation, Lin Mu recognized it at a glance.

"I didn't expect Brother Lin to be quite knowledgeable in formations." Bai Yixian said with a smile on his face.

Lin Mu said: "I don't want to die too early, naturally I have to learn more."

Bai Yixian looked around and said, "But brother Lin, are we going to enter Baoshan empty-handed like this?"

Lin Mu looked around, really unwilling.

Especially now that he needs the Dao Seed, Lin Mu really feels that he is at a big loss if he just empty-handed like this.Even if you find the World Tree, you can't absorb the World Tree, can you?

Lin Mu hesitated for a while, and said, "We can cooperate, but I will take [-]% and the three of you will take [-]%. If we disagree, we will go our separate ways."

Bai Yixian smiled and said, "Brother Lin, you are really smart and calculating, but Brother Lin, if you are like this, it's okay. But the Dao Seed must let the three of us choose first."

Lin Mu thought about it, and felt that there was no problem.Anyway, the Dao seeds I want are for absorption, not for proving the Dao at all. What they choose has no effect on Lin Mu.

But even so, Lin Mu still added: "But we have to rely on our own abilities in the World Tree, and if there are different Dao species, we have to gather them and then divide them equally."

Bai Yixian communicated with Jiuyao Xingjun and Gu Jian, and reached a consensus in an instant.

The four-person team that reached a consensus began to act.

Relying on his own understanding of the formation, Lin Mu chose some Dao seeds that would not be dangerous, and the four of them began to grab Dao seeds along the way.

Although it takes some effort to grab a Dao Seed, it is much faster than searching outside alone.

In a few days, Lin Mu and the others grabbed ten Dao Seeds.Although there are no different Dao species, all of them are first-class Dao species.

Lin Mu got five, and the other five were distributed among the three of Jiuyao Xingjun after discussion.

Under Lin Mu's wisdom, in the second month, the four of them managed another ten Dao species.Lin Mu got five again, one of which was a different Dao species.

However, after two months of advancement, the four of them also reached the bottom of the valley.

The bottom of the valley was covered by clouds and mist before, and the whole picture could only be seen after passing through the clouds and mist.

This is a piece of fairyland pure land, full of lush elixir.All kinds of Dao seeds are like no money, and they are stuck on the ground, like pebbles that don't need money.

Dao Seeds are very hard to find, but it's as if you don't need money here, which is really shocking.



Just as Lin Mu and the others were shocked, there was a sudden scream above the clouds.

Then Lin Mu and the others looked up, and saw that the so-called guardians and nurses were all bounced back by the clouds, while the people they guarded passed through the clouds unharmed.

Lin Mu looked at the scene in front of him, but he was happy, and said: "I didn't expect that the cloud layer would have such an effect. This time, I can finally let go of my hands and feet and ask for my loss. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in vain. Is it unreasonable for people to be bullied?"

When Bai Yixian and the others heard what Lin Mu said, they all rolled their eyes for a while.I have never seen a person who is even more rascal than Lin Mu.

Obviously he was bullying others, but in the end he was bullied and asked for compensation.

All the guardians and nannies were blocked outside.There are dozens of people.

This number is quite astonishing.Especially those who don't have guardians, they really didn't expect that there are so many masters walking with themselves and others.

If I really accidentally offend someone, even if I want to win in the end, I'm afraid I can't kill him, but I may be in danger.

Lin Mu also saw the guardian of the emperor's son, and the other party also saw Lin Mu, and he looked at Lin Mu with vicious eyes.

"Old ghost, I didn't expect you to have two brushes. I didn't even notice that you were following me. Are you planning to do something here? Come on, come down, if you come down, I will let you kill!" Lin Mu To the guardian of the emperor's son, he said provocatively.

Hearing this, the guardian of the emperor's son stood upside down in anger.This tree is too much, and it is too irritating.

Only Meiyu has seen a master who is even cheaper than him.There is no bottom line at all.

Bai Yixian couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "Brother Lin, can we reduce our hatred and have a bottom line?"

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian and said, "I have always had a bottom line, but after I met you, there is no bottom line. I finally met someone who can share my hatred with me. If I don't make good use of it, I will Not stupid?"

Lin Mu's words directly made Gu Jian and Jiu Yaoxing Jun stare.

Lin Mu, what does this mean? Are you planning to use them as a shield?

Bai Yixian's expression was also ugly, and he said, "Brother Lin, are you being too careless? Anyway, we are also allies."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Is anyone looking forward to the death of their allies? Anyway, we are here too, if you don't want to, please do it yourself."

When Bai Yixian heard Lin Mu's words, he suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Lin, do you think this will drive us away?"

(End of this chapter)

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