Supreme Chef

Chapter 1893

Chapter 1893
The relationship between Lin Mu and Bai Yixian is definitely not good, and certainly not very bad.

But it's true that both of them want to put each other to death.

Lin Mu rolled his eyes when he heard Bai Yixian's words, and said: "You won't leave after being beaten, and I didn't stop you. If you don't want to leave, then don't leave. For me, there is no loss. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu still went his own way, and continued to satirize the guardians of the four emperors.

The guardian of the four emperors was so angry that he almost vomited blood. In the end, he was sure that he couldn't get in, and the four emperors wouldn't go in either.He simply left without even looking at Lin Shu.He was really worried, he was so mad at Lin Shu.

Seeing Lin Mu scolding a guardian for running away, everyone was stunned.

"Okay, Brother Lin, let's start collecting Dao seeds, the person has already left." Bai Yixian said.

Lin Mu said: "Can't you see that all the Dao seeds on this earth have been abolished?"


Hearing Lin Mu's words, the three Baiyixians were all shocked.

Then the three of them observed carefully, and sure enough, as Lin Mu said, although these Dao seeds still have lines on the surface, they have actually been completely abolished, and they have no use value at all.

"How is this going?"

Logically speaking, the Dao species is naturally raised, how could it be abolished like this, it is completely incomprehensible.

Lin Mu looked towards the central area and said, "If you want to know the reason, go to the center and take a look."

As soon as Lin Mu entered here, he felt the inexplicable call in his heart. Lin Mu knew that this was the mutual induction between World Trees.

However, although there was such a call, Lin Mu faintly felt something was wrong.Especially after seeing all these Dao seeds being abolished, Lin Mu's feeling of being bad became even stronger.

"Brother Lin, how do you feel?" Bai Yixian was very careful and could catch the changes in anyone's expression.

Bai Yixian asked, and Lin Mu didn't hide anything, saying: "Let's save our lives later, I don't feel very good."

With cultivation at the level of Lin Mu and the others, any feeling is not created out of thin air.

Since Lin Mu has feelings, then this matter is likely to be true.

Although Bai Yixian and the others don't have any feelings, everyone has a secret.Since Lin Mu said it, then this matter should not be false.

Lin Mu's words made Qi Madness a lot more dignified, but it would be impossible for everyone to retreat at this time.

The four of Lin Mu moved forward quickly, and along the way, they saw countless Dao species.

However, all these dao seeds have been abolished, and they have no use value at all.However, some forest trees were collected, although these Dao seeds were abolished.However, the sky pattern above still has some inspiration for the trees.

Finally, the Dao seeds became more and more dense, almost like pebbles, spreading on the ground.

Looking at the densely packed Dao Seeds, everyone felt a numb shock.

Dao seeds are so hard to find, it is very difficult to find one in the sky and on the ground.

But here, the ground is paved with Dao seeds, what is there in it.It made everyone's hearts hot, and everyone was desperately moving forward, wanting to arrive first.

"Is this the biggest secret hidden in the small world?"

The hearts of Mr. Jiuyaoxing and others are also hot, although Lin Mu warned them that this place is unusual.

But in such a scene, it is really difficult for people to keep calm.

In fact, Lin Mu himself can't calm down anymore. After all, if he can keep calm in such a situation, he is not a human being.

But the more he got here, the worse Lin Shu felt.It's just that Lin Mu didn't know what the source of the bad luck was.

After another half an hour, I finally passed through this eye-catching place of Dao Seeds, and finally arrived at a wonderful cave.

"what is that!"

When everyone saw the huge tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, countless stars set off on top of the leaves, towering lush and verdant, completely covered by chaos, everyone's eyes widened.

"World Tree! This is the real World Tree!"

"Didn't it mean that the tree of the world was broken? How could it sprout?"

"How can we expect the World Tree to sprout? It's normal for us to germinate!"


Because of the appearance of this old tree sprouting new world tree, everyone was excited and high.

However, there were also people with solemn faces, and that was Lin Shu.Lin Shu looked at the already lush World Tree with a serious expression on his face.

This is the root cause of the bad feeling of the forest. A broken trunk with no roots and no heart has sprouted again.

Now this can be regarded as another tree of the world. If the tree wants to collect it, it will be very troublesome.

Moreover, it is very difficult to grasp what kind of consciousness a rare thing like the World Tree will produce.

It is even possible that it wants to eat back the World Tree inside Lin Mu.

Because Lin Mu has already felt that worrying hostility.

"Yes, this is the Supreme Arrangement of the Supreme. Although the World Tree is broken, there is still a trunk. The Supreme and others use countless Dao seeds as nourishment to nourish the World Tree and let the World Tree grow again. And still In the small world, when the time comes, this small world is likely to become a real world, just like our world!"

With such an inference, everyone felt a little difficult to breathe.

What a big deal this is, it is really impossible to guess and speculate.That is to say, the Supreme Being can have such means, and other people's means are simply unimaginable.

"What is the purpose of this? Is it to directly use this world to attack another world?"

Some people are speculating on Supreme's psychology and want to know the purpose of Supreme in doing so.

However, how could the supreme being be able to guess at will.It's not that easy at all, and they feel that there must be more than that in the Supreme's plan.

Because according to many records, when this small world existed, there should be no threat from that world.

There are too many, too many hidden secrets in this world.Not only the threat of another world, etc., even their own world hides countless secrets.

Even now, there is still no definite answer to what happened in the disappearing years of the ancient times.

And it is impossible to investigate at all, because Taikoo has been completely cut off.That period of time has been completely obliterated from the long river of time.No one can know what happened in Taikoo.

But no matter what the supreme purpose is, there is one thing they can be sure of.This is their chance. If they can get the germinated world tree, then proving the Dao will not be a problem at all.

When everyone looked at the World Tree, their eyes almost burst into flames. Regardless of their cultivation level, they all made up their minds to get the World Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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