Supreme Chef

Chapter 1894 I have a proposal

Chapter 1894 I have a proposal

A world tree sprouting from an old tree almost drives everyone crazy.But for Lin Mu, this is not a good thing, even for Lin Mu, he is an out-and-out bad thing.


Finally someone couldn't help but shot, ready to grab the World Tree directly.

It's just that it's too irrational. Taking action at this time will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Sure enough, as soon as this person made a move, he was instantly killed by several stronger experts without even making a snort.

Those who shot were from Tiangong, while those who died were from the side of the Supreme Academy.

"This world tree, I want to take it back to my brother, I hope you can give it away. If you are destined to enter Tiangong in the future, Tiangong will definitely treat you with courtesy." The younger brother of the little god said, seemingly polite, but in fact he said domineeringly.

And his words were also echoed by everyone in Tiangong. Everyone consciously lined up and prepared to annihilate all invading enemies.

"It's nothing, but it's just because I have a good brother. In our territory, show off your power." There are disciples in the college who are very uncomfortable.

For such words, the younger brother of the little god did not refute, nor was he angry.

After all, as long as the people of the Supreme Academy don't do anything, it is of course the best to take down the World Tree without doing anything.

"My Zhantai family also needs this world tree. If you can let it out, my Zhantai family will also be grateful." A member of Zhantai's family came out and said a person who couldn't say his name.

On the Tiangong side, upon hearing this, they couldn't help but frown slightly.

Obviously, the person in Zhan Tai's family who couldn't name him made the people in Tiangong very afraid.

"My brother really needs this world tree, so I'm afraid I can't give it to you." The younger brother of the little god said forcefully.

Someone from Zhan Tai's family also stood up and said, "If this is the case, I'm afraid we can only rely on our own abilities."

Zhantai's family and Tiangong's side were at war. In comparison, the Supreme Academy's side was much more silent.

"Brother Lin, do you have no idea about the World Tree?" Bai Yixian asked.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes!"

Lin Mu didn't have an idea, but very much, and Lin Mu had already made up his mind that he must get it.Although there may be some troubles and difficulties, Lin Shu will not give up.

Bai Yixian said: "Brother Lin, since you have ideas, why are you so quiet? Isn't this like your style?"

Lin Mu squinted at the white-clothed fairy, and said, "I'm jealous, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm not the only one who has ideas, Tiandao, Lan Mo, and the prince of Wuxian Dynasty also have ideas. And Not only do they have ideas, but they also have the power to compete. They didn’t say anything, proving that it’s not that simple here. Why should I take such a risk and be the first bird. Isn’t it just right to watch them dog-eat-dog?”

Lin Mu is not only not stupid, but also very smart.Lan Mo and Tiandao, Lin Shu had already noticed.

They are all geniuses in the academy, and they must know more secrets in the academy than Lin Shu.

It is impossible for them not to have ideas about this place, and Lin Mu can see that their strength is no worse than Tiangong and Zhantai's family.

But they were all so quiet that it would be strange if there were no oddities in it.

Everyone wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but Lin Mu doesn't want to be the third tiger.

Bai Yixian also said: "Brother Lin is really powerful."

Lin Mu gave a cold glance, and said, "I said before that I hate evil like a vengeful enemy. If you continue to mock me, even if I'm an ally, I won't be polite."

Bai Yixian smiled lightly, and didn't take Lin Mu's threat to heart, but he shut up obediently, at least for now he didn't want to have any conflict with Lin Mu.

People in the Supreme Academy who don't know the inside story don't have the strength to participate, and those who are capable can more or less guess the inside story.

So in the current situation, both Tiangong and Zhantai's family feel good.They all thought that the people of the Supreme Academy were overwhelmed by them.

The current competition should start between the two of them.

And now the number of Zhantai's family and Tiangong's side are completely equal.Although in terms of overall strength, Tiangong has a slight advantage, but in terms of decisive masters, the strength of both sides is equal.

On the side of Tiangong is the younger brother of the little god, and as for Zhan Tai's family, he is also a good-looking man.And judging from his appearance, he should also be the younger brother of the person in Zhan Tai's family who cannot mention his name.

This fight has turned into a fight between two younger brothers.Lin Shu is quite relaxed, and even the wine has been brought out.

"Brother Lin, you are too obvious, and it will arouse their vigilance." Bai Yixian said a little speechlessly.

Lin Mudao: "Do you think they will have time to pay attention to me when their self-confidence is inflated? They think they have a lot of people, so they don't pay attention to me at all. Even if I bring out the food now, no one will Watch out for mine."

For Lin Mu Baiyi Fairy is also really very speechless, although Lin Mu said well, but the performance is so straightforward, it seems not too good.


Just as Bai Yixian and Lin Mu were talking, a big battle broke out between the two sides, and it was unknown who made the first move.

Anyway, that's how the war broke out.

In terms of overall strength, Tiangong still wants to suppress Zhantai's family.

And Tiangong's intentions are also very obvious. They are going to make a quick decision, and then attack the person in Zhantai's house together, and finally win and take away the World Tree.

So from the very beginning, the people from Tiangong launched a fierce attack on the people from Zhantai's family.Get ready for a quick fight to end such a scramble.

The members of the Zhantai family also know their weaknesses, they don't take the initiative to attack, but focus on defense.

They need to wait, the fight between the two younger brothers is over.Only when they decide the winner, such a battle can be regarded as the winner.

"They are pretty good at tactics, but they know the key, they have been tricked, and they don't know their expressions, how wonderful will it be later?" Lin Mu said leisurely while pouring himself a drink.

Lin Mu was always such a speechless guy, Bai Yixian and the others didn't know what to say.

In the end, Bai Yixian and the others felt that they should say something, at least discuss it, and arrange it later.

"Brother Lin, after they are over, we will enter the competition. Brother Lin, I hope we can talk to the outside world first, and then talk about the ownership of the World Tree in the end." Bai Yixian said.

Lin Mu glanced at the people on the field, and proposed actively, "How about this, you can see if it's okay. Those who really pose a threat to us are just a few people. Why don't we have a competition, who can solve more of us?" opponent, can the world tree belong to anyone in the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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