Supreme Chef

Chapter 1895 The old cucumber painted green paint

Chapter 1895 The old cucumber painted green paint
For Lin Mu's bold proposal, the three of Jiuyao Xingjun were stunned for a moment.

These people are not fairy beasts, monsters and the like, but living masters.Using them as a comparison between bets and game wins is a bit too exaggerated.

But seeing Lin Mu's serious face, the three of them had to think carefully.

In the end, the three made a decision and agreed to Lin Mu's proposal.

"Okay! We agree!" The three nodded together.

The battle between Tiangong and Zhantai's family is still going on.

And it has completely entered a white heat, and some people have begun to get injured and show invincibility.


The younger brother of Xiao Tianshen and the younger brother of the unnamed person from Zhan Tai's family attacked World Tree at the same time.

Two palms that covered the sky and the sun simultaneously grabbed the World Tree.

But before they approached, the expressions of the two of them suddenly changed drastically.

"not good!"

The two shouted at the same time, and then their bodies fled away for an instant.

As for the rest of Tiangong and Zhantai's family, although they have already responded, they are still a little late.


Someone was swept by the five-element light that erupted, and his body exploded directly, and he died tragically on the spot.

"Innate Five Elements Formation!"

Everyone looked at the World Tree, and their expressions all changed.

There are many kinds of five-element formations. After all, the five elements are unpredictable and have infinite variety of changes.

But there is only one kind of innate five-element formation, and there is only one kind.

It is the most mysterious and powerful among all the five elements, and it is not the biggest.

There is almost no one in the world who has seen the innate five-element formation.Everyone has only heard of it in legends.

It is rumored that it is a formation directly descended by the Dao of Heaven, and there is no way to break it.Anyone who falls into the formation, even the Supreme, will not get the slightest benefit.

And this kind of legendary thing actually appeared here, how could everyone not be surprised.

Even Lin Mu and the others felt a sense of astonishment when they saw everything in front of them.

After all, although they knew that there was something wrong here, they didn't know where it was wrong.

Now that the innate five-element dao formation exploded, Lin Mu and the others knew that this was the ultimate formation here.

"It should not be the way of heaven, there are traces of human beings. It is very small, but there are still traces of human beings." Lin Mu stared carefully for a long time, and then said in a deep voice.

"Man-made traces, who can imitate the innate five-element formation of heaven? Doesn't it mean that this formation cannot be imitated and imitated?" Bai Yixian asked with a slightly surprised expression.

Lin Mu was silent for a while, and then spit out two words: "Supreme."


Hearing Lin Mu's answer, the three of Jiuyao Xingjun couldn't help but gasped.

In fact, for Lin Mu and the others, if this is really the formation of the Dao of Heaven.They still have the confidence to give it a go, after all, there will always be that "one" under the law of heaven, that is, a glimmer of life.

If the supreme person arranges it himself, let alone 'one', there will be no life left.

Whoever enters will be dead, without any possibility of survival.

If this is the case, they might as well leave, because it is impossible to get anything at all, and it is impossible to gain anything.


Suddenly the World Tree erupted suddenly, and a thick root system broke out at the level of the World Tree.

The root system took root in the void, and then began to absorb nutrients crazily.It is mainly the nutrients condensed by the innate five-element formation.

Although the innate five-element formation is against the sky, it can't hurt the world tree at all.But the strong absorption of World Tree is enough to disintegrate this formation.

Seeing the increasingly dimmer light, everyone knew that this innate five-element formation would not last long.Their chance has come again.

However, only Lin Mu is not too optimistic. The performance of the World Tree has somewhat exceeded Lin Mu's expectations.

There must be a demon if there is an abnormality, Lin Mu does not believe that this is the instinctive reaction of World Tree.

But Lin Mu didn't even have time to think about this, and the innate five-element formation had already disintegrated.

And the world tree itself has become more and more lush.The branches swayed, and each branch seemed to represent countless stars and universes.

"The World Tree is about to mature, come on!"

People in Tiangongzhong and Zhantai's family looked at the more mature World Tree, their eyes shot fire, and they rushed up.

People from Tiangong and Zhantai's family moved, and so did people from Supreme Academy.

Tiandao, Lan Mo, the real prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, and some Lin Shu who had never seen before, but who were as bloody as a dragon, all moved.

"The two of them have also come out." Bai Yixian, looking at the person wearing a Taoist robe of two colors, one black and one white, couldn't help but change slightly.

"You know them?" Lin Mu asked.

Bai Yixian said: "They are two legends in the academy. They both said that they have already become the emperor, waiting to attack the emperor. Unexpectedly, they have been suppressing themselves. Waiting for this life, to attack the strongest emperor. "

Lin Mu looked at the two of them with amusement in his eyes.

There are obviously more secrets in the Supreme Academy than I thought.Many people, many things, I understand too little.

Bai Yixian paused for a moment, and continued: "It is said that these two people should be from the same era as the two vice presidents. They are only a generation lower than the legendary elders in the college."

Lin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and said, "There are two old cucumbers painted green again. They are both contemporary with the vice president, and they came here to pretend to be young. The two of them seem to be really shameless."

When Lin Mu said this, there was nothing he could suppress, and the two of them could hear clearly with their ears.

Although Lin Mu didn't name them, but with their keen spiritual sense, they naturally knew who Lin Mu was talking about.

This also made the two of them look directly at Lin Mu coldly, as if they were looking at a dead person.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would be too shivering.

Bai Yixian smiled wryly, and said, "Brother Lin, are you just cheating your allies like this? We had no grievances or enmities, but how many enemies have you helped us recruit now?"

Lin Mu said: "I am helping you to improve. You can only improve through one after another. And this kind of person, we will meet later. There will be a direct and fierce competition, so you think, Is there any use for us to be polite to them?"

When it comes to such things as reasoning, Bai Yixian is absolutely inferior to Lin Shu.

Although Lin Mu's reasoning is all fallacious, but you just can't find any reason to refute him.

This can be regarded as a skill, and it is also one of the reasons why Lin Mu attracts people's hatred.

Of course, the main reason is still the inextricable hatred.Wu De's is the real cheap mouth, who pulls hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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