Supreme Chef

Chapter 1896 Tiangong Projection

Chapter 1896 Tiangong Projection
The people in Tiangongzhong and Zhantai's family were all angry when they saw that the people in the Supreme Academy moved.

"What do you mean!" Little Heavenly God's younger brother grumbled. The Supreme Academy is not keeping its word.

Tiandao said calmly, "We don't mean anything, and those who see the World Tree will have a share."

The younger brother of the little god said angrily: "Didn't you not participate in the competition?"

Tiandao said, "When did we say that we will not participate in the competition?"

Little Tianshen's younger brother was awe-inspiring, and then he was speechless.Because none of the people from the Supreme Academy said that they would withdraw from the competition.

It's completely understood by themselves. In the Supreme Academy, there is indeed no one who has said such a thing.

"Are you trying to challenge the majesty of Tiangong?" Little Tianshen's younger brother threatened angrily.

"Stop scaring people with Tiangong. If you could represent Tiangong, you wouldn't be here." Lin Mu came to the opposite side and said calmly.

For Lin Mu, the younger brother of the little god is still very jealous.After all, the two have fought against each other before, and they know each other's strength very well.

"Are you going to participate in it too?" Little Tianshen's younger brother looked at Lin Mu coldly and asked.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Give me a reason why I shouldn't participate."

Xiao Tianshen's younger brother suddenly smiled and said, "Okay! Since you must participate, if you want to die, then you can't blame us."

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Brother Xiao Tianshen can still laugh at this time, obviously there is something wrong inside.

Everyone was on full alert, not daring to relax, and wanted to see what he was going to do.


Suddenly the sky shook, and a palace fell from the sky, directly crushing the sky.

The palace is incomparably sacred, and the light that shines out makes people unable to help but worship.

The faint heavenly soldiers and generals above give people a kind of supreme majesty, which makes people feel cold.

"This is the projection of Tiangong!"

Seeing this shadow, Bai Yixian's face immediately changed.

Tiangong is not just a name, but a real Tiangong really exists.

Tiangong is a digital supreme, gathering all the power to create a world.

Of course, it can also be called a magic weapon, and it can even be said that it should be one of the most powerful magic weapons in the world.

After all, it was refined by gathering the painstaking efforts of several supreme beings and combining countless geniuses and treasures in the world.

The faces of the others also changed. Although it was just a shadow, even if it was a shadow, they might not be able to resist it.

Seeing such a scene, the members of Zhan Tai's family couldn't help but change their expressions.

They didn't expect that the younger brother of the little god came in and brought such a killer move.

However, it seems that it is a bit difficult for the Tiangong side to support the shadow alone.

"Brother Zhantai, if you are willing to give up the fight, I can let you sit in the shadow of my Tiangong. And everything on these people belongs to you." The younger brother of the little god threw an olive branch to the people of Zhantai's family .

Although this is just a shadow, it cannot be supported by the seventeen of them.

You must know that this is a collection of the wisdom of the digital supreme, even if it is a shadow, it needs to be controlled by people at the level of the emperor or the emperor.

When the members of Zhan Tai's family heard the invitation from the younger brother of Xiao Tianshen, their expressions changed rapidly.Obviously he was thinking about whether he should agree, and how to choose, which was in his best interest.

Soon he made a decision, and with a heartbeat, said: "Okay, I agree. I am willing to swear a blood oath and no longer compete for the World Tree."

Brother Xiao Tianshen, upon hearing such words, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

After the members of Zhan Tai's family swear a blood oath, the younger brother of Xiao Tianshen also opened a corner of the Tiangong to let the members of Zhan Tai's family enter.

After the members of Zhan Tai's family entered, the shadow of Tiangong became more solidified, and at the same time, the oppression became stronger.

Even Lin Mu's body could hear the sound of 'Kaka', which shows how much pain the others are in.


Finally, someone couldn't bear it, and it directly turned into a puddle of pus and blood.

Obviously, this was intentional by Tian Gong and Zhan Tai's family, in order to give the Supreme Academy's people a blow.

Little Tianshen's younger brother was cold and disdainful, looked at the people in the Supreme Academy, and said: "If you swear a blood oath, you are willing to give up the fight and become my servants voluntarily. I can also consider it and spare your lives."


After hearing this, the people of the Supreme Academy all turned very ugly.

As long as the members of Zhantai's family swear a blood oath, they can be saved from death.And if they want to avoid death, they must not only swear not to fight for the World Tree, but also swear to become slaves.

This is simply humiliating and absolutely unacceptable.

But the members of Zhan Tai's family felt much better.


Such conditions are unacceptable in any case.In the Supreme Academy, someone finally broke out.

There was a scream of killing soaring into the sky, and then I saw a person, going up against the sky, directly rushing towards the shadow of Tiangong.

At this time, the person who can still rise against the sky is definitely the overlord genius of one side.

But the younger brother of the little god, seeing such a charge, just said four words in a cold and disdainful manner: "Moths to the flame!"

Then the younger brother of the little god made a decisive move.

A holy light burst out directly from the Tiangong, and then pierced that person's chest, and his soul was also shattered.

"Give you one more chance, don't be shameless. Swear not to fight for the World Tree, and become my slave. I will spare your death, otherwise, you will surely die." Brother Xiao Tianshen, once again ruthlessly Said.

After waiting for ten breaths, the younger brother of the little god, said: "Okay! Since you all have such backbone, then I will send you to hell together."

After finishing speaking, the younger brother of the little god launched an attack.

From the shadow of Tiangong, countless rays of light burst out.

Some of these lights are swords, some are knives, some are spears, and some are war halberds...

Countless weapons, in countless styles, fell down like an ocean.

Although the types and styles of weapons are different, there is one thing that is exactly the same.That's the weapons, all of them are strong, very strong.

It was just a contact, and ten people from the Supreme Academy were directly smashed into pieces.

Although Lin Mu and the others resisted, they were also very breathless.

Being beaten passively like this would be very uncomfortable for anyone.

Lin Mu and the others looked very ugly.

"Brother Lin, how about whoever breaks into the Heavenly Palace first gets the World Tree?" Bai Yixian said with a very ugly expression as he looked at the Heavenly Palace hanging above his head.

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "It's just what I want, I also want to break open this rag to see what the Supreme's arm looks like!"

(End of this chapter)

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