Supreme Chef

Chapter 1900 The Demonized World Tree [Part [-]]

Chapter 1900 The Demonized World Tree [Part [-]]

The world tree was demonized, and the projection of Tiangong disintegrated.

Such things happen one after another!
Not only did this not make everyone discouraged, but it further aroused everyone's determination and enthusiasm to get World Tree.

Because in their view, this is not the demonization of the world tree at all, but the recovery and resurrection of the world tree.This is a great opportunity, a gift from God to them.

It is hard not to make everyone envious of a revived World Tree.

This is a true supreme treasure, one of the strongest dao seeds in the world.If you get it, let alone the Immortal Emperor, even the Immortal Emperor, the Great Emperor, or even the Supreme Being, I am afraid it is not a problem.



The members of Zhantai's family and the younger brother of the little god shot at the World Tree at the same time, trying to detain the World Tree.

And the World Tree that has absorbed the projection of Tiangong seems to be full and wants to rest and digest.Regarding the detention of the two, World Tree didn't even make a move to resist.

This made the two of them more determined to take down the World Tree.

But at this point, no one will take a step back.

All those who have ideas about the World Tree have all shot at the World Tree.

Lin Mu also seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and prepared to make a move.

The three Baiyixians kept their promise very much, they didn't make a move, and they were still helping Lin Mu to deal with the intruder.

"Aren't you afraid of catastrophe when you offend Tiangong like this?" Little Tianshen's younger brother, seeing that the people he brought could not completely stop the top experts in the Supreme Academy, also yelled threateningly.

But at this time, who would pay attention to his threats.What's more, he can't represent Tiangong at all, and his threat has no power at all.What's more, even if they are powerful, can't they be ordinary behind them?
Except for the trees, who has no secrets and guardians behind him.If you really do it, no one may be afraid of anyone.

"Get up!"

But among all the contenders, Lin Shu is the most powerful.

Lin Mu directly cast his own method, and then used his strongest power to directly shake the World Tree.


The branches and leaves of the World Tree swayed, and the stars one after another on the branches and leaves all swayed together, as if they were about to burst.

Lin Mu's body is really too strong, among the people present, no one can compare with Lin Mu.

Even among Tiangong and Zhantai's family, there is almost no one who can really compare with Lin Shu physically.

"No matter which one of us succeeds, we can't let him succeed. Otherwise, it will inevitably become a serious problem for our two families in the future."

Brother Xiao Tianshen said, with a serious face.Lin Mu has already shown great strength and potential. If Lin Mu gets the World Tree again, it will be even more powerful, and it will be really troublesome.

The members of Zhan Tai's family nodded directly, and said: "Yes, then we will join hands and deal with him first. Then we will deal with those little soldiers."

The two reached an agreement, and then decisively shot Lin Mu.

Although the two are not the strongest in their respective forces, they are not weak either.And because of their respective families, the resources they obtained from their respective forces are not weaker than any core disciples at all.

In addition, the teachings the two have received since they were young are also top-notch, so the cooperation between the two should not be underestimated by anyone.

Facing the cooperation of the two younger brothers, Lin Mu did not dare to be careless at all.

Lin Mu firmly grasped the World Tree with one hand, and slapped it out with the other hand.

The billowing witch energy, like a dark cloud like lead and ink, moved towards the top of the two of them and covered them.

"What a terrifying witch energy, what kind of ancient method, I have never seen it even in the Tiangong!" A horrifying thought flashed through the heart of the little god brother, but he still made a decisive move.


The Wuqi and the attack of the two collided in mid-air.

The attacks of the two sides collided, producing countless black destructive thunders.This is truly terrifying and frightening, the black thunder destroys the sky and destroys the earth, destroying countless places in just an instant.

This piece of soil, because of the roots of the World Tree, is stronger than other places.

But it was the first collision between the three to have such destructive power, which is really absolutely amazing.

"As long as you can help us win the World Tree, our two families are willing to give you endless benefits. It will allow you to enter the ancient land of our two families. It will allow you to directly observe the traces left by the supreme being and help you break through.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "The abacus is quite shrewd? But you give me a reason to help you. Why should I help you instead of getting it myself?"

"If I get it myself, it is really my own. I am not interested in what others give to me.

Xiao Tianshen's younger brother and the members of Zhan Tai's family, hearing Lin Mu's blunt answer, both of them were so angry that their teeth itch.

"Lin Mu, don't be shameless. Now I'm giving you face. At least I can let you leave with face." The members of Zhan Tai's family also threatened Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the members of Zhan Tai's family, sneered directly, and said: "It seems that your companion has hidden a lot from you. Ask your companion to see if you have this ability, so that I can leave with dignity. Or I will keep you here forever."

Little Tianshen's younger brother gritted his teeth and made a 'creak' and 'creak' sound. He didn't slap people in the face, but Lin Mu slapped him in the face as soon as he came up.

"Ling Mu, don't be too crazy. You have no good fruit to eat against our two families. This small world is just a stop. You left the small world and returned to the academy. Do you think you can still keep this place?" Is it the World Tree?" The younger brother of the little god said coldly.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "I won't bother you to worry about it for me. Whether it can be preserved or not is my business and has nothing to do with you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu slapped his big hand, and the witch energy was directly suppressed.

This is the real dark cloud cover, and the witch energy is born to restrain the immortal essence to a certain extent.

So even though it was a joint effort between the two, it still didn't have any advantage.


The two groaned in unison, and then both of them took half a step back from being bombarded by the tree.

How can the two younger brothers stop Lin Mu, who was completely killed on Xing's head.

Even Lan Mo and Tian Dao may not be Lin Mu's opponents at this time.

"That's right. I've grown up very fast. It should be enough to hone my Dao heart." The prince of Wuxian Dynasty looked at Lin Shu with no emotion in his eyes.

This guy really made Lin Mu feel very uncomfortable, so Lin Mu also turned his fist decisively, and punched him directly.


Endless blows of fists, mixed with thunder all over the sky, just swept towards the real prince of the Wuxian Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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