Supreme Chef

Chapter 1901

Chapter 1901
Seeing that Lin Mu took the initiative to attack him, the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty immediately became angry.

In his eyes, Lin Mu can only be the cornerstone of his enlightenment, when will it be Lin Mu's turn to attack him.


The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty pinched a hand formula, and then stretched out his sleeves, all the attacks were received by him in the sleeves.

"The universe in the sleeves! The real universe in the sleeves!"

Seeing the tactic performed by the prince of the Immortal Dynasty, many people's expressions changed.

Many people know the trick of keeping things in their sleeves.

But what they have used are only small methods, the real Owl and the Universe, but a real big method.

This is a true supreme method, created by Qiankun Zun, with infinite power.When the sleeves are stretched out, the heaven, earth and universe are contained. According to legend, if it is performed by the supreme being, even time cannot escape the storage.

And the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, the universe in his sleeves, is obviously the real supreme law.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The younger brother of Xiao Tianshen and the younger brother of Zhan Tai's family also recognized who they were after seeing such a scene.

"Senior brother of the Wuxian Dynasty, can we join hands to solve this person, and then collect the World Tree together?" The two of them communicated together, hoping to join hands with him.

"Hmph!" There was only a cold snort in response to them.

This cold snort already contained everything he wanted to say.Apparently, the prince of the Immortal Dynasty didn't bother to join forces with these two younger brothers.

Being slapped in the face so bluntly, the expressions of both of them changed.

"Don't forget that the Wuxian Dynasty lived under the Heavenly Palace back then. You should know what choice is most beneficial to the Wuxian Dynasty." The younger brother of the little god said coldly.

The prince of Wuxian Dynasty looked at Xiao Tianshen's younger brother jokingly and said: "If you are not a fool, go back and ask your ancestors. What is the relationship between Wuxian Dynasty and Tiangong, or you can ask One question. Why did Tiangong collapse so quickly!"


Little Tianshen's younger brother got an astonishing inside story from the prince of Wuxian Dynasty.

Even Lin Mu and the others were shocked. Could it be that the rapid decline of Tiangong has something to do with Wuxian Dynasty.

If this is the case, then the Wuxian Dynasty is too terrifying, and it is certain that there must be many secrets in the Wuxian Dynasty that outsiders do not know.

After finishing speaking, he ignored the expression of Little Heavenly God's younger brother, but looked at Lin Mu and said, "Lin Mu, you offer the World Tree, and I can spare your life for the time being."

Lin Mu responded forcefully, saying: "Do I need you to spare my life? If you want the World Tree, you can grab it if you have the ability."

"The World Tree is my family's totem, do you think I can use it strong?" Prince Wuxian Dynasty spoke again, revealing another big secret.

"The World Tree is the totem of the Wuxian Dynasty! The history of the Wuxian Dynasty must be so long!"

The world tree is something from the ancient times. If it is the totem of the Wuxian Dynasty family, then the history of the Wuxian Dynasty began in ancient times.

This made many people think of the name of Wuxian Dynasty and some legends about Wuxian Dynasty.

There have long been rumors that the Wuxian Dynasty is of ancient blood.And the reason why they are named Wuxian is because they don't pay attention to the current immortals.

If the current prince of Wuxian Dynasty is added, then all these legends can be verified.

And if all of these are true, then what he just said about Tiangong is very likely to be true.

After all, a bloodline that can continue from the ancient times is a truly supreme existence.

Lin Mu was also shocked by this result.Although there have been such rumors for a long time, after all, no one has confirmed whether this is true or false.

But even if everything is true, it is impossible for Lin Shu to give up the World Tree.

"Since you don't shed tears when you see the coffin, I'll let you understand when you die." After the prince of Wuxian Dynasty finished speaking, he made a strange handprint.

"No speaker card!"

"Awu Guda!"


From the mouth of the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, Lin Mu and others spoke a language they had never heard before.

"Could it be an ancient divine script!"

Some people suddenly thought of something and couldn't help shaking their bodies.

Primordial is a mythical age that disappeared, and the writing and language of that era were also called divine writing.

According to the legend, the divine writing of the ancient times does not need special deduction at all, it itself represents the way of heaven and is the root of all writing in this world.

However, with the disappearance of Taikoo, the divine text also disappeared.The current characters are all developed and continued based on some divine characters scattered in the ancient sites.But compared with the real divinity, it is too far behind.

As for how strong the divine language is, just look at the Shanshui Academy, which is juxtaposed with the Supreme Academy.

Shanshui Academy specializes in worldly oracle, which is very mysterious.Even if it shows up now, no one knows what kind of existence it is.

However, all elders will warn their disciples.The people of Shanshui Academy should not be offended, and at the same time, they should be treated with courtesy.

Following the sacrificial oration read by the prince of Wuxian Dynasty, the whole space began to distort.

"What is he reading, if he can understand, maybe he can realize something?" Bai Yixian said in a whisper.

At this time, Lord Jiuyao Xing suddenly said indifferently, "He's talking about the eulogy of the ancient times. I'm afraid Lin Mu will be in trouble this time."

Bai Yixian and Gu Jian, hearing Lord Jiuyaoxing's words, couldn't help but looked at Lord Jiuyaoxing together, and said, "You are from Shanshui Academy!"

The origin of Jiuyao Xingjun has always been very mysterious, and he has been rising like a comet.But no one knows what his background and origins are like.Even some of the background that is occasionally revealed is just to cover up, and it is not true at all.

Jiuyao Xingjun said calmly: "I have studied in Shanshui Academy, but I am not an official student of the academy."

Hearing what Jiuyao Xingjun said, Bai Yixian and Gu Jian looked at Jiuyaoxing Jun even more strangely.

Being able to study in the Shanshui Academy as a non-official disciple, the origin of this Jiuyao Xingjun seems to be even more mysterious.

Lord Jiuyaoxing looked at the two of them and said, "Everyone has secrets, and Lin Mu also has secrets that we don't know about. And there are no less secrets than the three of us."

The two immortals in white couldn't keep asking after hearing this.

But Bai Yixian still didn't give up and said, "Can you translate for me the meaning of these words?"

Lord Jiu Yaoxing said: "This kind of mourning text is very old, I have never learned it in Shanshui Academy."

Bai Yixian rolled his eyes and said, "I don't want to say that."

At this time, Lin Mu was desperately suppressing, and Lin Mu couldn't let him succeed no matter what the mourning text called to the World Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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