Supreme Chef

Chapter 1902 The old cucumber is fighting

Chapter 1902 The old cucumber is fighting

Just when Lin Mu was desperately suppressing it, the voice of Yao Wang Ding suddenly came from his mind.

"Boy, World Tree asked you to let go of this trunk."


Lin Mu has not been able to communicate with World Tree until now, and he does not know how the medicine king cauldron got in touch with World Tree.

The old god Yaowang Ding was there, and said: "I don't know about that, I can barely understand what it says."

Although Lin Mu hesitated, he believed that Yao Wang Ding would not lie to him, and he also believed that World Tree would not deceive him.

So Lin Mu let go decisively and gave up control of World Tree.

The World Tree lost control of the trees, and flew directly towards the prince of Wuxian Dynasty.

Seeing that the World Tree was about to be obtained, the prince of Wuxian Dynasty couldn't help being overjoyed.

Lin Mu did make him feel a little troublesome. After all, besides Lin Mu, there were other people who were eyeing him, so he needed to be careful.

Especially the one who didn't know where he went, the yin and yang twins.

These two people who were in the same era as the vice president of the Supreme Academy put a lot of pressure on him.Especially now, these two old cucumbers have no idea where they are hiding.

The invisible enemy is the most terrifying.

As the voice of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty became more and more high-pitched, the World Tree also flew towards him quickly.

But how could it be taken by him like this, just when the World Tree is within reach.

Finally, someone broke out, and the yin and yang twins who had been hiding before suddenly made a move and jointly attacked the prince of Wuxian Dynasty.

Two people, one black and one white, one yin and one yang, attack in exactly the same way, but the effects they produce are completely opposite.

But it is precisely because of this that the power that erupts is even more terrifying.

What kind of person is the scariest, not the kind of person who can only sneak attack, nor the kind of old monster who has lived for a long time.

It's the old monster who has lived for a long time, and the person who is willing to lower his face and sneak attack, such a person is the scariest.

If you look at it regardless of your standpoint, Lin Mu appreciates the duality of yin and yang.

Because they are similar to themselves in some ways.He can also lower his face and make a sneak attack shamelessly.

After all, survival is the real thing. Things like shame are the affairs of big shots. Lin Mu never considers himself a big shot.

The sneak attack of the yin and yang duo made the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty unexpected.

But after all, he is one of the strongest princes in ancient times, even if he is completely passive, he can still make the most correct counterattack.

Turning around abruptly, stretching out the sleeves, the universe in the sleeves was displayed directly.


When Qiankun unleashed, the attack of the Yin and Yang Dual Venerables was directly accommodated by the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty into his sleeve robe.

The real world in the sleeve is very terrifying.

However, the Yin and Yang Dual Venerables are not idle people.Seeing that the attacks of the two of them were received into the universe in his sleeves, he didn't panic at all.

Suddenly the expression of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty changed, and then he heard an explosion, and then his sleeve robe was blown away.

The blue blood flowed down, almost crushing the void.

This is the real king's bloodline, which contains the precipitation of time and unimaginable potential.

"The three old cucumbers are fighting." Lin Mu added shamelessly at this time.

In fact, what Lin Mu said was not bad. The three of them were indeed contemporaries. Compared with Lin Mu and the others, they were indeed old cucumbers.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the three of them cast a cold light at the same time.

"What are you looking at, I also have allies!" Lin Mu remembered at this moment, and pulled his allies together.

Seeing Lin Mu's actions, the three Bai Yixians were so angry that their teeth were itchy with hatred. This Lin Mu really has no bottom line.

Bai Yixian and the others really regretted it, because when they were in the fairy world, Lin Shu was not like this at all.Lin Mu's performance at this moment obviously has the rhythm of deliberately tricking them.

But now that they have become allies, they can only endure it. After all, they still need some spirit of contract.

The three Yin and Yang Shuangzun looked at Lin Mu coldly, and then ignored Lin Mu again.

After all, Lin Mu voluntarily gave up the World Tree, which meant that he gave up the fight.

"Are you two determined to compete with me? This is of no benefit to the two of you. If you are willing to withdraw, I can represent the Wuxian Dynasty and allow you to enter my family's ancestral land for three days. "The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty said, looking at the Yin and Yang Shuangzun.

Hearing such words, everyone was shocked.

What kind of existence is the ancestral land of Wuxian Dynasty.

If no one was tempted before, then most people are already tempted now.

Because everyone now knows that the history of the Wuxian Dynasty began in ancient times.

In the ancestral land of the Wuxian Dynasty, there may be ancient mythological inscriptions.If you can comprehend one, I am afraid that you can get unimaginable benefits.

However, the yin and yang twins were obviously not tempted, and the two said one by one: "It is more important for us to obtain the world tree."

Seeing such an answer without any sense of disobedience, Lin Mu was also amazed.

"These two old cucumbers cooperate quite tacitly," Lin Mu said.

"Zhuzi, if you dare to say one more word, I will kill you!" The yin and yang twins finally couldn't stand Lin Mu and had no bottom line.

Lin Mu said quietly: "It's really unwise for you two to offend me at this time. Although I don't want to admit that I am the most powerful person here, but the fact seems to be the case. So you have to think about it. Do you want to offend me?"


This was everyone's new answer to Lin Mu, and at the same time, it made Bai Yixian and the others feel that Lin Mu was 'scary' even more.After all, an opponent who can be cold-blooded and completely shameless is really terrifying.

The yin and yang twins obviously finally accepted Lin Mu's proposal. If Lin Mu is allowed to enter the arena now, there may be too many variables.

However, if Lin Mu does not enter the arena, it does not mean that no one else enters the arena.

Xiao Tianshen's younger brother and members of Zhan Tai's family chose to enter the arena at this time.

The World Tree is something they must fight for, and it cannot be given up.

However, the two no longer entered the arena alone, and both of them led Tian Gong and Zhan Tai's family behind them to enter the arena together.

The two of them understood that it wasn't something they could say whatever they wanted.Unless their elder brother came, otherwise, they were still a little bit close.

But if they lead the people behind them into the arena together, they will have the strength to compete in the world.

"Aren't you still willing to give up?" The prince of Wuxian Dynasty said coldly to Tiangong and Zhantai's family.

"Impossible to give up!" This time Tiangong and Zhantai's family said in unison.

"Good! Good! Good!" The prince of Wuxian Dynasty said three good words in a row, and then the sleeve robe behind him unfolded without wind, as if he was like a real god.

"Since none of you are willing to give up, I'll let you take a look at the real horror of World Tree."

"Guli Jiwa, Wuta Hakalou..."

He recited the divine script again, but this time the divine script was different from the one just now.It is no longer a eulogy, but to motivate the World Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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