Supreme Chef

Chapter 1903 I have a bottom line

Chapter 1903 I have a bottom line
With the chanting of the divine text, the world tree is shining.The luminous world tree became clear, with a jade-like feel.

Lin Shu looked at the World Tree, and his eyes lit up.

Lin Mu never thought that the World Tree could be used to attack.And let alone attacking, even if it was defense, Lin Mu never thought about it.

But looking at it now, this world tree is really extraordinary.

But Lin Mu couldn't understand more and more, why World Tree let himself give up at this time, doesn't it want to restore to become the strongest form?

The divine language urges the World Tree, and the World Tree shines brightly, illuminating this place like daytime.


The World Tree swept across directly, as if the sky was falling.

This blow directly swept across the forces of the three parties, countless branches, like chains of order one after another.It spread like a spider web, covering all three parties inside.

The yin and yang twins, Tiangong and Zhantai's family were all shrouded inside.

Seeing such a sweep, the forces of the three parties all changed color.

This is such an attack by World Tree, and no one has seen it yet.

The three parties all took action and used the strongest means to defend.



The branches of the World Tree easily pierced through the defenses they arranged, and they couldn't prevent it at all.

The branches danced wildly, as if out of control.

In fact, Lin Mu also saw that he had indeed lost control.

The prince of Wuxian Dynasty also discovered such a terrible fact.

The world tree is out of control!

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty tried his best to recite the divine script, but the World Tree was fundamentally out of his control.

This made the prince of Wuxian Dynasty also feel a little flustered.

An uncontrolled World Tree is absolutely terrifying, especially the World Tree activated into a combat form is even more terrifying.It is completely unpredictable what kind of damage it will cause.

Looking at such a scene, Lin Mu understood why World Tree let him go.

Obviously, he already sensed that something was wrong, so he let Lin Mu let go.

Some spectators also noticed something was wrong.Obviously things have gone beyond control, beyond their expectations.Everything is going in a direction that is out of control.

The branches of the world tree form a huge field.The branches completely enveloped this place, and each branch represented a chain of death.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty changed to a different kind of divine language, but this time it was not manipulation but destruction.

Because World Tree also launched an attack on him.

World Tree was deliberately silent, and then attracted him to activate World Tree's attack form.Then World Tree can attack and squeeze them all dry.This is the real purpose of the World Tree, the World Tree has truly been demonized!
With the chanting of this divine script, some branches of the World Tree began to burn.


There was a painful roar from the World Tree, which was very harsh and full of violence and evil.

The world tree should not be like this, it should be Zhongzheng Peace, the mother that feeds back the whole world.

Now the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty also realized that things are completely different. He must kill the World Tree before being killed by the World Tree.

The other three parties have also taken action. After all, this is a fatal matter, and they must do their best.

Both Tiangong and Zhantai's family have resorted to their biggest killers.

In addition to the projection of Tiangong, Tiangong also has a piece of metal that is as golden as gold.

But this is not gold, but a piece of rust that has fallen off from Tiangong.

Although it is just a piece of rust, it also possesses infinite power.

This is absolutely fatal to the World Tree that has just been demonized and just started to germinate.

Zhan Tai's magic weapon at the bottom of the box gave Lin Mu a familiar feeling.Of course, if the ancestor of the mermaid clan was around, he would be gnashing his teeth.

Because this used to be hers, she found it in the endless ocean, but was deceived by the ancestor of the Zhantai family.

The endless sea water is surging, but this sea water does not nourish the world tree, but drowns all the branches of the world tree one by one.

As for the Yin and Yang Dual Venerables, they are not good people either.The two used the method of combining yin and yang to create terror with universal destructive power.

Especially the yin and yang double mace in the hands of the two of them is even more terrifying.But no one knew them, so they couldn't tell their origins.

Although the World Tree was demonized, the time was too short after all, and it will only be a short time before it regains its vitality.Faced with the simultaneous attacks of so many masters, the branches died and withered in piles.

"These people are really good treasures at the bottom of the box. If I fight head-on with them, I might be the one who suffers." Lin Mu murmured as he looked at the people in the mid-air who were desperately fighting for their lives.

At the same time, Lin Mu also understood that World Tree was using their hands to deal with the demonized trunk.

Bad, that's the kind of person you're talking about.

World Tree usually doesn't say a word, but now it's such a move suddenly, it's really bad enough.

The Quartet is worthy of being the strongest among the strong. With the concerted efforts of the Quartet, the newly sprouted vitality of the World Tree was completely stifled.

And all the demonic nature contained in it has been scattered.

The world tree has finally turned into a bare trunk again. After all, it still takes too much time to recover.

If the world is long enough, let alone four of them, even forty more will be given for nothing.

The World Tree has returned to its original appearance, and the eyes of the people from all directions staring at the World Tree are even hotter.

Without consciousness at all, the world tree like a piece of white paper is more likely to be engraved with your own brand, which makes it easier for you to enlighten yourself.

Lin Mu looked at the trunk that had returned to its original appearance, and felt a little tangled in his heart.

After all, they have put in so much hard work and labor, it would indeed be a little too ugly if I just grabbed it like this.And doing this is too bottomless, and people will really poke the spine.

But if Lin Mu were to give up like this, Lin Mu would never be able to do it.

In desperation, Lin Mu could only communicate with Yao Wang Ding.

"Discuss with World Tree, see if it makes a move, and attract its trunk. I'll take care of the rest, and you can't be too bottomless, right. Let it come by itself, and I can say that World Tree Choose me."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Yao Wangding was really speechless, and said, "You have a bottom line? Is this your bottom line?"

For the first time, Lin Mu felt that the magic weapon birthing device spirit was a bit disturbing.

Lin Mudao: "This is my bottom line, you can ask World Tree to agree or not. Anyway, let me grab it directly, I can't afford to lose face."

But it seems that there is no communication with Wang Ding at all, and the World Tree moves by itself.

The branches of the World Tree swayed, forming an inexplicable rune, and then the rune formed a huge formation.

And the world tree outside was really attracted and flew towards the forest.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu also showed joy on his face.

Regarding the divine language issues that everyone reported, let me explain this.Xiao Yu is also a mortal, so she doesn't know what divine writing is like.Let's make up your own brains, and when Xiaoyu finds the text of another plane, I will introduce it to you!

(End of this chapter)

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