Supreme Chef

Chapter 1905 The world is bigger than you think

Chapter 1905 The world is bigger than you think
Lin Mu's three allies have already demonstrated their strength.This kind of power made some arrogant people in the Supreme Academy further see their own insignificance.

For people from the fairy world, they have never really looked down upon them.But when the trees came up, they felt they were wrong.

Now that the three Baiyixians have all emerged, they realize how outrageously wrong they were.

"Except for Lin Shu, the remaining three people all have their own unfathomable backgrounds, and they are not the same." The people in the college seemed not to make themselves too ugly, and someone immediately stood up and said.

People always need to find self-comfort by themselves, and what he said can't be wrong.The three of Jiuyao Xingjun do have their own backgrounds and opportunities.

But even if there is only one tree, it is enough for them to feel ashamed.They occupy the most advantageous resources and have the best exercises.But they still lost to Lin Mu.

At this moment, Lin Mu stood opposite the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, and the aura between the two of them was terribly serious.

In the boundary between the two, thunder appeared continuously.

This is the thunder produced by the friction between the two people.The friction of momentum has already become so intense, it would be unimaginable if they really made a move.

The prince looked at the trees and said in a calm tone: "The World Tree is not something you can control. Handing over the World Tree can protect you from death."

Lin Mu's face was no longer calm and leisurely as before, but was replaced by a face of fortitude.

This is a formidable enemy that cannot let our guard down.

"As I said, World Tree chose me by itself, and it has nothing to do with me."

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty calmly said: "Since you insist, I can only kill you in advance. I thought you were good enough, and I could wait for you to grow up, and then use it as my stepping stone. But now you want to die, I can only fulfill you."

The words of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty are very domineering.And if this is the case, no matter who it is, they will feel angry from the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Mu was no exception, and said, "When I step on your face, I hope you can say the same thing."

The prince of Wuxian Dynasty didn't have any expression on his face, obviously he really didn't pay attention to trees.

For such a pretentious person, stepping on him directly is the best response to him.

Lin Shu flashed by with one step, and his body disappeared in front of everyone like a ray of light.

As soon as Lin Shu came up, he started at the limit speed, which also made the eyes of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty brighten.

With a blunt punch, Lin Mu exerted all his strength, preparing to let this arrogant prince know that this is no longer his time.

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty also punched and responded with the strongest means.


The fists of the two collided head-on in mid-air, smashing the void directly, causing all the onlookers to retreat quickly.

The two were deadlocked in mid-air, which surprised Lin Mu a little.

In terms of strength, Lin Mu has never been in a stalemate with anyone for so long.Strength and body have always been Lin Shu's greatest strengths.

And this pampered prince of the Wuxian Dynasty can actually compete with himself in terms of strength.

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty said, "Don't think that in this world, you are the only one who masters the supreme body training technique. The world is huge, and it's not as simple as you think."

"As expected of the bloodline inheritance of the ancient times, the resources we have mastered are really beyond our imagination." Some people couldn't help sighing in private after hearing the words of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty.

When Lin Mu heard such a response, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "The world is indeed big, even bigger than you think."

After finishing speaking, the witch energy in Lin Mu's body suddenly formed a hurricane, providing Lin Mu with infinite power.

This is a new change after the breakthrough of "Witch God Body Refining Technique", and it is a new treasure developed by Lin Mu Wushuang Holy Body.

Once a hurricane is formed, it is irresistible, and it will never turn back without blood.

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty felt a destructive force pouring into his body, and his expression changed drastically.

Although he had retreated in time, he was still too slow. The power had entered his body, directly shaking his internal organs.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and it was so dazzling on his handsome face.

"The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty suffered a loss and was injured!"

Such a discovery shocked the spectators.In their view, this should not have happened.Lin Shu is strong, but in their opinion, compared with the prince of Wuxian Dynasty who has been sealed for a long time and has the strongest blood in ancient times, it should still be much worse.

Why did the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty get injured just after the fight?

The storm in Lin Shu's body calmed down. This method can be used once.It can't last for too long, it will cause great harm to the body, and it needs very strong energy to support it.The battle has just begun, so it's not suitable to fight like this.

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty wiped off his own blue blood, looked at the trees, and said, "I was injured for the second time today. This life has given me many surprises. The prosperity of the top masters is comparable to that of ancient times. It really makes my blood boil. This is the real fight!"

As the voice fell, the prince of Wuxian Dynasty completely entered the battle mode.His blue blood formed a blue giant dragon, which rushed directly to the sky of Nine Heavens.

The chaotic and misty royal aura surrounding him also boiled up, and that chilling and powerful field made people feel like wanting to worship him.

This is the real strong man with the appearance of an emperor.

"Here comes the Yue!" The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty was really angry and used his weapon.

The weapon of the Prince of Wuxian Dynasty is a bronze and golden axe.

Whether it is in ancient times or in ancient times, Yue is a symbol of imperial power.

However, the golden ax in the hands of the Prince of Wuxian Dynasty is obviously not only a symbol of power, but also a sharp weapon for real killing.

The passage of time, the bronze, although already rusty.But the gushing breath still gives people a feeling of facing a wild beast.

Especially the dried blood on it, although an unknown number of epochs have passed.But it still makes people feel a kind of terror from the depths of the soul.

I don't know whether this is the blood of the most powerful person, or the uncooled blood of the ancient beast.

This is a real murderous weapon, and today it will definitely choose who it is.Without being stained with blood, it is definitely impossible to calm its restless soul.

The prince who got the golden ax is more like the only master in this world.Standing between the heaven and the earth, it seems to be able to directly touch the heaven and the earth.

With such a powerful person, no one is even more optimistic about Lin Mu.

Originally, his cultivation base was only one level behind, but now the weapons seemed to be invincible. They really didn't know how Lin Mu would win.

(End of this chapter)

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