Supreme Chef

Chapter 1906 Who Uses Who to Prove The Way [Part [-]]

Chapter 1906 Who Uses Who to Prove The Way [Part [-]]

The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty got his own weapon, the golden axe.Immediately launched an attack on Lin Shu, he underestimated Lin Shu ideologically, but he did not underestimate Lin Shu in tactics.

Such a person is a truly top-notch powerhouse, and such a person is a truly terrifying person.


The golden ax directly crossed the sky, and there was a faint roar of dragons and tigers.

I don't know if it was the unwilling roar of the spirit beast that Jin Yue had killed.

Lin Mu also didn't have the habit of underestimating his opponents. Facing his golden axe, Lin Mu also sacrificed his strongest soldiers.

The Shadowless Knife has a mysterious origin, and it may be the only treasure that can be upgraded in the entire Ten Thousand Realms.

Even Taoist Guang is not particularly aware of its origin, it is too mysterious.


The golden ax and the Wuying knife, confronting head-on, let out bursts of angry roars.

The golden ax completely bent the shadowless knife.

Even so, the Shadowless Knife was still strong and did not break.


Such a scene made the prince of Wuxian Dynasty couldn't help frowning.

Others don't know the origin of the golden ax in his hand, but he himself knows it very well.

This is a divine weapon that has killed a divine beast, although it has become silent and depressed due to the passage of time.

But a magic weapon is a magic weapon, and it still cannot be humiliated.And this magical weapon is recovering, there is nothing it can't stop.

But now this little-known Shadowless Knife was able to withstand the impact of his golden axe.


The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty stopped drinking, and the power in his hand suddenly doubled.

At the same time, Jin Yue himself was emitting a hazy light, making it look even more mysterious.

The sounds of dragon chants and roars became even harsher, tearing apart the space easily.

In this way, the pressure on Lin Shu is even greater.The Shadowless Knife also bent even more horribly, almost breaking where it touched.

At the same time, Lin Shu's feet were directly inserted into the chaotic and endless space, enduring unimaginable pressure.

Even so, the Shadowless Knife is still strong, without the slightest sign of breaking.

"What is the origin of the kitchen knife in Lin Mu's hand? It was a losing streak before, and there are many magic weapons. Now even this kind of magic weapon, which may come from the ancient times, can't deal with it. This Lin Mu is mysterious, and the weapon in his hand Even more mysterious!"

Seeing such a scene, many people kept asking questions.

It's not just them who are curious, even the princes of Wuxian Dynasty are equally curious.

In his impression, there is no magical weapon that can resist such a direct hit by him, and the Shadowless Knife in Lin Mu's hand is the first.


The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty yelled again, and the power in his hands was superimposed again, and the Wuying Knife became even more curved.At the same time, it also became thinner.

But even so, the Shadowless Knife still showed no signs of breaking.

"It's up to me." Just when the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty was about to increase his strength again, Lin Mu suddenly spoke with difficulty.

At this time, Lin Mu still has the strength to speak, and he is really strong enough.

"Open it for me!"

Lin Shu directly displayed his magic form, and the witch energy surged desperately, forming a hurricane.

The hurricane swept through, and the huge power was transmitted directly through the Shadowless Knife.


Feeling the oppression of such a force, the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty couldn't help but change his face, and secretly thought something was wrong in his heart.


The golden ax was thrown out of his hand by the rebound, and the prince of Wuxian Dynasty also staggered backwards.

After being suppressed by him for so long, it's time for Lin Mu to feel better.

"It's time for you to show off." Lin Mu said to Wuyingdao, and Wuyingdao seemed to be responding, and directly let out a happy trembling.


Lin Mu directly used the Sky Splitting Nine Slash.

From the first slash to the seventh slash that Lin Shu could perform, he performed all of them.

The Seven Slashes were performed continuously, and the place where the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty stood was completely turned into chaos.

This is the strongest sword technique, and such continuous use will naturally create such a terrifying scene.

"Did he lose?"

Seeing the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty who had not moved for a long time, everyone couldn't help but hesitated.

But only Lin Mu was still nervous, and the hand holding Wuying Dao became tighter and tighter.

Because Lin Mu knew that he would not die so easily.If it was that easy, he would probably have died hundreds, thousands of times.

Sure enough, the chaos slowly dissipated, and the figure of the prince of Wuxian Dynasty appeared in front of everyone again.


Seeing the appearance of the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty at this time, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Because at this time, the royal aura around the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty actually cooperated with his domain to form an independent small world, completely protecting him.

Such a defensive method, but they have never seen it before.Of course, it is mainly them, and no one can do it.

Royal energy can be used to communicate with the heavens, but it is far from enough to support a small world.

But the prince of the Wuxian Dynasty, who did not know what method he used, succeeded.

"It's very good to use you to do the righteous way now." The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty said, looking at Lin Shu, the small world around him was inhaled into his body.


With a wave, Jin Yue started again.


The prince of the Wuxian Dynasty attacked again, and the golden ax in his hand was completely used by him to hack and sweep like an axe.

But it is more powerful and more powerful when used in this way.

Lin Mu wasn't too polite either, the Shadowless Knife in his hand made several cuts in a row, and Lin Mu used the knife technique to the most subtle level.

The truly intense battle just started.This place was completely blown up, and the small world seemed to be experiencing the end of the world, with continuous collapses happening continuously.Not only here, but also the basin outside.The Ten Thousand Demon Formation was completely triggered, and all Dao Seeds exploded.

The power of the Dao seed explosion triggered even more chain explosion reactions.

This place is completely boiling, no matter who enters here, I am afraid that they will not get half of the benefits.

Those guardians, looking at the situation below, all looked solemn.

In this kind of battle, I don't know how many people they guarded can survive.I'm afraid that many people will die this time, and even they may not be able to go back to do business.

The other three parties also exploded.

Jiuyao Xingjun performed it, and the divine script of Shanshui Academy, every divine script, communicates with the way of heaven and displays the supreme power of heaven.The dual respect of yin and yang can only be passively defended against oppression.

The ancient sword is also amazing, the peerless sword intent of the sword master is perfectly displayed by the ancient sword.Everyone in Zhantai's family has already been bloodied by Gu Jian's sword.

The white-clothed fairy was also rude, and the green dragon transformed from the Yuantian vine opened and closed, matching his supreme hair, which also caused the people in Tiangong to complain to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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