Supreme Chef

Chapter 1912

Chapter 1912
Lin Mu really doesn't care about this kind of thing.Entering here by oneself, the biggest goal has been achieved.

As for this kind of thing that he can't get, Lin Mu will not force it.

And after all, my own path is different from everyone else's. Even if it is against the sky, it cannot be used as a proof for Lin Mu.

In the end, Lin Mu and others all decided to return.

When the time came, the space channel opened again.

When they really came out of the space passage and stepped on the ground of the Supreme Academy again, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The fear of the unknown is the real crisis for everyone.

Back at the Supreme Academy, everyone immediately found their elders, and told them about the colorful Taoism.

But it's a pity that even their senior teachers don't know about it at all.In the end, this matter also reached the ears of the two vice presidents, as well as the leaders of Tian Gong and Zhan Tai's family.

Hearing such words, the two vice presidents, Zhan Tai's family, and the leader of Tiangong couldn't calm down anymore.

There is actually a Dao species that can exist on the same level as the World Tree. Such news is absolutely against the sky.If such a thing is really born, the impact will definitely be sensational and unimaginable.

The two vice presidents directly opened the space channel, and the leaders of Tiangong and Zhantai's family all followed into the small world.

It is understandable that a Dao species no less than the World Tree has appeared.Even if it's his mother, he can't calm down anymore.

However, three days in a row passed, and there was no movement from inside.This made everyone a little suspicious.

After all, the strength of the vice president and others has already reached an unfathomable level.

Although their current cultivation bases are at the peak of Immortal Emperors, in the distant past, they were all Gaiden figures of the supreme and powerful level.

Otherwise, they would not have survived until now.

On the fourth day, the four returned in a panic.

It can be seen from the bodies of the four that it is obvious that all four of them were injured.

The four of them didn't say anything, and no matter who asked, they didn't say what was going on inside.

All four of them entered the retreat, and retreated to recover their injuries.

Lin Mu was also in retreat, giving birth to his own natural royal aura, which is definitely a big event, and it is also a happy event.

However, the price paid is also huge.

Lin Mu's natural royal aura was completely contrary to the way of heaven at that time.

This in itself is against the sky and is not tolerated by the way of heaven.In addition, at that time, Lin Shu was still being attacked.

Under two pincer attacks, Lin Mu had already injured Yuanyuan Daoji.

At that time, being able to persevere inside was already Lin Mu's best effort.

At this moment, Lin Mu retreated for half a month to heal his wounds in the Five Elements Cave Mansion that he snatched from the Emperor's Son.Lin Shu's injury did not seem to have improved much.


Coughing up another mouthful of blood, Lin Mu murmured softly, "Every time I get better, I am suppressed by the Dao of Heaven again. It seems that if I want to get better completely, I can only wait for the Dao of Heaven to grow into a holy medicine."

Lin Mu hurt Dao Ji this time, and it was because of the birth of his own imperial aura, which was not allowed by the current world.Except for the heavenly law grass of the holy medicine level, other methods are useless.

In my own chaotic world, there is a Tiandao grass.However, it may take some time for it to grow into a holy medicine.But fortunately, although Lin Shu could not fully recover within a period of time, it did not affect his own strength.At most, he vomited too much, just two mouthfuls of blood.

Coming out of his own retreat, before Lin Mu could get out, he found that his cave was completely surrounded.

All the members of Tiangong and Zhantai's family are here, enclosing Lin Shu's cave.

Perhaps if this was not the Supreme Academy, they would have already started.

Now that everyone is here, Lin Mu will not hide anymore.

A group of auspicious clouds rose from the foot of Lin Shu, directly reaching the top of the main peak.

Looking at the people surrounding his cave, Lin Mu said relaxedly: "I really didn't expect that the Taoist brothers from Tiangong and Zhantai's family were so polite and righteous. I just used such a big force to heal my wounds. I guard. What an honor!"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the younger brother of the little god was the first to get angry.

"Lin Mu, don't be too crazy, we are here this time to ask for the golden jade armor and the world tree."

When Lin Mu heard this, he couldn't help but sneered, and said, "You have the nerve to say this, forget that in the small world, I beat you to the knees and begged for mercy."

Little Tianshen's younger brother heard Lin Mu's words, his face changed immediately, and he roared loudly: "When did I get beaten by you and begged for mercy, I just lost one move to you..."

Brother Xiao Tianshen knew that he had been tricked before he finished speaking, and at the same time he saw Lin Mu's sly smile.

Lin Mu looked at Xiao Tianshen's younger brother with a smile and said, "You admitted that you lost to me, and I didn't have a record at the time. I was really worried that you would not admit it. Since you have admitted it now, I don't have to explain it. what."

As soon as the subject changed, Lin Mu sternly roared: "A defeated general is not brave enough to speak up. Now you are leading people to bark at my door, are you bullying that I am the only one?"

Little Tianshen's brother's face was completely ashen when he was angry with Lin Shu, this Lin Shu was really irritating.

Little Tianshen's younger brother's teeth were biting 'creak' and 'creak', as if the forest tree was being crushed by him in his mouth.

Lin Mu looked at the younger brother of the little god, and said mockingly: "Why are you practicing some iron-toothed and copper-toothed magical skills recently? It's preparation, so you're going to kill me like this?"

Brother Xiao Tianshen was really about to explode, but he was held back by the people around him.

"Brother, we didn't come here today to fight with him. If he refuses to hand it over, someone will take care of him." The person holding Xiaotianshen's brother whispered to Xiaotianshen's brother.

Brother Xiaotianshen thought of his purpose this time, and let go of his clenched fist.At the same time, he also relaxed his teeth.

"Ling Mu hand over the golden jade armor and the world tree, otherwise, no one will be able to cover you today!" The younger brother of the little god once again begged loudly.

Lin Mu said: "Why do you want to repeat the process just now? Actually, I really don't care. If you want to repeat it, let's repeat it. Anyway, it's not me who is ashamed."

Little Tianshen's younger brother directly punched Lin Mu with a 'bang' and blasted him out. He really couldn't stand Lin Mu.

However, Lin Mu didn't even make a move, and the guardian formation directly resolved his attack.

(End of this chapter)

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