Supreme Chef

Chapter 1913 I can make them too much

Chapter 1913 I can make them too much

Although the array arranged by the forest is not a top-level array.But it complements the earth veins here, and the combination is comparable to a top-level formation.

Although the younger brother of the little god was angry, he still couldn't break through the formation.

Standing in the middle of the formation, Lin Mu watched Little Tianshen's younger brother make a move, with a smile on his face, and said, "Weak chicken, you did it first. Even if I kill you now, you won't be able to say half of it." Li' word."

Little Tianshen's younger brother heard Lin Mu's words and knew that he had fallen into Lin Mu's trap again.

"Hu rumbling!"

Lin Mu raised his hand, and an earth vein dragon appeared, tearing everything apart ferociously.

Seeing such a powerful earth vein Tianlong, no matter whether it is the people of Tiangong or Zhantai's family, they are all a little silly.

"go with!"

Lin Mu shouted, and the earth vein Tianlong rushed towards the little brother of the little god.

The strong oppressive force directly locked on the younger brother of the little god, making him unable to move at all.

Finding that he was locked, the younger brother of Xiao Tianshen also panicked.

If such a powerful Earth Vein Heavenly Dragon charged directly at him, it would be able to tear him apart even with a rampage.

Seeing the earth vein Tianlong getting closer and closer, the younger brother of the little god was sweating coldly, this is really planning to kill himself.


Just when the younger brother of the little god thought he was going to die, a figure stood in front of him.

Immediately, the pressure disappeared, and the little god staggered back, as if he had lost his strength.

Standing in front of the little god was an elder from Tiangong.

Facing the Earth Vein Dragon, the elders of Tiangong spread their five fingers, forming a space quagmire, blocking the Earth Vein Dragon.

The earth vein Tianlong entered the space quagmire and was directly restricted by Tianlong.



Lin Mu spat out two mouthfuls of blood continuously, his face turned pale for a while.

"Using the big to bully the small, you are shameless." Lin Mu stared angrily, pointing angrily at the Elder Tiangong who made the move.

Elder Tiangong was also stunned by Lin Mu's sudden vomiting of blood.

I didn't use Xianyuan at all in this space quagmire, let alone an offensive method.Why did Lin Mu suddenly vomit blood?

And judging by the color of the blood spit out by Lin Shu, it doesn't look like it was pretended, or forced out by himself.This should be left by Dao injury.

Lin Mu roared and said: "The elders of Tiangong bully people, is there anyone else to care about?"

Lin Mu's voice spread far away, and almost the entire Supreme Academy was startled and heard.

As for the elder Tiangong who shot, his face was ashen.If it turns out that he is a bully, where will he put his old face.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about!" the elder of Tiangong gritted his teeth.

However, Lin Mu didn't care about it at all, and yelled again, and even used the array of sound amplification to make the sound spread farther.

Soon there was movement in all directions, and everyone went to Lin Shu's cave.

The two deans and all the elders of the Supreme Academy are here.

As for Tiangong and Zhantai's side, the team leader and the remaining elders were all present.

The two sides confronted each other, and the atmosphere was somewhat tense.

Originally, in the college, there were many complaints against Tian Gong and Zhan Tai's family.

Now seeing Tian Gong and Zhan Tai's family walking in the middle of the college in a big way, surrounding the students of the college, they are even more upset.

Although this disciple is Lin Mu who makes them equally unhappy, between external conflicts and internal conflicts, they will definitely choose to resolve external conflicts first.

The people of the Supreme Academy looked at the people of Tiangong and Zhantai's family with the same hatred.

"The two principals, people from Tiangong and Zhantai's family innocently surrounded the cave where I practiced. The elders of Tiangong shot and injured me innocently, and asked the two principals to make decisions for me." Lin Mu came in front of the two principals , said loudly.

The expressions of the two vice presidents changed when they saw the blood on Lin Mu's chest.

Lin Mu is a talented student in the academy, and Lin Mu's injury is a huge loss to the academy.

"Don't you think that you are going too far?" Hongdao said in a cold tone, looking at the leader of Tiangong.

The Tiangong team leader also looked at the elder who shot.

It is not a problem for them to surround the forest, but if they injure the forest, this problem will be a big one.

Lin Mu is obviously a genius disciple of the Supreme Academy, and has received key training from the academy.If Lin Shu was injured, the Supreme Academy would definitely not let it go.

"My lord, I didn't hurt anyone, Lin Mu pretended to be hurt!" the elder of Tiangong explained urgently.

After hearing his elder's words, the leader of Tiangong turned his head to look at Lin Mu and the two vice presidents of the Supreme Academy, and said, "My elder, you didn't hurt anyone. Your disciple pretended to be injured."

When Lin Mu heard this, he immediately became angry, and said: "He said he didn't have it, so he didn't. He made a move just now, and everyone was watching. Could it be that this thing can be faked?"

The leader of Tiangong said: "You can't fake your shots, but you can fake your injuries."

Lin Mu said: "If you have the ability, you can fake it for me. I am hurt by the Tao. Are you blind?"

The team leader of Tiangong directly shot, saying: "Insult me, court death!"

Tiangong's team leader made a move, which directly made Lin Mu feel a taste of death.


Hongdao was not polite, he snorted coldly, and also shot.


The palms of the two collided in mid-air, and the formation of the entire Supreme Academy that directly oscillated was shining brightly.

"What kind of place do you call my Supreme Academy? Is it the place where you can do it if you want?" Hongdao said angrily.

"Your disciples don't know the rules, I'll teach them to understand the rules." The leader of Tiangong said indifferently.

Hearing this, Gu Gong said with a gloomy face, "Really? If that's the case, I think your disciples in Tiangong don't understand the rules very well. Can I make a move and teach them?"

"Principal Gu, you are so upright in front of big right and wrong. It seems that I misjudged you before. I apologize to you." Lin Mu just flattered and passed, which made Gu Gong very comfortable.

As a result of Gu Gong's comfort, Gu Gong is really ready to make a move.

Gu Gong is one of the few masters now, even with the background of various forces, he is somewhat afraid of Gu Gong.

The reason why the Supreme Academy has been evergreen is also because of Gu Gong and Hong Dao, who have both literature and martial arts.

Tiangong's team leader, seeing that Gu Gong was really going to make a move, had a grim look on his face.

Obviously he has no certainty of victory, blocking Gu Gong's grasp.

"You guys better not go too far!" said the leader of Tiangong.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "Excessive. You will say that, you surrounded my cave and injured me. This is too much. Why don't you go away, and I will show off to your disciples , let them 'overdo it' too."


"What do you want? Do you want to fight against me? I think what Lin Mu said is right. You can let your disciples of Tiangong go too far." Gu Gong directly released his powerful aura, and directed at the leader of Tiangong. said the man.

(End of this chapter)

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