Supreme Chef

Chapter 1914

Chapter 1914
Gu Gong made it clear that he was protecting the trees, and the team leader of Tiangong was also very afraid of Gu Gong.

However, he also understood that none of the people he brought was Lin Mu's opponent.

The real masters in Tiangong are all in retreat now.I originally thought that the people I brought would be enough to suppress the Supreme Academy, but now it seems that the difference is a bit much.

If he really asked his disciples of Tiangong to compare with Lin Mu, Tiangong would lose face even more.

"I don't want to discuss this matter, but the fact that Lin Mu snatched my Tiangong gold and jade armor is finally a fact. Lin Mu killed my Tiangong disciple, is this finally a fact?" Dayi, the leader of the Tiangong, said awe-inspiringly.

"I'm really dumb. At your age, can you still show some face? I snatched the gold and jade armor and killed people. I did it passively. It's all because they came to me, and everyone can testify to this." Lin Mu Said carelessly.

The face of the leader of Tiangong was changing, but with Gu Gong present, he still held back and said: "I don't care, but it is always true that you kill people and seize treasures. You have only two choices now, either lose your life or lose your life." Give us your world tree."

Lin Mu was really going to be disgusted to death by his shamelessness, and said: "You are the only one in the world who can do such shamelessness. If you insist on asking me to pay you, then you Tiangong will kill my college disciples. Let's see how to compensate? What you pay, I will pay?"

"How can you disciples of the Supreme Academy be compared with my Tiangong disciples? It's just a few trash who died, and you need to pay compensation." Someone from Tiangong said arrogantly.

When Lin Mu heard this, he looked at the person who spoke in Tiangong, with the expression of 'I can't save you either'.

His words like this undoubtedly caused a thousand waves with one stone.

Not to mention that the disciples in the college are all in the same hatred, even Gu Gong, Hong Dao, and the elders of the supreme college all look ugly.

No one would be happy to be insulted like this.

"Okay! I'll see today, what is so noble about the disciples of Tiangong!" After Gu Gong finished speaking, he shot directly and grabbed the person who spoke.

The leader of Tiangong wanted to stop it, but he couldn't stop it at all.

Gu Gong pinched the speaker in his hand, restricting his cultivation, making him just like an ordinary person, even having difficulty breathing.


The disciple of Tiangong who was strangled by Gu Gong couldn't say a word at all, his face turned purple, and he might die at any time.

The elders in Tiangong had no choice but to stand up and speak out when they saw such a scene, and said, "Vice President Gu, this disciple is ignorant, so he is not worthy of the senior's hand. Besides, he is from the Zhan family. I hope that Vice President Gu will think twice. .”

Gu Gong said: "The disciple is ignorant, so he should let the elders teach him a good lesson. Don't use the Zhan family to suppress me. Even if the Zhan family's Zhan Kuang stood in front of me, he would not dare to speak like that."

After finishing speaking, Gu Gong passed a spirit pressure, and the Tiangong disciple of the Zhan family was immediately abolished.

But it just completely ruined his cultivation, and didn't kill him.

After all, it was the elders who took action against the younger ones, so it's not too much, just save his life, and if the Zhan family has the ability, let him restore his cultivation.

Seeing Gugong's strength, the people at Tiangong were a little afraid.

Lin Mu took the lead in cheering, cheering Gu Gong'mighty'.

After cheering, Lin Mu continued to speak, saying: "Now I think we can have a good discussion about compensating each other. If you can also compensate, something equivalent to World Tree, I can consider paying World Tree to you. "

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the elders of the dead disciple's family all had fiery eyes.

If Tiangong really comes up with something equivalent to World Tree, then they must be the ones who get the benefits.

The leader of Tiangong didn't expect Lin Mu to be so difficult.At the same time, they did not expect that the Supreme Academy's attitude would be so tough.

"Okay, since this is your attitude, I will go back and report this matter. But the gold and jade armor belongs to my Heavenly Palace, so I have to return it now?" If I can't take anything with me, then my face is also There is nowhere to put it.

Lin Mu said: "The gold and jade armor is my trophy. I don't care about the compensation you want to injure me, so I count you as lucky. You are still talking to me now. If this is the case, I don't have to be polite to you. You have injured me, how to compensate me. I think it should be at least a holy medicine."

The leader of Tiangong stared at Lin Shu coldly, and said, "Young man, not everyone can be arrogant. Some people will die because of this."

Hearing this, Lin Mu sneered, and said, "You're threatening me. I'm really scared, but I'm going to be crazy. If you have the ability, what should I do? If you have the ability, let me go." Your disciple, who am I?"

The leader of Tiangong really couldn't stand Lin Mu anymore.But with Gu Gong and Hong Dao present, he really couldn't take much advantage.

Team leader Tiangong said, "Okay, since you insist on this, I will send someone to deliver the holy medicine to you. I hope you will be able to accept it."

Lin Mu said: "As long as you come to give it, I dare to accept it."

The leader of Tiangong looked at Gu Gong and Hongdao, and said, "You two, originally, this time I, Tiangong, apart from coming to support, also planned to select a group of disciples from the Supreme Academy to enter the core area of ​​Tiangong for exchange. But now it seems , this matter needs to be renegotiated.”

Hongdao's expression darkened when he heard such words, and he said, "Then you all go back and have a good discussion, I won't keep two of you."

The people from Tiangong left, and the people from Zhantai's family also left.

Generally speaking, Zhan Tai's family took advantage.There are no dead people, and there are not many things to get.Most importantly, there is no shame.

After all the members of the Tiangong family and Zhantai family left, Hongdao said to all the disciples who were watching: "You have all obtained huge benefits from the small world. I hope you can seize the opportunity. Any external resources can only Playing a supporting role, only if you are really strong can you protect yourself in this last world. I hope you will take care of yourself."

"Yes! Master Dean."

Everyone handed over their hands, and then they all returned to their own caves to practice.

After all the others left, Hong Dao and Gu Gong also entered the cave where Lin Shu practiced.

When Gu Gong and Hong Dao came, Lin Shu naturally would not stop them.

"Disciple, I have met the two seniors." Lin Mu said respectfully, cupping his hands.

Hong Dao and Gu Gong nodded, Hong Dao looked at Lin Mu, frowned slightly, and said, "What's the matter with the Tao injury on your body?"

(End of this chapter)

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