Supreme Chef

Chapter 1916 Blocking the Door [Part [-]]

Chapter 1916 Blocking the Door [Part [-]]

Hong Dao's words are not an idea for Lin Mu.At most, it is a suggestion, and it is not a good suggestion at all.

The most important thing is to pour cold water on Lin Mu, making Lin Mu think about whether he should go or not.

However, after hesitating again and again, Lin Mu decided to take a look.After all, the Supreme has deduced it before, and the matter of his body cannot be delayed for too long.

The royal aura that does not belong to the current world, in his own body, although it is an extraordinary path.But now it is also a sweet burden. To put it more seriously, this is a sweet burden.

Lin Mudao: "Dean, when will I have the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Palace to challenge?"

Hongdao calculated carefully, and then said: "After 50 years, there should be a chance. After 50 years, it will be a grand meeting of our ancient academies and sects. There will be a chance at that time, and it happens that you can also take good care of it in these 50 years." Maybe we can find a different path if we make some adjustments?"

Lin Mudao: "Alright. Fifty years is enough for me to study it carefully."

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "However, the two principals, if there is still such a thing as today, you have to protect me."

Gugong snorted coldly, and said, "If they still dare to come to my Supreme Academy to make trouble, I won't be polite to them anymore."

Hongdao said: "If there is such an old antique among them, we will definitely not be polite. But if it is a fight between disciples, I am afraid that you can only rely on yourself."

Lin Mu said with a bitter face, "Both principals, I am a patient now, if you don't protect me, what should I do?"

Hong Dao squinted at the trees and said, "Don't think that I really don't know about your affairs in the small world. Will your injuries prevent you from causing trouble?"

Lin Mu scratched his head dejectedly, and said, "How can I listen to you, I will only cause trouble?"

Hongdao said: "Should I count the things you provoked one by one with you carefully?"

Lin Mudao: "Those are my passive counterattacks, they took the initiative to find me. I never take the initiative to cause trouble, and I don't want to be missed every day."

Hongdao looked at Lin Mu and said, "Then what about the matter between you and Emperor Zong?"

Lin Mudao: "I don't blame me for this. It was they who took the initiative to provoke first. If they push it further, their father would have done something wrong to me. It is considered light for me to treat them this way."

Hongdao said: "Don't say I didn't remind you, their father may not be dead. Now you are sitting too much, and when the time comes, you can decide the ending yourself."

Lin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he heard Hongdao's words, and said, "Are they still alive?"

The Immortal Emperor of this life has long since disappeared. Everyone thinks that the Immortal Emperor has already passed away at the age, so how could anyone still be alive.

Especially the emperor, how could he still be alive.If they were really alive and bullied their son like this, they would definitely not let it go.

"Why do you know you're afraid now?" Hongdao said with a sneer.

Lin Mu said: "Afraid? I haven't climbed over them before, do you think I'm still afraid of them now? I hope they are alive, so that the wronged ones have their own debts. Bullying their sons always makes me feel a bit unsatisfactory. I'd be fine if they were alive."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Gu Gong patted Lin Mu's shoulder, and said to Lin Mu very appreciatively: "You are not bad, I find that I appreciate you more and more."

Gu Gong is also a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth, so he appreciates Lin Mu's character very much.

Lin Mu looked at Gu Gong and said, "Dean Gu, actually I admire you more. The acting skills are so good, and you can stick to such a scheme with Dean Hong for so long. Let everyone think it's true."

Gu Gong said: "No, I still didn't hide it from you kid."

Lin Mu had indeed seen the matter of Gugong and Hongdao a long time ago.

After a pause, Gu Gong said: "However, the show can't go on now, and it may be more dangerous for you. Except for the five major families in the academy, the rest of the people all aspire to enter the Tiangong and other forces. At that time, in order to enter the Tiangong , they could do anything to you."

This made Lin Mu's expression even uglier, and he said, "You two deans, why don't you fight again and continue to perform this drama. Otherwise, in the past 50 years, I won't be able to stop."

The old god Gu Gong was there, and said: "For you, this is also a kind of tempering. You should cherish it well, and you should rest well. Brother Hong and I have to deal with things in the academy."

Gu Gong and Hong Dao left, but Lin Mu wasn't too depressed.

Although the imperial energy has a great impact on Lin Mu's body now, if someone comes to find fault, as long as it is not those old monsters, Lin Mu will have a solution.

The two deans left, and Lin Mu also started to practice.

The peaceful days have passed for half a year.

In half a year, Lin Mu thought of many methods and deduced a lot at the same time.

But there are no concrete results. After all, even a few supreme beings can only vaguely infer such a road.

It is still very difficult for Lin Mu to deduce it by himself.

Fortunately, as long as you let it dormant in your body, it will have little impact on your body.

Moreover, Lin Mu holds the Tiandao Grass to practice every day, and the benefits to his body are also very huge.Completely relieved, the Taoist injury in Lin Shu's body.Lin Mu's strength has also recovered a lot.

But peaceful days always pass quickly.

Just when Lin Mu wondered if he could have a long retreat, the troubles came to him on his own initiative.

"Ling Shu come out!" There were disciples from the Supreme Academy at the door, shouting at the door.

This disciple does not belong to the five major families, and should come from other forces.However, the cultivation base and strength are very good.

Among the disciples, he is definitely considered first-rate.Moreover, Lin Mu had somewhat of an impression on this person.Because he is also a disciple of Hong Dao, who is very valued.The name seems to be called Guan Ti.

But now that he came to his house to make such a call, it was obviously not a good person.

Of course, Lin Mu doesn't care about any call, nor is he afraid.

Whoever comes to me is the same.As long as they dare to fight, Lin Mu dares to fight.

Of course, if the portion is enough, it’s okay, if the portion is not enough, Lin Mu doesn’t even bother to look at it.

For example, the current one, although Hong Dao valued him, Lin Mu really didn't think highly of him.

"Ling Mu came out to accept the crime, and the seniors of the Zhan family came to ask the crime, you should come out quickly and confess your guilt." Guan Ti said loudly outside, the voice spread far away, and shocked many people.

"What is this Guan Ti going to do? Is he looking for death? Doesn't he know what kind of person Lin Mu is?"

"This Guan Ti is not a fool. How can he be a fool if he can be valued by Dean Hong? As far as I know, the Zhan family also valued him. He promised to let him enter the outer door and become a servant of the outer door of the Zhan family. He can enter Cultivate in the Heavenly Palace!" Someone said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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