Supreme Chef

Chapter 1917 Blocking the Door [Part [-]]

Chapter 1917 Blocking the Door [Part [-]]

Hearing what this person who knew the inside story said, everyone suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

But soon someone questioned him again, saying: "Just to offend Lin Mu just to become a slave of the outer sect, is it really worth it?"

"Not everyone can become a servant of the Zhan family. And the Zhan family promised him that he can enter the Tiangong to practice. This is more than any temptation for him. Where is the Tiangong? It is a gathering It is a place where several supreme essences are condensed. Such a place can be said to be full of opportunities and inspirations. It is no exaggeration to say that one day of cultivation inside is worth a year outside, or even more." The person who knew the inside story just now spoke again.

It's just that this time his tone was obviously sour, obviously he was a little jealous.

He even said that if the Zhan family approached him, he would definitely become a servant of this outer sect without hesitation.

If Lin Mu knew about this kind of thinking, he would definitely think that they were the fighting monsters among the weird ones.

Obviously you can be a human being, but you have to be a slave.

Lin Mu never believed that the cultivation environment is a necessary condition that can determine everything.

When we were on Earth back then, there was no environment for trees.Didn't he cultivate to the Golden Core Realm just as abruptly?
But Lin Mu didn't know these thoughts, but Lin Mu could hear Guan Ti's provocation clearly.


A big chaotic hand slapped Guan Ti directly.

Guan Ti subconsciously wanted to stop him, but how could he be able to stop him.


The big hands slapped Guan Ti's blocking arms, and there was a muffled sound, and then Guan Ti's arms were completely broken.


Guan Ti flew upside down and couldn't stop.


In the end, Guan Ti's whole body fell into a divine peak.

Shenfeng was smashed out of the human-shaped crater, and Shenfeng also shook non-stop.

Guan Ti, who was favored by Hong Dao, was slapped away with a slap. Obviously, everyone understood that Lin Mu's strength had increased again.

Before everyone could sigh, Lin Shu's voice came from the mountain peak.

"Go back and tell the old man of the Zhan Family what he wants and what he wants to do. Just let him come to me by himself. What's the use of letting a few stinky fish and rotten shrimps come? To disgust me? If he just wants to disgust Me, you can tell him when you go back. What he did makes me sick." Lin Mu said quietly.

Although Guan Ti was in the pothole, the anger in his heart was already more surging than a volcano.

He is a genius disciple in the academy, even this time to enter the Heavenly Palace.He chose to become a servant of the Zhan family's outer sect, but in fact he enjoyed more treatment than ordinary outer sect disciples.

But in Lin Mu's mouth, he just became a tool of disgusting people.And he was completely unable to refute what Lin Mu said.

After all, he is not Lin Mu's opponent, nor can he beat Lin Mu.Lin Mu being able to slap him away with one slap is enough to show that Lin Mu's cultivation base and strength are too much above him.

"If you have nothing else to do, just get out. I'm in a good mood today, and I don't want to kill people." Lin Mu said to Guan Ti.

Guan Ti was also in a dilemma at this time. In fact, after he passed the word here, his mission was completed.

But now Lin Mu is so unscrupulous, he doesn't follow any rules at all.When he came up, he beat himself as the envoy, and the two armies did not kill the envoy when they fought.

And his status is not just a job like an envoy.But Lin Mu didn't understand such rules at all, and beat himself when he came up.

"Why don't you want to leave, do you still want to stay with me and watch the door? But it's too dangerous for you to eat dogs like this, so I don't want to take you in. Hurry up and get out, if you don't, I'll help you get out!" Lin Mu said to Guan Ti Said.

When Guan Ti heard Lin Mu's words, he really started to clenched his fists.This tree is too shameless, and also too arrogant and domineering.

"Lin Mu, I am passing on the news of the elders of the Zhan family." Guan Ti did not give up, and continued to explain to Lin Mu, hoping to use the Zhan family's reputation to suppress Lin Mu.

But he doesn't know Lin Mu at all, Lin Mu has always been a person who is not afraid of anything.Not to mention the news of the elders of the Zhan family, even if the disciples of the Supreme came to spread the word, Lin Mu still had the same attitude.


Lin Shu slapped him with a simple, rough, and ruthless slap.

Although Guan Ti had been prepared in his heart this time, the shield that Guan Ti sacrificed was directly smashed by Lin Shu.And the bone that Guan Ti had just connected was smashed to pieces by Lin Shu in an instant.

"Since you don't know how to cherish words yourself, then I don't need to cherish talents." Lin Mu's voice came from the cave again.

"Hu rumbling!"

Before Lin Mu's words fell, a huge fighting spirit stretched across the sky and earth, accompanied by rumbling thunder, wrapped in a supreme fighting spirit descended on the land.

This is an absolutely unimaginable existence, and at the same time an absolutely unimaginable fighting spirit.

This fighting spirit seemed to fill one side of the world, and this was definitely an existence of the level of an elder warrior.And it should be a very powerful elder.

But this person has just arrived, and he hasn't waited for the attack.A more domineering aura shattered his fighting spirit in an instant.

Gu Gong made a move, and actually came directly to his door to provoke him.It would be strange if this Gu Gong could bear it.

"Brother Gu, I'm here today to take this kid away and give my Zhan family an explanation. In addition, the gold and jade armor in his hand belongs to my Zhan family. I want to get it back, and I can't let it fall outside." Zhan Those who come from the family speak politely to Gugong.

Lin Mu said: "You are not finished, are you? I have told you very precisely before. The gold and jade armor is my own trophy. As for the dead, it is inevitable. I also intend to let them go, but I can only blame They themselves are not good at learning. And they are so shameless that they openly provoke me. I can bear him with such a violent temper. "

After a pause, Lin Mu continued: "However, I would like to express my deep apologies to the lunatic Zhanjia who died in the battle. After all, he suffered a little bit when he died. Although he asked to die on his own initiative, the punishment is still a bit too much." It's serious. I should kill him straight away, so that he won't be in pain. But it can't be completely blamed on me, it's because he didn't cooperate. If he cooperated with me, he might die quickly."

The members of the Zhan family, when they heard Lin Mu's words, were really angry and were about to go violent.

But just now when he was angry, Gu Gong also became furious.

This is his Supreme Academy, no matter what, he will not let these outsiders interfere in his territory.

(End of this chapter)

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