Supreme Chef

Chapter 1918 The Strongest Servant [Part [-]]

Chapter 1918 The Strongest Servant [Part [-]]

Gu Gong's shot also suppressed the arrogance of the elder of the Zhan clan.

Although Gu Gong is not a member of the Zhan Clan, the young Gu Gong is even crazier and more belligerent than the people of the Zhan Clan.

Otherwise, Gu Gong would not have won the title of War Madman in ancient times.

Even members of the Zhan clan are very afraid of Gu Gong.

"Do you want to provoke me on the territory of my Supreme Academy?" Gu Gong asked coldly, without any politeness.

The elder of the Zhan clan said, "I'm just here to ask for justice."

Gu Gong said: "What kind of justice do you want? This matter has already been settled. If the younger generation wants to take revenge, we will not refuse. But if someone bullies the students of the Supreme Academy, we will not sit idly by. "

Lin Mu also said: "Could it be that you Zhan Clan doesn't have a decent younger generation, so you can only let you old antiques show up?"

The elders of the Zhan clan looked at Lin Mu's gnashing of teeth in anger.

"Since this is the case, then I think I must be qualified." A young voice came, followed by a luxuriously dressed man walking on clouds from a distance.

This person is indeed very extraordinary, but the headband on his head is a bit dazzling, and at the same time very discordant.

"Why is there a headband on this man's head? It's so ugly!" A female cultivator from the Appearance Association couldn't help but wrinkled when she saw such a handsome man wearing such an ugly headband. said the nose.

"Shh, keep your voice down. That headband is the symbol of the servants of the Little Heavenly God family, and only the most senior servants can have it. Don't talk nonsense. If you offend them, they won't take pity on you." Someone reminded in a low voice, for fear of These nuns say the wrong thing.

"It's just a servant, what's so scary?" The female cultivator completely disapproved, and didn't take the servant seriously at all.

"It seems that you really don't understand, the family of the little gods, but the real top-level supreme family. If you want to become a servant of this kind of core, you must at least have the strength of the peak of the fairy king. And not only that, you also need to have amazing strength It can be said that every person wearing such a headband is a young and supreme party."

"Hiss!" Hearing these words, all the girls couldn't help but gasped.

Such a Gedai character can only become a slave, which is really amazing.It is hard to imagine how strong the little Heavenly God's family is and how strong the Little Heavenly God is.

"Which onion are you, where did you come from?" Lin Mu asked looking at the young man behind.

The people behind were smiling, but their attitude was very arrogant, and they said, "My name is Yuyue!"

"What, he is Yuyue!" Hearing the person who came and announced his name, some people in the Supreme Academy were shocked and inexplicable.

"Brother, who is he?" A junior who didn't know the inside story asked suspiciously.

The senior brother calmed down for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "Yue Yue can be regarded as our senior brother."

"What, he is a disciple of my Supreme Academy?" The junior brother couldn't help but said when he heard such words.

The senior brother nodded and said, "Yes."

The younger brother said: "But why haven't we heard that there is such a senior brother in the academy? Isn't this senior brother very strong?"

The senior brother said: "If Yuyue is not famous, a disciple like Tian Dao and Yin Yang Shuangzun will be an unknown person."

After hearing this, the younger brother couldn't help being even more puzzled.Heavenly Dao and Yin Yang Shuangzun are both the most famous disciples in the academy, and they are also the top disciples.

But they had never heard of the name Yuyue.

The brother took the initiative to explain, saying: "If there is a top disciple in your academy who is a slave to others, will you be willing to admit it?"

Hearing such an explanation, most people immediately understood everything.Indeed, if such a person appeared in their own family, they would never be willing to admit it.After all, it's a shame.

But the more this happened, the more it aroused everyone's raging hearts of gossip, saying: "Senior brother, what kind of record does Yuyue have to be so famous in the Supreme Academy."

The senior brother said: "I won't talk about the far away, let's just talk about something that everyone knows. When Yu Yue was in the academy, no matter whether it was the Yin and Yang Dual Venerable, or the Heavenly Dao, etc., they were all defeated by him. Even Dean Gu Gong , It is said that Yu Yue is a rare genius who has been reincarnated for thousands of years. He was even trained as the future successor of the dean."

After a pause, the senior brother continued to speak in a low voice: "Even there were rumors at the beginning that Dean Gugong was going to accept Yuyue as the only closed disciple. He was going to give everything he had to train Yuyue. But it's a pity that Yuyue failed Gugong. Dean Gong's kindness. And this is also the pain of Dean Gu Gong. Even Dean Gu Gong has not accepted apprentices until now because of Yuyue."


Hearing such words, apart from being surprised, everyone was even more puzzled.How did such a person become a servant of someone else's family?

This is too unreasonable, how could this be the case.


Without waiting for the younger brothers to ask questions, the senior brother took the initiative to say: "At that time, Yuyue was arrogant and did not listen to the dissuasion of Dean Gu Gong. He went to challenge the little god in Tiangong, but was defeated by the little god in the end, and became the little god. Slave. According to Gugong Dean's intention, Yuyue may challenge the little god. It's just that Yuyue was too anxious and arrogant at the same time, and finally ended up like this. But now, it seems that Yuyue is more He was stronger then. It seems that in Tiangong, he also got huge benefits."

Such an experience is indeed very embarrassing.It also makes people feel sad.

Obviously he could defeat the little god, but now he has become a slave.

"Then what is Yuyue doing here this time?" someone asked.

"Can't you see it? Lin Mu injured the younger brother of the little god, and he clearly came to seek revenge for Lin Mu."

"I used to be a disciple of the academy, but now I come to deal with the academy. Such a person really is not worthy of pity." Someone understood the root of the matter and couldn't help but said angrily.

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to what was going on with this person at first, but when Lin Mu saw the slight change in Gu Gong's expression, he also became interested in this Yu Yue.

After Lin Mu listened carefully, he also discovered that Yuyue had such an experience.

However, this also shows from the side that this Yueyue is indeed somewhat extraordinary.

At the beginning, Yuyue challenged the little god with insufficient cultivation, but in the end it was just a loss.It is indeed amazing and extraordinary enough.

(End of this chapter)

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