Supreme Chef

Chapter 1919 The Strongest Servant [Part [-]]

Chapter 1919 The Strongest Servant [Part [-]]

Yuyue didn't care about the following discussion at all, even if someone made insulting remarks, Yuyue still didn't show any angry expression.

Seeing Gu Gong, Yuyue bowed seriously and said, "Dean Gu."

Seeing Yu Yue's salute, Gu Gong snorted coldly without showing any expression.

This seems to be expected by Yuyue, so Yuyue's expression is still indifferent,

"Lin Mu, you hurt the little god brother, did you come out and die by yourself, or did I tear down your kennel." Yuyue looked at Lin Mu, without any excitement on his face, as if he was talking about another ordinary household chore .

Yu Yue is indeed extraordinary, and Lin Mu also knows that the formation he arranged can stop Guan Ti, but it certainly cannot stop Yu Yue.

Lin Mu came out of Dongtian blessed land, came to stand opposite Yuyue, and said: "You are only a slave, and you dare to come and shout. Do you want to tell me that when you beat a dog, you have to be careful about who your master is?"

Yu Yue's skill in nourishing qi is really good, even so, Yu Yue is not angry at all.

"Lin Mu, what you said is useless to me. I'm used to being a slave. And I also understand that not everyone is qualified to be a slave."

Lin Mu heard Yuyue's words, and said: "You have a sense of superiority when you are a slave, it seems that you are really born to be a slave."

Yu Yue smiled and said: "How about we make a bet, if I win, you will be my slave. If you win, my life will be yours."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said: "Okay, this kind of deal sounds quite fair. It's much fairer than those shameless old guys. It's obviously a loss in the competition, and I still have the face to ask for something."

The elders of the Zhan family couldn't help but snort when they heard Lin Mu's words.

"What are you humming, you are talking about a shameless old guy like you." Lin Mu directly called the name, which is to offend to death.

Of course there is nothing, it is something Lin Mu dare not do.Besides, there is Gugong here, supporting himself.Lin Mu is even more unnecessary, afraid that this elder from the Zhan family will be lost.

"You dare to challenge my majesty, even if Gu Gong is present, he can't protect you." The elder of the Zhan family said angrily.

Gu Gong sneered, and said: "Then I want to see if I can keep my disciples from the Supreme Academy. No one has said such a thing to me for a long time."

The elder of the Zhan family looked at Gu Gong with beard and hair, and said angrily: "Gu Gong, what do you mean? Do you want to fight against my Zhan family and my Tiangong?"

Gu Gong said: "If I can't even protect the disciples of my own academy, then do you think I have any qualifications to stand here? How about Zhanjia? How about Tiangong? If you want to start a war, I will follow them all."

Gu Gong's words are bold and bold.It made all the disciples of the Supreme Academy feel excited when they heard it.

"Dean, I think you are becoming more and more likable." Lin Mu said jokingly.

Gu Gong looked at the elders of the Zhan family with a serious face, without any intention of giving in.

The elders of the Zhan family also changed a few times when they heard Gu Gong's words.

He really didn't have the courage to start a war.

After all, now is different from before, any internal friction now may lead to the demise of the whole family, the danger is too high.No one can bear it.

"Senior, let us juniors solve this matter?" Yu Yue took the initiative to rescue the elders of the Zhan family, and said.

The elder of the Zhan Family, upon hearing Yuyue's words, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, then let you handle it."

Yuyue cupped his hands in thanks, looked at Gu Gong cupped his hands again, and said: "President, I have offended you so much this time. Please forgive me."

Gu Gong snorted coldly, and finally spoke to Yuyue for the first time, saying: "From the day you left the academy, I have been in the academy without you as a disciple."

Yuyue was still smiling, and said: "But, I still remember the dean's kindness to me."

When Gu Gong heard Yuyue's words, the muscles on his face trembled slightly, obviously it was Yuyue's words that touched a certain part of Gu Gong's heart.

After Yuyue finished speaking, he looked directly at Lin Mu and said, "Let's start, even if we continue to waste like this, it's meaningless."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay, yes. Let me see, what was the pride of the Supreme Academy, what is there to be proud of now."

As soon as Yuyue waved his hand, a thunderbolt appeared in Yuyue's hand.Lei Zhentang trembled a little, and suddenly the wind blew up, and the thunder rolled like a dragon's chant.

Seeing the appearance of Lei Zhentang caused many people to sigh.

"Brother, does this Lei Zhentang also have a story?" Seeing the senior brother sigh, it aroused everyone's gossip again.

The senior brother shook his head, and said: "There is no story. This is Yuyue's famous weapon, and it was also given by the headmaster Gugong. A generation of Tianjiao, he could have become a superior person. Even if he enters the Heavenly Palace normally, he can become a core disciple. .But now, he has ended up in the role of a slave. It is really embarrassing."

Lin Mu also took out his Shadowless Knife, and treated Yuyue seriously.

Yuyue is definitely a strong man, Lin Mu must go all out to deal with it.

Yuyue didn't remind Lin Mu either, and did it directly.

The thunderbolt in his hand fell on his head, causing thunder that filled the sky in an instant, tearing apart the space.Wrapping the supreme power of the sky, it covered the top of Lin Shu's head.

Lin Mu was not polite either, and the Wuying knife slashed across, and there was also a shock.

Thunder faced Jinghong, causing the sky to shatter directly.

Such a powerful blow forced all the onlookers back.

Only Gu Gong and the elders of the Zhan family stood still.

Both of them were on guard against each other, worried that each of them would make a move and deal with Lin Mu or Yuyue.


Wuying Dao and Lei Zhentang, the first head-to-head confrontation.The sound of gold and stone hitting each other made the sky lose its color.

Compared with the killing effect of Dragon Yin, it is even worse.

If it is the disciples of the immortal monarch level who are watching behind them, let alone other things.Even this sound was enough to tear them apart.

This is the real top master, any move is a killer move for them.


As soon as the two touched each other, Yuyue took three steps back, and Lin Mu also took three steps back.

Yu Yue's face was still relaxed.Lin Mu's expression became a little more dignified.

Yuyue's power was somewhat beyond Lin Mu's expectation.

Lin Mu didn't expect that Yuyue's strength was comparable to his own.In terms of strength, his first strike didn't take advantage of anything.

"Supreme Academy, there is such an amazing disciple, I am very relieved." Yuyue looked at the trees, admiring him very much.

Lin Mudao: "However, Supreme Academy, the shame of you has appeared, which makes me feel very shameless."

Yu Yue said: "Then let me see if you have the ability to wash away my shame."

Yuyue released his aura, and Lin Shu did the same.

The aura of the two of them was like a dragon like Yuan, colliding in the void, and an incredible scene occurred.

"Hu rumbling!"

Suddenly the sky descended on the ring, sucking Lin Mu and Yuyue into the ring.

"Genius Battlefield!"

The disciples in the Supreme Academy saw it and said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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