Supreme Chef

Chapter 1920 The Strongest Servant [Part [-]]

Chapter 1920 The Strongest Servant [Part [-]]

Lin Mu and Yuyue were sucked into the top genius battlefield specially prepared for this class of disciples.

The two stood still, as if they had discussed it.The two started at the same time and shot at each other at the same time.



The two of them have already fought thousands of times just in a moment of wrong body.

The speed of the two is too fast, outsiders, except for Gu Gong and the elders of the Zhan clan, almost no one can clearly see the frequency of their shots.

The superposition of the sounds produced by thousands of fights caused unimaginable destructive power.

The constant stacking and stacking caused the space above the battlefield to slightly collapse.

This is a battlefield specially made for the top talents, but now it seems that it is obviously not enough.


Yuyue's thunder shakes, forming a vortex of lightning.The suction force formed by the vortex will attract the entire tree into it, and then strangle it.

But Yuyue obviously doesn't know Lin Mu very well, using Thunder to deal with Lin Mu is simply asking for humiliation.

Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife trembled, and then his arm trembled.Immediately, the thunder storm flew out, and then disintegrated in an instant.

After throwing away Thunder, all that was left was Lei Zhentang.

The forest tree was chopped down with a single knife, and directly used the Sky Splitting Nine Slash.

Lin Shu's knife, like a thunderbolt, slashed at Lei Zhentang's Lei wooden pole at an unbelievable angle.

Yu Yue's face changed, and he let go of Lei Zhentang directly, letting Lei Zhentang fly out by himself.

This is also Yuyue's last choice, if such a knife is cut down by the trees.His own Thunder Shock Boring was also abolished.

Lei Zhentang flew out of his hand, and also avoided Lin Shu's slash.

Yu Yue's body retreated again and again, and he also dodged the attack of the trees.

Lin Mu saw that Yuyue had given up his weapon, and with a horizontal sweep, he was about to cut Yuyue in half.

Yuyue made seals with both hands, and directly superimposed the space in front of him, forming a shield of space.

"This is what Dean Gu taught Yuyue, and it is really ironic to use it to deal with Lin Shu now." Someone said.

Seeing such a move, Gu Gong clenched his fists a little bit.

"I can't move, and I hope you don't either." The elder Zhanjia said.

Gu Gong snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry, I'm not as shameless as you."

Lin Mu swept away thousands of troops, forcing Yuyue to retreat.


Yuyue made a move with his wrist, and then Lei Zhentang flew backwards and stabbed towards Lin Shu's back.

He heard the rumbling thunder behind him, and the whistling sound that pierced the sky.Trees can only dodge.

Lin Shu dodged, and Lei Zhentang flew past Lin Shu's side.

But Lin Mu won't be at a disadvantage. Although he has one side of his body, he still makes the same shot.

Blast out with a punch, urging the witch energy.

The witch energy, as sharp as the giant ax that opened the sky, made Yu Yue have already been hit before he could react.

Yuyue's cheek was cut open, and fresh blood flowed out.

The two separated again, Yuyue touched the wound on his face, looked at the blood on his fingertips, and said: "I haven't felt bleeding for a long time, it seems that the Supreme Academy has you, it is really a blessing for the Supreme Academy .”

Lin Mu said: "You haven't died for a long time, I'll teach you how to die now. Maybe this kind of thing can make it easier for everyone to know you. After all, everyone I killed is now famous .Even if they were not well-known before, they are very famous now after fighting against me.”

Yu Yue said: "The battle between us has just begun. You should be clear, even if you say one year, two years, ten years, or eight years, I will not waver."

Yuyue's mentality was indeed the most steadfast that Lin Mu had ever seen.Even those old monsters, many of them cannot be compared with Yuyue.

However, if such a person became a slave, Lin Mu really couldn't understand it even more.

With Yuyue's aptitude, even becoming Tiangong's core disciple is a breeze.But Yuyue is willing to be a slave who is worse than a dog.Such a thing is really unbelievable, and it is not easy for people to understand.

But since Yuyue wanted it, Lin Shu didn't smell good anymore.

The two fought against each other again, and the speed between the two was still astonishingly fast.

After fighting for so long, the speed between the two has not dropped at all, but has an upward trend.This is also amazing.

The two of them were competing for complete speed, and neither of them said that they had fully used their unique skills.

But this kind of battle is also the most test of cultivation and strength.

After all, after abandoning those fancy things, is a person's real strength.

But even if it was a competition of pure strength between the two, the disciples outside were shocked from ear to ear.

The two people on the genius battlefield completely fought to the point of ecstasy.

He even said that Lin Mu had forgotten that he was his enemy.

Lin Mu just displayed and released to his heart's content, sharpening his cultivation base and strength.

Every breath, Lin Mu and Yuyue have to complete thousands of times, head-to-head without any fancy collision.

The space between the two is constantly distorted, and even cracks have appeared, as if it is about to break.

This is really amazing enough, the strength of the genius battlefield, even the real Immortal Emperor, is impossible to destroy.

But Lin Mu and Yuyue, this is the basic collision.The competition of real strength almost destroyed the battlefield.The strength of these two people has already surpassed the average Immortal Sovereign.


After the two collided again, the space between them also collapsed for a long time.

The two stood opposite each other across such a broken space.

Yuyue was already a little out of breath, after all, the Wushuang Holy Physique was really not just for fun.

Although Lin Mu's face was also flushed, he was obviously much better than Yuyue.

"It's almost enough to test and understand. Let me see your real ability. Let me see what kind of genius has appeared in the Supreme Academy." Yuyue stretched his muscles and bones, and his whole body was full of imperial aura. It began to rise up.

The royal aura possessed by Yuyue was so strong that even the Immortal Emperor felt jealous.

The imperial energy is directly connected to the sky, as if directly communicating with the way of heaven.

The imperial aura set off Yuyue, making it more like a God of War coming into the world.

Looking at Yuyue, Lin Mu felt a little depressed.You played well, what are you using your imperial energy for?

Although I have already developed imperial aura, I can't use my imperial aura at all.Wouldn't it be a very good and beautiful thing for the two of us to fight like that and then decide the winner?

Now that you have used your royal aura, what should I do?
If I also use my royal energy, I don't need to fight at all, I have already lost.

"Let me see your aura?" Yuyue looked at Lin Mu and said.

The birth of Lin Shu belonged to one's natural royal aura, and everyone knew about it.But it cannot be used, but it is a secret that only Lin Mu, Gu Gong and Hong Dao know.

(End of this chapter)

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