Supreme Chef

Chapter 1921

Chapter 1921

Lin Mu didn't use his imperial energy, Lin Mu didn't want to get hurt at this time.

Lin Mu didn't use his imperial energy, which made the faces of all the people watching the battle change.

"Lin Mu is too rampant. Although Yuyue is a slave, he has the strength not weaker than any top supreme. Even the little gods and others have a high evaluation of him. Even back then, he was only because of his lack of cultivation. It’s just a loss. He must be stronger now, and Lin Mu is going to fight him without using his imperial energy, it’s too crazy.” Some people saw such a scene, and they were also a little disappointed with Lin Mu’s performance.

The most important thing in dealing with one's opponent is to pay attention, no matter who the opponent is.Even if the cultivation base is much weaker than yourself, you must be careful of capsizing in the gutter.What's more, the opponent is still a person who is not weaker than himself.Such carelessness is likely to lead to a complete defeat in the end.

But Lin Mu's family knew that Lin Mu wouldn't care what they wanted to say about their own affairs.

However, Lin Mu's actions made Yuyue, who had not changed his expression all this time, show some changes in his expression.

Yuyue looked at Lin Mu, and said: "In the Supreme Academy, only such arrogant people will appear? If this is the case, the Supreme Academy will never be able to surpass Tiangong."

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "You don't care if you are arrogant or not, as long as you can beat you."

Yu Yue said: "Okay, I'll see you today, how can you promise me?"

After Yu Yue raised his hand, Lei Zhentang in his hand emitted a silver light.

These silver lights descended directly from the Dao of Heaven, and the terrifying sense of oppression left no doubt about its lethality.

Anyone standing under this silver light will become a hedgehog without any possibility of survival.

Yuyue was obviously really angry, and he didn't hold back and didn't hold back.

Facing the falling silver light, Lin Mu had no intention of avoiding it, the witch energy on his body was transpiring, as if burning.

A group of black flames completely wrapped Lin Shu's body, making Lin Shu look like the reincarnation of a demon god.

"Resisting the emperor's aura with physical strength is a collision between the ancient and the present." Someone expressed emotion.

Yu Yue was also solemn, Lei Zhentang pressed down, and the silver light that filled the sky formed a huge Lei Zhentang and stabbed towards the forest.

Lin Shu was equally strong, punching directly, the billowing witch energy made the world vibrate and mourn.


The weapon collided with the silver light, and an unimaginable explosion occurred.

The space is crushed, everything is blurred, and the arena seems to be shattered.

Several rays of light flew out from a distance, instantly strengthening and stabilizing the ring that was about to be shattered.

Obviously, this is the old antique in the Supreme Academy. This battle has already attracted the attention of some old antiques.

The silver and black rays of light dissipated, and the figures of Lin Mu and Yuyue appeared.

Lin Mu's figure is still tall and straight, but the clothes on his body have been cut a lot.But this made Lin Mu look more like a demon king alive.

Yuyue's body was also quite embarrassing.The clothes on both arms have been completely shattered.The exposed skin was also terribly twisted, with very horrific twisted veins, and at the same time, the arms were dripping with blood, which looked very horrific.

Neither side took advantage of this blow, but it attracted the attention of many old monsters and old antiques.

"Come again!"

Lin Mu's fighting spirit was also fully aroused, Wu, born to fight for a living.Go up to the sky, go down to the ground.

The more passionate the battle, the more it can arouse the fighting factor in their bodies.will stimulate their potential.


Lin Mu rushed out, Yu Yue also rushed out.

The two disappeared in midair once again.The speed of the two of them was extremely fast.

Even the spiritual sense couldn't keep up with the speed of the two of them.Everyone can only judge where the two of them have fought based on the continuous damage from the space.

But soon, all kinds of explosions and all kinds of destruction came from the entire arena.

It made it impossible for people to tell where Lin Mu and Yuyue were fighting.

At this time, someone made a move, and a silver mirror appeared in front of everyone.

In the mirror, Lin Mu and Yuyue appeared.But even in the mirror, the figures of the two of them were still almost becoming a white line.

"What kind of mirror is this?" Someone asked without knowing the origin of the mirror.

"This is the academy, which is specially prepared for such a battle. It can slow down the speed of the two sides in the war by hundreds to thousands of times." Someone with inside knowledge said.

"Then how much has it slowed down?" Someone asked curiously.

"There are numbers on the mirror, and now it is [-] times slower." Someone pointed to the numbers on the mirror and said.

"It's been slowed down by [-] times, and it's still at this speed, which is a bit too surprising." After hearing such a conclusion, everyone clicked their tongues.

Lin Shu is like an unrivaled demon king, every punch will bring blood.

And Yuyue is also not a weak person, every time he strikes, he will envelop the supreme power of heaven, make the world eclipse, turn the universe upside down, and also bring unimaginable troubles to Lin Mu.


Suddenly behind Lin Mu, a pair of thunderous wings appeared.

The wings are also covered with a layer of black wizardry, which looks so weird and at the same time so extraordinary.

With a shake of the wings, the tree disappeared from the silver mirror.Obviously, at a speed of [-] times, the trees can no longer be seen.

Lin Shu's sudden acceleration was clearly not what Yuyue expected.

Yuyue didn't check for a moment, he was punched directly on the chin, and his body flew upside down.

However, Yuyue's reaction can definitely be ranked among the top among the masters.

Although his body was in the air, Lei Zhentang had cast a thick shadow.

Each of these shadows is real and contains infinite murderous intent.

Touching any shadow will cause a chain reaction, sending out a killing array.

This is used to block Lin Shu, although it cannot completely block Lin Shu's attack, but it can slow down Lin Shu's speed and buy himself time.

Sure enough, Lin Mu's body rushed into the shadow, causing the place to explode all of a sudden.

Countless rays of light lit up, and then connected into one piece.A huge killing array was formed, blocking Lin Shu's body.

On the silver mirror, the figure of Lin Shu appeared again.

However, Lin Mu didn't retreat, and still advanced at super fast speed. The thunder wings formed two shields, protecting Lin Mu's body.Even though the killing array here is raging, it can't hurt Lin Mu's body at all.

(End of this chapter)

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