Supreme Chef

Chapter 1922 Amplifying the imperial spirit

Chapter 1922 Amplifying the imperial spirit
Lin Shu's body moved forward like a whirlwind, and everything he passed was crushed into pieces.

Such a strong body really makes people jealous and speechless at the same time.

Soon Lin Mu's body disappeared on the silver mirror again, and Lei Zhentang in Yuyue's hand stabbed tens of thousands of times in a row.

The numbers on the silver mirror began to change.

two thousand!

The speed of Lin Mu and Yuyue was slowed down two thousand times, and their figures once again appeared on the silver mirror.


Lin Mu's fist slammed heavily on Lei Zhentang's Lei Mu pole, which was almost completely bent.

But Yuyue still persisted, the royal aura in his body began to boil, as if it was burning.

And with the burning of imperial energy, Yuyue is gradually moving back to the disadvantaged position.

Yuyue was not fighting alone, but using the power of heaven to fight against the power of forest witch.

This is a perfect interpretation of the perfect ancient law to the current law.


The two separated again, and flames rose from their bodies.

Lin Shu's body was burning with a pitch-black witch fire, and there was a charm of contempt for the world in it.

What burns on Yuyue's body is the real fire of heaven, which arouses the resonance of heaven and earth, like the darling of heaven and earth.



The two kept colliding, and they both tried their best to use their strongest attack methods.

The arena was reinforced three times in succession before it was completely stabilized.

Such two amazingly talented people have already attracted the attention of all the old monsters.

Even the elder from the Zhan family couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw these two amazing and talented people.

It seems to be comparing Lin Shu with the little God of War from the Zhan family.

"Although there is a slight difference, the distance is not far away. And he is still young. If he grows up, he should be someone who can compete with the little God of War. Such a person must not be left behind." The elder of the Zhan family just looked at it for a while , there is already a decision.

Turning his gaze to Yuyue again, the eyes of the Zhan family elders were somewhat playful.

"This Yuyue, obviously has the strength to become a core disciple and obtain the True Inheritance of Tiangong. But he is willing to be a slave, which is really interesting. I don't know what his purpose is, but if it can really make them headache for a while, it should be a good one. choose."


On the ring, both sides come and go.It is completely fighting for life.

Both of them had injuries of varying degrees.

Of course, this was the case when Lin Mu didn't use his imperial energy, but Lin Mu couldn't use it now.

Using imperial energy, although it can solve Yuyue.But the heavy damage he suffered was also very huge, and it might not be worth it.

Yuyue is getting bigger and more serious now, he has never seen a single person.Without using imperial energy, purely relying on the strength and ability of the body, he was so comparable to himself.

He even thought again, if Lin Mu used the royal aura he cultivated, maybe he would have lost now.

"No, I, Yuyue, are undefeated."

Yuyue shouted in his heart, and the imperial energy in his whole body burned even further.

The heaven and the earth were moved together, and seven-color auspicious rays of light descended from the sky, washing Yuyue's whole body.

Three thousand roads appeared, all driven by Yuyue.

Seeing such a shocking scene, all the disciples of the Supreme Academy changed their expressions.

This Yuyue is really powerful to such an unbelievable pace, that the imperial energy has been used to such an extent.

If you break through the Immortal Monarch and become the Immortal Emperor.That is the real emperor of heaven, who commands all laws.

"go with!"

The Lei Zhentang in Yu Yue's hand shook, and immediately countless chains of order covered the trees like a spider web.

If once Lin Mu is locked up, then there must be one way of thinking waiting for Lin Mu.


Lin Mu also went crazy, roaring out the roar of the witch god back then.

The sound of 'Zha' made the whole world tremble together.It was as if the heavens and the earth had heard some unbelievable sound.

The sky and the earth trembled, and everyone's hearts trembled together. There was a deep fear and worship growing from their hearts.

"Is this the demeanor of the Primordial Witch God?" Someone asked mesmerized.


Lin Shu turned into a dharma form, and the dharma form made a move.

The big hand, which was as black as ink, covered the sky and the sun.Grabbing towards the spider web all at once, there is no fear of the pervasive black destruction thunder.



The black destroying thunder exploded around the tree's dharma.However, it didn't blow Lin Shu's arm off, it just made the witch aura on it a little weaker.


Finally Lin Mu caught the spider web, and the spider web pierced Fa Xiang's arm, but it didn't stop Lin Mu's footsteps.


Lin Mu Faxiang's arm immediately burst into flames.The blazing flame is the real fire that burns the sky.

It can really burn the sky to the ground.



The flames ignited, with the cooperation of Chaos Fire.

The chain of order that had formed a spider web was burnt through a big hole in an instant.

Then, like dominoes collapsing, the entire spider web completely collapsed.

In the end, nothing was left, and Faxiang Lin's arm was half disabled.

Yuyue looked at such vigorous trees, his face also changed a few times.

With such a move, he once forced the Immortal Emperor of Tiangong to use the power of the Immortal Emperor.

And Lin Mu didn't use the power of the Immortal Emperor at all, just relying on his own strength, he did what the Immortal Emperor could do with the power of the Immortal Emperor.

This is a bit too unbelievable, but also too powerful.

"Today I tore up your arrogance, let me see what else you can do." Lin Mu looked at Yuyue, and was really angry.


Lin Mu grabbed it with his big hand, but was blocked by something, making the sound of metal colliding.


Lin Mu stared at the thing blocking his way, frowning slightly.

Yuyue only used his domain at this time, and it was definitely not just for defense.


Even if Lin Mu knew, Yuyue must have a backup.But this still failed to stop Lin Mu's attacking footsteps, Lin Mu swung his fist, and directly smashed towards Yuyue's domain.



Lin Mu punched continuously, hitting the domain with his fists, but failed to break through.


Suddenly Yuyue's whole body of imperial energy merged with his own domain, and quickly merged into one.

At the same time, the imperial aura also grew tenfold in an instant.

"Yueyue's domain can strengthen the emperor's aura, what kind of domain is this?" Such a scene once again moved all the people who watched the battle.

Indeed, no one has seen that Yu can still grow royal.Imperial Qi is innate and used to communicate with the Dao of Heaven.It can only be strengthened through practice, and I have never heard of using one's own domain to strengthen one's imperial aura.

Yuyu is indeed able to magnify his strength and magnify a certain ability of his own.But it's unheard of to say that the imperial aura is strong.

(End of this chapter)

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