Supreme Chef

Chapter 1935 Target Lei Zong

Chapter 1935 Target Lei Zong
Standing on the Dianjiang platform, Lin Mu also had a completely unusual feeling when he looked at all the people below.

Forest trees in the past have always been fighting alone.It is rare to lead such a large legion.

This is a total of [-] million people, which is more than the total number of people in Europe on earth.

Seeing that Lin Mu was standing on the platform, all the people below were also quiet.

They have all heard of Lin Shu.After all, Lin Shu's reputation is too loud in the fairy world.

He has been hunted down by Emperor Zong all the time, but Emperor Zong has nothing to do with Lin Mu.Instead, he was constantly counter-killed and counter-killed by Lin Shu.

The last time it was even more sudden, losing 70 million people. There are more than [-] immortal monarchs and one immortal emperor.Created the most tragic battle after the end of the ancient world.

At the same time, it was also the Emperor Sect's first defeat since the birth of the Immortal Emperor.

The price Fumanlou paid was almost negligible.

Such a tragic battle shocked everyone.Of course, such a record is also one of the most important reasons why everyone is willing to join Fumanlou and jointly crusade against Emperor Zong.

"I know everyone must be very curious about why Fumanlou can create such a miracle." Lin Mu spoke, not to inspire people, nor to give everyone a warning, but to answer a question in everyone's mind.

But such an opening statement is even more attractive.Let everyone focus on Lin Mu.

Lin Mu met everyone's gaze, and said: "It's very simple, because I am in Fumanlou. I treat everyone as brothers, and I can safely hand over my back to anyone in Fumanlou .

I know to put my back in their hands and I'm at ease.I don't have to worry about the people behind me, I just need to deal with the enemies in front of me.In this way, everyone in Fumanlou can display 100%, or even [-]% of their strength.This is the reason why Fumanlou was able to achieve such a record. "

After a pause, Lin Mu continued, saying: "I don't care what purpose you come here, and I don't want to care. I just want to tell everyone that after arriving here, if anyone present betrays something, they will be killed without pardon." .I will choose a team to monitor all the people who betrayed my brother, as long as I find Killing Unforgiven!"

Lin Mu suddenly raised his voice, startling everyone present.But the awe-inspiring murderous aura on Lin Mu's body was not faked.

That chilling feeling made everyone's heart tremble.Eight hundred million people felt the cold at the same time, and everyone finally knew how scary the trees were.

Of course, Lin Mu also used some small tricks. Lin Mu's use of Kill Dao, coupled with the amplification of the Fumanlou Formation, created such an effect.

"I won't say anything superfluous. If you can be sure that you can treat the people around you as brothers, you can stay. If you can't, you can leave now. I won't stop anyone. But I, Lin Mu, can also guarantee that breaking the If Emperor Zong has what I eat, everyone will. Because I can treat everyone as brothers." Lin Mu said sincerely.

What Lin Mu said was such sincerity. Lin Mu didn't say much, but he infected everyone.

No one withdrew, Lin Mu nodded, then raised his Shadowless Knife, and said, "Kill Emperor Zong!"

"Kill Emperor Sect!"

The people in Fumanlou came to their senses first, and then the rest of them came to their senses.

The sound was like thunder, shaking the entire Fumanlou trembling.

"Target Lei Zong!"

Lin Mu Wuying Dao pointed towards Lei Zong's direction, and then headed straight for Lei Zong.

In Fumanlou, all but 10 people were selected to form the law enforcement team.All the rest were at the front of the line.

Lin Mu is using actions to tell everyone that Fumanlou is fearless and has set an example for everyone.

When Lei Zong heard such news, the head of Lei Zong was immediately furious.

A total of ten Emperor Sects participated in the attack.But Fumanlou chose Lei Zong first, what does that mean.Could it be that he, Lei Zong, is the best bully?

He Leizong is a majestic emperor, Leidi was in the era when the great emperors came together.Although he has never fought against other immortal emperors, history has long concluded that Lei Di's strength.It is definitely the strongest existence that can challenge the Four Great Emperors.

But now Lin Mu told everyone with his actions.Lei Zong is the weakest, and Lei Zong is the easiest to bully.

This is not hitting Lei Zong's face, what is it for?
"Sect Leader, I invite you to fight, let me lead people to destroy Fumanlou." Not only the sect leader was angry, but also the elders under Lei Zong, all of them were furious.

In this way, Lin Mu will let them gain a foothold in the fairy world in the future.

"Okay! Second Elder, I will give you a million elite disciples. Give Lin Mu a lesson that will never be forgotten." The head of Lei Zong was also very decisive.

Of course more, he was angry with Lin Shu.This tree is too much, but also too provocative.


The Second Elder led millions of elite soldiers, and went to block Lin Mu with arrogance and arrogance.

But the second elder obviously overestimated himself, and of course Lei Zong really underestimated Fumanlou.

They always believed that the last time failed.It was because there were too many mobs, and it was true that all the mobs died.

But now Lei Zong is sending out elite disciples of Lei Zong.These are Lei Zong's key disciples, and they are all given high hopes.

However, the millions of soldiers who have been given high hopes have not waited to speak, nor have time to show anything.

It was directly swallowed up by the Fumanlou people who rushed to the front.Including the second elder, they were all beheaded by Lin Mu.

Lei Zong was too careless, the core of Lin Mufumanlou would not lose any of the elite of Emperor Zong.

You must know that Fumanlou's core disciple has the best alchemist in the fairy world.They don't lack pills at all, and they don't lack exercises either.Lin Mu is not stingy with the exercises he has obtained.

Because the path Lin Mu had to take was completely different from theirs.So Lin Mu is willing to pass on the various exercises he has obtained to them.

Cultivation techniques, elixirs, and Fumanlou are all the best.How could Fumanlou's core disciples be so bad.What's more, Fumanlou's core disciples have the best integrity in the entire fairy world.This allows Fumanlou to display [-]% of its strength.And Lei Zong too carelessly underestimated the enemy, this is the key to their loss.

It's just that Fumanlou is usually too low-key and doesn't want to show himself.Moreover, Lin Mu has never been a leader of expansion.Lin Mu only wanted to protect his own territory, and this time it was also forced by Emperor Zong.

Less than an hour after the million soldiers went, they were completely swallowed up.Not even a single wave was stirred up.It was even said that even Fumanlou's casualties were not reported.

This really shocked everyone from Lei Zong.If this is the case, it is really impossible to imagine and guess how strong Fumanlou is.

Lei Zong couldn't calm down anymore, they all gathered in Lei Zong's main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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