Supreme Chef

Chapter 1936 The Unexpected Thing

Chapter 1936 The Unexpected Thing
Inside Lei Zong's main hall, it was already gloomy.

The strength shown by Fumanlou really shocked Lei Zong.

Millions of elites disappeared without a splash.

"Master, we must mobilize all the elites, all the elites from the cities and sects we control. We can't underestimate Fumanlou." Some elders made serious suggestions.

"Master, Fumanlou is approaching menacingly, so we must deal with it carelessly."


The elders of Lei Zong were very disdainful of Fumanlou.But now, they really dare not underestimate Lin Shu.

The strength of Fumanlou is no longer a guess, but it is placed here.

"Master, maybe this is not enough. We should ask for help from other emperors. Lin Mu's initiative to attack this time is also an opportunity for us. If we can join forces, maybe we can swallow Lin Mu and the others in one fell swoop. Next." An elder suggested.

As soon as such a proposal appeared, some elders were immediately tempted.

"Yeah, head, Lin Mu has made a long journey this time. It is an opportunity for us. Before Lin Mu had the advantage, he was able to win that kind of victory. But now he is actively attacking, and we have the advantage. If we can seize the opportunity, we must It will inflict heavy damage on Lin Shu and them."

"Lin Mu and the others are a gang of mobs. As long as we seize the opportunity, maybe we can keep Lin Mu and the others and wipe out Fumanlou completely."

The head of Lei Zong's eyes lit up when he heard the elders' comments below.

I am Emperor Zong, and my background is unmatched by Fumanlou.He has a complete geographical advantage, and if he has the cooperation of other Emperor Sect elites, Lin Mu can definitely make Lin Mu pay a heavy price.It is even possible to destroy the entire Fumanlou.

"Inform me immediately about the heads of the Four Great Emperor Sects, and then the heads of other Emperor Sects. Invite them to come and kill Lin Shu and destroy Fumanlou together." The head of Lei Zong said loudly.

"Yes, head." The elder in charge of communication agreed, and then went down to prepare everything.

"Notify all the cities and sects controlled by Lei Zong to block Lin Shu. If you can kill Lin Shu, you will be rewarded." After all, as the head of the Emperor Zong, I have seen too many storms and waves.

Although Lin Mu wiped out Lei Zong's million elites, Lei Zong was slightly shocked.But it's only for a while, after all, they are Emperor Sect.The background they possessed was something that Fumanlou could not compare to or imagine.

Lin Mu led the people and stopped five hundred miles away from Lei Zong's control range.

Although Lin Mu has a magic weapon that can collect spirits, it doesn't mean that Lin Mu will lead people to death like this.

Regarding how to deal with Lei Zong, Lin Mu already had a complete and detailed plan.

The place where Lei Zong was located was called Leihai, and it was a place completely shrouded in lightning.This place is especially suitable for Lei Zong's people to practice, but because of this reason, Lei Zong's message here cannot be communicated quickly.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and what Lin Mu wants to grasp now is their biggest flaw.

Lin Mu was going to let Wu De and Xue Linglong infiltrate with a small group of elites first, and then cooperate with the inside and outside to launch an attack on Lei Zong.

Lin Mu never thought that he was a righteous person.So any trick, for Lin Mu, as long as it can win is the best way.

And this kind of thing, Wu De and Xue Linglong are the best at it.

Wu De and Xue Linglong originally planned to bring a team of troops, but after discussion between the two.Wu De and Xue Linglong decided that they would each lead a team into the sea of ​​thunder.

The scope of Lei Zong's control is very wide, there are 49 nine-star cities under his control, and there are countless cities below nine stars.

However, Lin Mu's goal is not these cities with less than nine stars.

As for Lei Zong, when Lin Mu came, he had already studied it.

The 49 nine-star cities just formed a continuous curve.This curve is Lei Zong's biggest defensive barrier, and at the same time, it is the only route that can correctly enter Lei Zong.

Therefore, as long as the trees are captured continuously, these 49 nine-star cities will be fine.

Wu De and Xue Linglong entered the first pass, which was also the first nine-star city.

For making troubles like this, Wu De and Xue Linglong, if they take second place.Then there is absolutely no first.

The two of them are simply masters in making trouble, no, they are geniuses.

The two of them brought people along to wreak havoc everywhere in the city.Fan the flames.

In less than a day, the city was completely in chaos.Even the City Lord's Mansion was blasted out of a big hole by two people.

The result of this is naturally that everyone is in danger and everyone is on guard.

Originally, Lin Shu's army was stationed five hundred miles away from them.Now that something like this happened again, it really made them all panic.

The entire city was mobilized, and it was strictly defended both externally and internally.

However, before their formation could be formed, Wu De and Xue Linglong did something earth-shattering in their city.

The two of them entered the treasure house in their city directly while they were dispatching their troops, and directly swept away the treasure house in the city.

And this really shocked the people in the city, everyone frantically looked for Wu De and Xue Linglong.

And Wu De and Xue Linglong took advantage of this time to directly close the formation that protected the city.

Seeing the closing of the formation outside, Lin Mu swung the Shadowless Knife directly.Where the Shadowless Knife was pointing was where they were going to attack.

The elite of Fumanlou still rushed to the front.

And such a brave move is very easy to be infected and spread.

All [-] million people were infected, especially when the elite of Fumanlou easily smashed through the city gate in the first place.

They never thought that one day, they would be able to break through the Emperor Zong's city gate.

But now they really did it. With their own strength, they broke through the gate of Emperor Zong.Stepping on the land of Emperor Zong, Emperor Zong trembled under their feet.

With [-] million people swarming in, the City Lord's Mansion was easily breached before it had time to resist.

This first level was successfully taken down by Lin Mu with almost no effort.

And Lin Mu didn't waste any time, and went directly to the second city along their escape route.

And Wu De and Xue Linglong, who were already making trouble inside, once again cooperated with each other.

The second city was also easily captured by Lin Mu's army.

Within a day, Lin Mu captured three nine-star cities in succession.

Such a record shocked Lei Zong, but made everyone in Fumanlou excited.

This can't help but be excited, this is a record they have never thought of before.Today they did it.

(End of this chapter)

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