Supreme Chef

Chapter 1937 Lei Zong Hinterland

Chapter 1937 Lei Zong Hinterland
Everyone in Lei Zong was shocked. Fumanlou's fighting power once again gave them a new understanding of Fumanlou.

In one day, three nine-star cities were captured one after another.Is this a record that a mob can have?
Even if Emperor Zong tried his best, it would probably be nothing more than that, right?
But the miracle is still expanding, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh...

Fumanlou took down twenty nine-star cities in one breath.

All the cities were looted by Fumanlou.

And these twenty cities are very necessary for Lin Shu.

Of course, Lin Mu could choose to directly attack Lei Zong's sect.But in this case, the chances of winning may not be great.

It seems that there are many people, but in fact it is exactly as Lei Zong expected.

This is a 'rabble' and the trees need to develop their confidence.At least let them not worry about confronting Emperor Zong head-on.At least let them have the courage to fight against Emperor Zong.

If you don't even have the courage, how can you fight against Emperor Zong.

For twenty cities in a row, everyone's courage and passion were fully aroused.

Lin Mu used his actual actions to tell everyone that Emperor Zong was not so powerful that he could not be matched.

Even Lin Shu was going to rest now, but they all came to ask for a fight, hoping to continue the attack.

But Lin Mu will not attack endlessly like this, it is good to have courage.But you need to be brave and resourceful, and the immortal knows how tired he is.

As for Lei Zong, everyone panicked.

Seven days and twenty sittings in the city, I am afraid that in a few days, Fumanlou will be able to enter Leizong's hinterland.

"Master, at this speed, we can't wait at all. The other emperor sects have a large army. The four emperor sects will take at least three months. Even the nearby emperor sects will need at least two One month, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait that long." An elder said worriedly.

"Yes, the head. We must find a way to solve this problem. Fumanlou's speed is too fast."


All the elders were talking about it.In the end, everyone discussed two issues. First, all the people were transferred back, and in the hinterland of Lei Zong, they carried out a crazy sniper attack on Fumanlou.The second is to push everyone to the front and block Fumanlou in advance.

In any case, it must not be like it is now. If it is like this, it is tantamount to fueling tactics.The trees fell one by one.In this case, Lei Zong's overall strength will be lost.

Of course, the previous two methods are not without disadvantages.In the first method, the trees are unimpeded all the way.Even if I wait for work with ease on my side, but Lin Mu's side will not be too tired either.

As for the second method, if it fails.Lei Zong will lose his defense, which is also very dangerous.

So no matter what choice, what method.For Lei Zong, it was a very difficult choice.

Of course, the main reason is that Lei Zong now completely regards Fu Manlou as an equal opponent to himself.

Such a choice is also a very difficult choice for Lei Zong.Of course, for Lei Zong, this is also a very humiliating choice.

Lei Zong, as the majestic Emperor Zong, was forced to such a point by a newly rising sect and power in Fumanlou after Lei Emperor who was ranked among the top immortal emperors in the world.If it gets out, Lei Zong really can't afford to lose his face.

Of course, Lei Zong has nothing to lose face now.

For seven days, Fumanlou captured twenty nine-star cities in a row.

Such a record is truly unique.Of course, since the establishment of the Immortal Emperor's era, no one has really shaken Emperor Zong.

Of course, when Lei Zong became a joke, everyone was also shocked by the power of Fumanlou.

Fumanlou can be regarded as the sect with the shortest existence in the fairy world, from the real establishment of Fumanlou to the present.All together, less than 500 years.

500 years is not enough for a person to break through from the fairy king to the fairy king.

But Fumanlou already has the strength to challenge Emperor Zong.What kind of person is able to create a miracle.

After a day's rest, Lin Mu regrouped and allowed Fumanlou to attack Lei Zong again.

Before Lei Zong could react, Fumanlou had already launched an attack.

In another day, three cities were captured in a row.

Of course, this is mainly because the cities in front have been captured, and the cities behind are really unwilling to fight.

"Sect Leader, we must make a decision as soon as possible. If this continues, Lei Zong may really be doomed."

Lei Zong's head is also downcast now.With Fumanlou pressing so hard, they really couldn't resist.

"Withdraw everyone, Lei Zong's hinterland cannot be lost." Lei Zong's head finally made a decision.

If the city in front is lost, it will be lost, but this is the hinterland of Leizong.But Lei Zong has been reincarnated for ten thousand years, and his foundation has been built for ten thousand years.If he lost it, he wouldn't even know how to face his Lei Zong ancestors.

And most importantly, in their own hinterland.If it doesn't work, you can also use the foundation.Although this is very risky, it will have a huge chain reaction in Chancheng.

But it had to be like this, he couldn't helplessly watch Lei Zong's eternal foundation being destroyed in his own hands.

Fumanlou quickly discovered this problem, and Lin Mu also quickly understood Lei Zong's plan.

But no matter what Lei Zong's plan is, and how he plans to do it.For the trees, it will not have any slight impact.

Because Lin Mu's goal is Lei Zong, Lei Zong is doing this now.It was just a decisive battle ahead of time, and for Lin Mu, there was no reaction at all.

Lin Mu took the people who were full of blessings, and they were all flat.After crossing all the remaining cities in a row, they finally came to the hinterland of Lei Zong.

Lei Zong's hinterland is completely isolated by Lei Hai, and there is a floating continent in the center.

The sea of ​​thunder is galloping, and there are huge thunder beasts running rampant inside.This Thunder Sea and Thunder Beast are daunting.

A huge sea turtle that breathes thunder, and a phoenix that is completely transformed from thunder.These are the most powerful thunderbolts, and they are the most powerful means of defense.

This is Lei Zong's final barrier, and it is also Lei Zong's last barrier.

They stopped in front of Lei Hai when they saw the trees.All the elders of Lei Zong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although Fumanlou is strong, but in the end, his background is too weak. It is ridiculous to want to shake our Emperor Zong with such a background. His mob can cross the sea of ​​​​thunder. I am afraid it will not exceed, ten One-tenth." Lei Zong's elders all laughed when they saw the scene in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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