Supreme Chef

Chapter 1938 Township Stone

Chapter 1938 Township Stone

Such a moat is indeed special enough, and it is also enough to defend against any foreign intrusion.

Thunder is in charge of heaven's punishment, and the most feared thing for monks is to cross the catastrophe.For Thunder, they have a natural fear.

"It's just a mob. Now that we have time, the head of the sect, wait for the other emperors to come together and strangle Lin Mu."

Lei Zong's people were all smiling.There is no such depression as before.

But Lei Zong apparently forgot that in this world, Lei Zong is not the only one who knows how to control Thunder.Lin Mu also knows how to control thunder, and Lin Mu has obtained the complete "True Explanation of Thunder Dao".

"This was arranged by Lei Di back then. I didn't expect that Lei Di was indeed a character. This kind of skill is at least [-]% of that of Thunder Supreme." Guang Taoist looked at Lei Hai in front of him. Highly rated.

Lin Mu looked at Lei Hai with lightning-like eyes, and he could even clearly see the mocking faces of those strong Lei Zong standing on the edge.

"Since they think it's unbreakable. If I don't give them a little surprise, it's really a waste of my trip." Lin Mu muttered softly.

After a pause, Lin Mu said loudly: "I will take the lead, and everyone will follow behind. Lei Zong is close at hand. Whether he can create history is up to everyone. Whether he can take revenge is up to everyone."


Hearing that Lin Mu was going to take the lead, everyone shouted loudly.

"Leader, let me come in front." The people in Fumanlou, hearing that Lin Mu was going to lead, all scrambled to say.

Lin Mu declined everyone's kindness, and said: "You just need to follow me, these thunders can't stop me."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he looked at the other side and sneered.

Then, Lin Shu went straight without a shadow knife, and fell down with one knife.

The Shadowless Knife wraps the supreme Thunder Dao, and it's just a direct blow.The thunderbolt fell into the sea of ​​thunder forcefully.

Lin Mu adopted the strongest and most direct way to fight against Lei Zong's moat.

The ten thousand zhang thunder fell into the sea of ​​thunder, and suddenly a ten thousand zhang passage appeared, above this passage, there was no thunder at all.

Even those thunder beasts, under Lin Mu's blow just now, all wailed and turned into powder.

There is nothing at all that can block the thunder path of the forest.

The people from Lei Zong on the opposite side, seeing such a scene, all opened their mouths in shock.

The complacent expression just now was all frozen on his face.

They really forgot, they forgot the news that the son of Lei exchanged his life for it.

They really forgot, forgot the news that Emperor Lei Zong had exchanged his life for his return.

Lin Mu has mastered the complete "True Explanation of Thunder Dao", which is the supreme secret knowledge of Lei Dao that Lei Emperor has not studied thoroughly.

In front of Lin Mu, they were happy because of Lei Hai, and they were simply humiliating themselves.

The head of Lei Zong's face also changed completely.

He didn't expect that Lin Shu's thunder path was almost complete.Even the sea of ​​thunder arranged by Lei Di back then couldn't stop Lin Mu's footsteps.


With a single finger of Lin Mu's Shadowless Saber, hundreds of millions of troops all entered the sea of ​​thunder.

Among the ten thousand zhang passages opened by the trees, it is just like flat ground.

"Activate, attack mode!" Lei Zong's leader was also very decisive.Since such a simple defense cannot stop Lin Mu's footsteps.

Then use the full attack mode, at least to consume some of their people.

In the sea of ​​thunder, every slight change was under Lin Shu's control.

When the Dao in the sea of ​​thunder began to change, Lin Shu had already discovered it immediately.


Lin Shu directly and forcibly flew into the air.

This is Lei Di's arrangement back then, the restriction in the air is even stronger, there is a real thunder path blocking the void.

The chaotic thunder of the thickness of the bucket is sharper than any magic weapon, and the chain of thunder order order.

Any of these things are truly fatal to ordinary immortals.


Lin Mu made a move, blasting Thunder Paixiu, who was rushing towards him, with one punch.

Lin Mu opened up his own domain, and melted the word 'thunder' into his own domain, which ensured that Lin Mu would not be harassed again.

Lin Shu wanted to cut off Lei Hai's attack mode and make Lei Zong helpless.

Protecting himself, Lin Shu's spiritual consciousness mixed with Thunder Dao, filled the entire sea of ​​thunder like pervasive water droplets.


Lin Mu made a move, and smashed a huge thunder wave with one punch.

This is Lei Hai's attack mode, very powerful.If it weren't for the trees, even if the Immortal Emperor entered, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get any benefits.

Lei Zong's head, standing at the very edge, looked at such a powerful tree, his expression fluctuated.

He had a very bad feeling that Lei Zong might be destroyed in his hands.


He made the move himself, and a thunderbolt, surrounded by supreme power, rushed directly towards the forest.

Lei Zong's master made a move, which was naturally extraordinary.

On the way he shot, those real stars hanging above the sea of ​​thunder all fell down like rain.

However, the head of Lei Zong didn't wait for Daoist Guang and the others to stop him.

Just when Lei Zong was the head of the sect, he thought that Lin Shu would surely die this time.

In front of Lin Mu, a stone appeared.To be precise, this is a stone that is only the size of a millstone, and it is not very good in terms of appearance or other things.

But it was this stone that easily crushed his attack.


This kind of thing shocked Lei Zong's head.


He shot again, but the result was still the same.

His attack was easily shattered by Lin Shu.And the trees were behind the rocks, and they didn't even shake.


Everyone in Lei Zong couldn't believe it when they saw everything in front of them.

Lei Zong's head seems to have thought of something.

His hands formed seals, and complex and mysterious patterns appeared all over his body.

The symbol representing thunder on his robe began to shine brighter than the sun.


Above the sky, there appeared a pair of Thor's Hammers that could not be corrupted even by time.And as soon as such a thing appeared, the entire sky lost its color.In the entire fairy world, everyone felt a kind of throbbing.It was as if there was a thunderbolt hanging over his head.

All the fairy beasts and monsters that were about to transform were all shrunk in their own caves, and they didn't dare to show their heads at all.

Even some immortals who were about to cross the catastrophe forcibly suppressed their urge to cross the catastrophe.Because of that feeling, it makes them feel very, very badly.

"Thunder Emperor Magical Artifact!"

Seeing such a baby, everyone gasped.

The Thunder Emperor's Magical Artifact is the treasure that Lei Emperor used back then.Back then, the Thunder Emperor used such a pair of Thor's Hammers to level the Ten Thousand Realms.

With such a pair of Thunder God Hammers, he controlled the punishment of heaven and established Lei Zong's supreme foundation.

There are even rumors that the Thunder Emperor back then.He also used this to attack the Supreme Avenue, but in the end he failed to pass such a road and fell halfway.

However, this pair of magic weapons escaped from the road without being destroyed.

It can be seen how powerful and immortal this magic weapon is.


A supreme thunderbolt shook Huanyu directly, and even the fairy world seemed to shake along with it.

Its goal is directed at the trees.Prepare to chop the trees to death alive.

(End of this chapter)

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