Supreme Chef

Chapter 1941 Faceless Idol

Chapter 1941 Faceless Idol
Lin Mu's heart was in the temple, looking at the center of the temple, a statue of a god that was completely sent into the clouds, he also felt a sense of worship in his heart.

However, Lin Mu resisted this urge and did not kneel down.

In the temple, apart from such a statue, there is nothing left.

So if it is really weird, then it can only be weird in the statue.

Lin Mu stared at the statue, and soon discovered some problems.That's the idol, which has no face.

And no matter how hard Lin Shu tried, he couldn't see the face of the statue at all.It is a god without a face.

As the saying goes, people need face and tree needs skin, and the same is true for god statues. A god statue without a face is like a tiger without minions.

Lin Mu jumped up, and the whole person was directly lifted up, and then quickly raised up, wanting to see what the face of the idol looks like.

But no matter how hard Lin Shu tried, no matter how high Lin Shu raised, he couldn't see the face of the god.It was as if this idol had become infinitely tall at this moment.

After flying for more than half an hour, Lin Mu also gave up.

Back on the ground again, Lin Mu found that the temple here had also completely changed.

Lin Shu was completely trapped in a chaotic space, and this chaotic space did not distinguish between north and south, nor east and west, so that Lin Shu was completely lost.I couldn't even find the way out.

The only thing that exists is this faceless idol.

This also made Lin Mu more certain that the key to this test was the faceless statue.

Lin Mu sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at the faceless statue opposite, and muttered: "I don't think Lei Di should be too narcissistic. Let me be a junior and carve his statue for him. If so, then he This Thunder Emperor is too boring."

Since it is not for him to carve a statue for him, what is the use of such a faceless god?
Lin Mu crossed his legs on the ground and thought hard for a long time, finally Lin Mu seemed to think of something.

A statue without a face, a temple without a master.

This statue was not prepared by Lei Di for Lin Mu and asked Lin Mu to carve Lei Di's face.It was Leidi who prepared for Lin Mu and asked Lin Mu to carve himself.

But for a big man like Lei Di, it is definitely not that simple, just leave a statue for Lin Mu to carve at will.

Lin Mu also made a strong shot, using Thunder to leave a little mark on it

However, the attack that Lin Mu blasted out did not leave any traces on the surface of the statue at all.

The surface of the statue was still as smooth as a mirror, without any trace left.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu was also sure.This is what Lei Di left for himself.And this is also the last test for him, the ordinary Lei Dao may not be able to leave traces on him.Unless the true solution of Thunder Dao is used, this is a test for Lin Mu Thunder Dao.

After confirming the assessment items, Lin Mu also took a deep breath.

Then pointing like a sword, Lei Dao directly turned into a carving knife, trying to leave marks on it.

But this is like a mirror, even if Lin Shu has done his best now.But there is still no way to leave any traces on the statue.

Now that he can't get out, this kind of scene also makes Lin Mu decide, so he will fight.If you fight, Fumanlou will launch a full-scale attack.

Lin Shu crossed his legs on the ground, constantly adjusting his breathing.Then run the "True Explanation of Thunder Dao" with all its strength.

It was the first time for Lin Mu to run "The True Explanation of Thunder Dao" so intently.

Such concentration did give Lin Mu a completely different understanding of Lei Dao.

Daoist Lei kills, punished by heaven.It should have been the most aggressive and toughest at the same time.

But in this world, there has never been absolute hardness or absolute softness.The same is true of Leidao, it has such a hard side, but it also has a soft side like water.

It's just that this side is hard for outsiders to see.Because no one would believe that Lei Ting still has a tender side.

But at this moment, Lin Mu deeply realized it.And I also realized that this tender side is very important to Lei Dao.

Only by mastering such a side can it be possible to truly enforce the law on behalf of heaven.After all, Heaven's Punishment is not aimed at a group of people, but at one person.And this is the flexibility of Lei Dao, it can lock automatically.No matter where he can run, he can be locked firmly.

It's not that no one in the fairy world did not practice Thunderbolt before, but no one practiced Thunderbolt's flexibility.But now this door has been opened to Lin Shu, and the rest depends on Lin Shu's understanding.

Lin Shu sat cross-legged in place for a year.Lin Shu's shoulders were already covered with dust.

From the urgency at the very beginning, now Lin Mu has forgotten both things and me, and has completely entered the realm of enlightenment.

Another year passed, and Lin Mu's fingers finally moved.But this time, Lin Shu's fingers became incomparably flexible, just like the flow of water.

At the same time, the thunder path also turned into a soft current, flowing in the palm of the forest.

Lin Mu shot again, but this time Lin Mu was no longer reckless.Instead, it gently left its own brand on it.

But this time it succeeded, the soft thunder path directly melted the pillar of the statue, leaving a trace.

Lin Mu's fingers moved completely subconsciously, because Lin Mu's eyes were always closed.

Lin Mu is now fully committed to realizing Lei Ting's gentle and watery side.

An hour passed, when the forest fell the last stroke.

The statue of Lin Shu was also completely carved.


The statue radiated a radiance that completely melted the chaos.

Only then did Lin Mu realize that he was still in that temple, and he was still kneeling in front of the statue.

It's just that now the statue already has a face, but it's Lin Mu's own face.

And what shocked Lin Mu the most was that Lin Mu calculated carefully.

The two years inside correspond to only a few hours outside.

So although Lin Mu stayed inside for more than two years, but only a few hours have passed outside.

"This is Lei Di's real method, which can even affect time. Directly use Lei Dao to forcibly arrest Dao Dao for a period of time." Lin Mu looked at everything in front of him and said sincerely.

Now the statue belongs to Lin Mu, so Lin Mu wanted to leave the temple, it was just a matter of thought.

But before leaving the temple, Lin Mu still bowed his hands very politely and said, "Thank you, senior."

"Forget it, this is the doom of my Leizong. There is no escape, but I hope you can remember what I told you. Keep the background of my Emperor Zong. Even if they die, let them die well. Let them die Valuable!" Lei Di said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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