Supreme Chef

Chapter 1942 Old Drunkard【Part [-]】

Chapter 1942 Old Drunkard【Part [-]】

Lei Di's words were spoken so freely and freely, even Lin Mu felt a little inconceivable.

Originally, Lin Mu thought that Lei Di would not let him stay, but he didn't expect Lei Di to be so free and easy, and he didn't intend to stop him at all.

"Can I really go?" Lin Mu asked tentatively.

Lei Di said: "Then do you still want to stay with me? If you want to stay with me, I can continue to teach you some things on the Leidao."

When Lin Mu heard Lei Di's words, he shook his head again and again, and said, "Let's forget it, I've already benefited from the gifts from seniors."

Lei Di sighed and said: "Just remember what I said, you can go."

Lin Mu cupped his hands seriously and said, "Thank you, senior."

The phantom disappeared, and the forest appeared on the other side of the Thunder Bridge.

"What! He passed the Thunder Bridge and passed the final test." Seeing Lin Shu's figure flashing out, Lei Zong was shocked.

No one has successfully crossed this Thunder Bridge.Moreover, it is said that there is the Thunder Emperor brand on the Thunder Bridge, and it also contains supreme opportunities.

But among Lei Zong's many talented disciples, none of them have ever successfully passed the Thunder Bridge.But today, someone like Lin Mu who came to attack Lei Zong broke through the Lei Bridge.

This may also be a great irony, because my enemies obtained the opportunity that originally belonged to them through the Thunder Bridge that originally belonged to them.

Seeing the trees passing the Thunder Bridge, Wu De and Xue Linglong rushed up the Thunder Bridge first.

After being sealed by the forest, the stone has no power.Therefore, Wu De and Xue Linglong can pass through without hindrance.

All the immortals who saw Fumanlou passed through the final barrier Thunder Bridge.The face of Lei Zong's head became even more downcast.

He had already predicted that he would become Lei Zong's eternal sinner.I will become the biggest joke in the fairy world, and I am likely to become the last head of Lei Zong.

"Master, do you want to activate the altar?" The elder behind Lei Zong's master asked cautiously.

The head of Lei Zong hesitated, wondering if he should activate the altar.

"Hey! Lei Zong has been made like this by you. I really don't know if it's because you are incompetent, or because I, Lei Zong, have run out of strength." A deep sigh sounded from behind everyone, and then the slovenly old man Lin Mu had seen before The drunkard appeared behind everyone in Lei Zong.

Everyone in Lei Zong was taken aback when they saw this dirty old drunkard appear.Because they don't know how the old alcoholic got here.They even don't know how the old alcoholic passed Lei Zong's obstacles.Of course, the most critical problem is that they don't know who the old alcoholic is.

However, the head of Lei Zong couldn't help but shiver when he looked at the old drunkard, he obviously found it very incredible.

"Senior brother!" Lei Zong's head said two words that everyone thought was impossible.

"This is the senior brother in charge, why haven't I heard of it?"

The sudden appearance of the senior brother shocked everyone, and even Lin Shu was temporarily ignored by them.

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense. There is indeed a senior brother in the head, but it is said that he is an abandoned disciple of Lei Zong. It is a taboo of our Lei Zong, so don't bring it up lightly."

"How is this going?"

"It's a taboo and no one knows exactly what happened."

The old drunkard looked at the head of Leizong, who called him his senior brother, and said: "After all these years, you still haven't made much progress. I remember I told you back then, don't mix with the four emperors, there is no benefit."

Lei Zong's head, being reprimanded by the old drunkard, did not refute, which once again made everyone curious.What kind of relationship is the head of Lei Zong and the old drunkard?The old drunkard reprimanded the head, but the head didn't even dare to fight back.

"Brother, but now..."

The old drunkard said: "I have some friendship with Lin Mu, I hope he can give me face. But I'm afraid Lei Zong, if he wants to take the initiative to admit defeat, he has to prepare a huge amount of compensation."

The head of Lei Zong heard the old drunkard's words, his expression was very ugly, and he said: "Brother, can you just pay the compensation and don't admit defeat. After all, Lei Zong is Emperor Zong. It is the painstaking efforts of the master and the others."

The old drunkard said: "If you really cherish it, you won't get involved with Emperor Zong and the others. And do you think that if you don't admit defeat, Lin Mu will just give up?"

After a pause, the old drunkard said: "Now you should be able to see something clearly, right? Cooperating with Lin Mu will not do any harm to Lei Zong."

The head of Lei Zong was still very uncomfortable.This is the pride of one's own superiority as the Emperor Sect.

The old drunkard said: "If you don't think it's necessary, you can continue to fight. I don't think I need to tell you what the final outcome will be."

"We still have the background, and we will definitely not lose to Lin Mu!" Someone said boldly.

"Bastard!" Lei Zong's head, upon hearing what the elder said, sternly cursed and was about to strike.

However, he was stopped by the old drunkard. The old drunkard looked at him and said: "Lei Zong's background is not infinite. After using it, it will be gone. If we are facing the real doomsday, what do you think we have to do?" Confrontation? Based on my understanding of trees, trees will not be wiped out. But that world will not be polite to us. When the time comes, we will fight against them."

The head of Lei Zong frowned when he heard the old drunkard's words.Apparently he was also weighing, and weighing.

The old drunkard took out the wine gourd, poured a big gulp into his mouth, and said, "You should think about it slowly. When Lin Mu comes to you, I'm afraid I won't be able to speak well."

The head of Lei Zong pondered for a while, and finally said: "Brother, I still want to guarantee Lei Zong's reputation."

The old drunkard sneered, and said: "What's the use of reputation? Can reputation be exchanged for Lei Zong to continue to exist? For so many years, I have not seen through anything other than reputation. If you insist, I will leave it to you here, and I will continue to look for it." The wine is gone."

The head of Lei Zong finally gritted his teeth and said, "It's all up to senior brother."

The old drunkard took a sip of his wine and said, "Okay, I'll go talk to Lin Mu. Just prepare your things."

The head of Lei Zong said: "Brother, Lei Zong is still..."

The old drunkard shook his head and said: "I'm not interested in Lei Zong, you are more suitable than me to be the head."

The head of Lei Zong said: "But, brother..."

The old drunkard said: "If you want me to continue to be the head, then you can talk about it."

The head of Lei Zong cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior brother."

Seeing Lei Zong's head like this, the people behind were a little dumbfounded.

There are still people who refuse the position of head of the emperor's sect.Such a thing is really unimaginable.

And it's still a head, rushing to give you the position of head.

"What is the origin of this old man?" Everyone was really curious.

"He is not an old man, nor is he an old drunkard. He is my Lei Zong, the most powerful disciple, and the person who should be the head of our Lei Zong. From now on, no one is allowed to discuss in Lei Zong." Lei Zong The master turned around and said majesticly.

"Yes! Sect Leader!" The Sect Leader's sudden fury scared everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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