Supreme Chef

1944 Ransomware

1944 Ransomware
Lei Zong's surrender and Fumanlou's strong rise have completely changed the current structure of the Immortal World.

In the past, the Immortal Realm was completely controlled by the Emperor Sect, and the Immortal Realm was not comparable to the Cultivation Realm.In the Immortal Realm, the Emperor Sect has [-]% authority.No one can challenge the majesty of Emperor Zong, unlike in the cultivation world.In the world of comprehension, there are still people who can challenge Emperor Zong.

But in the fairy world, no one can challenge the authority of Emperor Zong from the perspective of history since the end of ancient times.

But today all the history of this has been rewritten.Fumanlou challenged Emperor Zong and won the battle.

For a while, Fumanlou was unparalleled in the limelight, and countless people flocked to Fumanlou frantically, hoping to join Fumanlou.

And Fumanlou also took advantage of this time to expand wantonly.However, as in the past, it is still a boutique route.

Even among those [-] million people, Fumanlou doesn't want most of them.Of course, Fumanlou has such confidence. Fumanlou has the best alchemy king in the entire fairy world.Possessing the entire fairy world, no one can refine the divine consciousness elixir.

Of course, Fumanlou now has the capital to defeat Emperor Zong.All of this is Fumanlou's confidence, Fumanlou's strongest confidence.

The real rise of Fumanlou can be said to be a matter of joy for several families and sorrow for others.

The one who is happy is naturally the person who has been on good terms with Fumanlou.The one who is worried is naturally Emperor Zong.

Lei Zong's defeat made them worry.As the emperor sect, except for the four emperors, everyone's strength is almost the same.

If Lin Mu can deal with Lei Zong, he will naturally be able to deal with them.

In the main hall of Fumanlou, all the core personnel of Fumanlou have arrived.

Such a result made everyone very excited.

"Boss, should we go all out and get rid of the four emperor sects directly. I know that the emperor sect has a lot of good things. Wu De also knows that the location of the emperor's tomb, let's get rid of it directly for him." Xue Linglong Especially excited.

Wu De's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a tomb to steal.Not too interested in other things, but he is very interested in tomb robbery.

For Wu De, tomb robbery is no longer purely for treasures.Instead, they regard this tomb robbery as an art, as a kind of enjoyment.

The core personnel of the Emperor Sect were a little excited when they heard that they were going to attack the Four Great Emperor Sects.

They had just defeated Lei Zong, and it was the time when the momentum was booming.The fear of Emperor Zong was completely gone in their hearts.

However, Lin Mu was rarely sober and said, "The Four Great Emperor Sects have accumulated a lot, so it is not so easy to deal with. I never thought about confronting the Four Great Emperor Sects head-on. There is no need. In this kind of internal struggle, too many Consume our strength."

Xue Linglong was immediately disappointed when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "Boss, are we going to let the Four Great Emperor Sects go like this?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Of course not. Since you have done something wrong, you have to pay the price. Paying the price doesn't mean you have to take it down."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong immediately understood, and said, "Boss, I understand what you mean, you mean we are going to blackmail them, right?"

Lin Mu nodded.

Seeing it, Xue Linglong became excited again, and said: "I am also willing to do this job. I opened this mountain and planted this tree. I am best at extortion. The boss will leave it to me." Come on, make sure you get the job done."

Lin Mu said: "Okay, I'll give you everyone, you go to blackmail."

Blood Spirit Dragon said excitedly: "Okay! Okay! Boss, just wait at home."

As expected, the blood spirit dragon did not disappoint Lin Mu, and directly took all the troops to the East Emperor Emperor Sect.

When Emperor Dongdizong saw Fumanlou approaching, he was naturally angry and nervous.

However, the Blood Spirit Dragon didn't care about him at all. After he came up, according to his previous experience in fighting Lei Zong, he first went down to several cities of the Eastern Emperor Zong.

Then organize Daoist Guang and the others to attack two immortal emperor-level elders of the Eastern Emperor Sect,

After that, he threatened to invite the world's masters to crusade against the Eastern Emperor Emperor Zong together.

With Lei Zong's experience first, now Fumanlou is really popular.

Seeing so many responders, the blood spirit dragon directly led Daoist Guang and the others into the Emperor Sect.

Putting on an extremely strong attitude, he went to negotiate with the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect.

No one knew about the negotiation process, but some people knew that a great war broke out among the Eastern Emperor Sect.

Almost disturbing the background of the Eastern Emperor's sect, Immortal Emperor Ziyu was seriously injured.

In the end, Emperor Dongdizong paid Fumanlou an unimaginable amount of compensation.

Then the Blood Spirit Dragon followed suit, and all the four emperor sects were blackmailed by the Blood Spirit Dragon.

With a full load of spoils, he returned to Fumanlou.The blood spirit dragon is still very excited.

"Boss, do you want to get the other five done together? Now, I know the job." Xue Linglong said excitedly.

Lin Mu said: "No need. In less than a month, they will take the initiative to come to us."

Sure enough, it didn't take a month, the other five emperor sects all secretly sent people to discuss compensation with Fumanlou.

The four emperor sects have all subdued, what else are they missing.

When Fu Manlou really came over, they would be even more ashamed.

As a result, Lei Zong was very happy and at the same time very relieved.

Otherwise, he would have paid such a heavy price, how depressed Lei Zong would be.Now everyone is the same, and they have paid more than themselves, Lei Zong is very pleased.

Although it is the Great Emperor Sect, they are all secretly compensated.But with Wu De's big mouth around, the entire fairy world soon knew about it.

This time, Fumanlou had risen completely, forcing all ten emperors to bow their heads.And among them, the four great emperor sects are also included, such a record.I am afraid that even the most powerful ancient dynasty in ancient times would not be able to achieve such a record.

For a while, Fumanlou faintly had the strongest posture in the fairy world, attracting more people to come and seek refuge.

But Lin Mu is still very sober, no matter how many people come, tell Lin Mu to expand and occupy a new city.

Lin Mu was completely unmoved, and Lin Mu still knew very well about Fumanlou's true strength.

Fumanlou is very strong this time, but there are very special reasons for his strength this time.

Of course, the most important thing is that because of their respective fears, the emperors did not use their own background.

The first is because Lin Mu was not in a hurry to force him, so Emperor Zong was always hesitating between using it or not.The Second Emperor Zong and others also understood that the battle with Lin Mu was nothing but an internal conflict.Facing the attack from another world in the future is the real battle of extinction.At that time, even if Emperor Zong didn't want to use his background, he might have to use it.

If one counts the factor of Shenzong's background, Fumanlou is still far behind Emperor Zong.

If it expands blindly, it will be a very dangerous thing for Fumanlou.A big tree attracts the wind, Lin Mu still understands the truth.At that time, my own family will have a big business, and it will be easy to become the target of others.It's not as good as it is now, it's not eye-catching at all.It also has strong strength, which is the best.

(End of this chapter)

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