Supreme Chef

Chapter 1945 Return to the Academy

Chapter 1945 Returning to the Academy
Lin Mu's strategy, Taoist Guang and others all agree very much.

The end is coming, and everything may be destroyed.A family with a big business seems to be powerful, but in fact it will become an obvious target.

Such a thing has never happened before in history.

The supreme family, the ancient dynasty.The ancient dynasty, that one was not purged because of its huge goals.

If you go back to the ancient times, the same is true.

The dragon clan is strong and powerful, dominating the ancient capital for thousands of years.All the beasts, even the ancient ancestors were suppressed to death.

But when the end comes, the dragon clan is the first to be destroyed, and the first to be destroyed.

Historical experience tells us that the principle of shooting the first bird with a gun is true no matter what time it is.

Lin Shu's low profile disappointed many people in Immortal Realm.Originally, they thought they could see more exciting scenes.

For example, the full-scale confrontation between Lin Mu and Emperor Zong, such as Lin Mu's conquest of the fairy world.

But they were all disappointed. Lin Mu was very low-key, so low-key that everyone almost forgot that Fumanlou forced the ten emperors to bow their heads.

Of course no one will really forget, it's just that they don't quite understand Fumanlou's low profile.

"Wu De, how are you doing at Qiankun Academy?" Lin Mu asked.

Qiankun Academy is the ancient academy that took Wu De away.This is a top-level academy that exists on the same level as the Supreme Academy.Back then, there were quite a few supreme beings who came out of Qiankun Academy.

Especially the successor of Qiankun Academy, Qiankun Supreme, has a very mysterious origin.After the end of Taikoo, the first generation of Supreme, powerful and mysterious, may be related to Taikoo.

Wu De sighed and said: "Don't mention it. They look at me every day, just like looking at a prisoner. There is no freedom at all."

The Blood Spirit Dragon said contemptuously: "If it wasn't for you, thinking about robbing tombs every day, even your own home, they would watch you."

Wu Dedao: "Let me tell you again, I don't want to let the pearl be dusted. They have been dead for so long, why do they bring those things to the grave? This is a waste of money, when is it now , and don’t let them be revealed to the world.”

After a pause, Wu De said to Xue Linglong, "I'll let you see if there are ancient tombs of divine beasts in your Nanshan Beast Gate. What do you think? If there are, we will each get what we need?"

Xue Linglong also said depressedly: "Those old men also look at me every day, saying that I am their hope for the future, but in fact they still monitor me."

Lin Mu listened to Wu De and Xue Linglong's complaints, and said, "Both of you are not good birds. When you come to your respective sects, you don't think about cultivation every day, but think about robbing tombs."

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Boss. In fact, we are already practicing, the way of cultivation is just different."

After a pause, Xue Linglong said: "Boss, I heard what those old men said. In two years, there will be some exchange meeting. Boss, will you go?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Of course I will go. I came to you to discuss this matter. At that time, people from Tiangong may come to find fault with me."

Before Lin Mu finished speaking, Xue Linglong patted his chest and said, "Boss, I didn't say anything. The people from Tiangong are here, so I promise to squash it with one foot."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I'm not asking you to take action directly. You don't need to talk about being fair and honest with them."

This time, the blood spirit dragon really understood, and the blood spirit dragon suddenly realized, and said: "Boss, so you meant that, then I really understand it completely. Wu De and I are good at knocking sap. When the time comes we The two pretended not to know each other, and took pictures of each other to see who didn't like it."

Wu De slapped Xue Linglong on the head, and said: "What do you mean shooting someone who doesn't like you? We shoot whoever is rich."

"Yes." Blood Spirit Dragon immediately agreed.

Of course, Lin Mu also thought so, but this was in Fumanlou.Lin Mu still needs to establish a positive image. As for leaving Fumanlou, Lin Mu doesn't have to care.

"Little dad, I decided to go find the little fat man after you left. He said that his ancestor deduced that I would be their rescue in the future and lead them out of there." Gu Xuan also found Lin Mu and said.

Lin Mu said: "Then you can go, but be careful. Even if someone protects you, don't be too careless."

Gu Xuan nodded, and said: "Don't worry, little dad, I won't be in danger if there is a little fat man. But what about Aunt Yiyi?"

Lin Mudao: "Fumanlou should still be managed by Yiyi, and the news of the cultivation world should be kept in mind. And this time it won't take long, we should be able to come back again."

After staying in Fumanlou for another year, Lin Mu spent a good year with Liu Yiyi.At the same time, he helped Liu Yiyi to raise her cultivation to the peak of the Immortal King, and she was only one step away from becoming an Immortal King.

During the one-year period, Lin Mu not only helped Liu Yiyi improve her cultivation.At the same time, Fumanlou was completely rectified.

After all, everything can't be left to Liu Yiyi.

After some sorting by Lin Shu, the overall strength of Fumanlou has been improved by more than one grade compared to before.

Daoist Guang and the old alcoholic will not leave Fumanlou for a hundred years.Grandpa Yan and Yang Tian both had their own affairs and left long ago.

A year later, the five years agreed between Lin Mu and Gu Gong were almost over, and he had to leave.

Liu Yiyi was naturally very reluctant to leave Lin Mu.But she also knew that everything Lin Mu did now was for them.No matter how reluctant Liu Yiyi was, she would let Lin Mu leave.

On the road again, Lin Shu is already familiar with the road.

Within half a year, Lin Mu had already returned to the Supreme Academy.

This time I left the Supreme Academy, although it didn't take long.But for Lin Shu, things have changed.

Of course, the most important thing is that Emperor Zong and other people in the Supreme Academy.Seeing the trees, I was a little afraid.Of course, in my heart, I hated it too much.

Lin Mu suppressed all the emperor sects below.They were already very depressed when they were suppressed by the trees.Now their sect, the supreme foundation established by their father, has also been trampled under by Lin Shu, which makes them even more intolerable.

But for this kind of person, Lin Mu is too lazy to bother.After this time of conquest, Lin Shu's state of mind has also undergone many changes.

In Lin Mu's eyes, they were no longer opponents or enemies.There are the most of them, and they are just stepping stones for him.

Now they are nothing, even their sect is no longer a threat to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's attitude made these emperors even more angry.But now, they can only be angry.After all, if they really do it, they are no match for Lin Mu when they are tied up.

One thing has to be admitted, Lin Shu has really pulled them down too much.

(End of this chapter)

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