Supreme Chef

Chapter 1947

Chapter 1947

In the end, those who walked with Hongdao were still the same, and the number basically remained the same.

Everyone boarded a silver battleship, which is rarely used by the academy.

Because every startup has to pay an unimaginable price, and the resources required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.Also paying a high price, the speed and defense of this warship are also astonishing.Otherwise, he would not have survived in ancient times until today.

But this time, because I was going to the Burial God Realm, and I had to check the loose space, I had to use it for everyone's safety.

After boarding the silver battleship, Lin Mu also discovered the extraordinary features of this battleship.It is definitely not from the handwriting of ordinary people. The sides of the hull are all blessed with divine scriptures, making them absolutely invincible.

"This is the Supreme Academy. It was dug out from an ancient ruin. At that time, some parts of it were damaged. Later, Qi Zun personally repaired it and repaired it to what it is today." Bai Yixian came to Lin Mu at some time. Beside said.

"You came to me because you want to cooperate with me again?" Lin Mu looked back at Bai Yixian and said.

Bai Yixian smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Lin is really smart, I came to ask you to cooperate with Brother Lin?"

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian and said, "Are you sure you want to cooperate with me, are you afraid that what happened last time will happen again?"

Bai Yixian said: "It's disappointing what happened last time, but at least you won't die if you cooperate with Brother Lin. A place like Burial God Realm, even if there is no passage connecting the two worlds, is very dangerous. What's more, there are still passages , this time is more dangerous than any other time. So I still think it will be safer to find someone who is older to cooperate."

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian and said, "Do you know much about Burial God Realm?"

Bai Yixian said: "I don't know much about it, I just know a little bit. My master once entered here. The Yuantian Vine may also come from here. The Burial God Realm is considered ancient, a very famous ruin. There are opportunities and dangers in it. exist."

Lin Mu did not expect that both Yuantian Supreme and Yuantian Teng came from the Burial God Realm.

"In the legend, there are longevity medicines, ancient god corpses, magic weapons that would make another world fearful, etc. In short, it is full of all possibilities." Bai Yixian said.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Where are the two of them?"

Bai Yixian said: "The two of them didn't come, presumably they have their own plans and secrets."

Lin Mu said, "You don't have any secrets?"

Bai Yixian said: "Yes. I'm going to find the master, the place where I retreated back then."

Lin Mu said: "Then what benefits can I get?"

Bai Yixian said: "When you are in danger, I can let you take refuge in the place where the master retreats."

Lin Mu curled his lips, and said, "I'm not interested, change to someone I'm interested in?"

Bai Yixian said: "I can give you a clue about the god corpse, it is the ancient witch god, you can use him to deduce the power of the ancient witch god, or refine it into a supreme puppet."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said, "Evacuation and clues, we will make a deal."

The white-clothed fairy smiled and said, "Okay, it's a deal."

The silver battleship stretches across the sky and the earth.Constantly jumping in space, at the very beginning, Lin Shu could roughly know the distance.

Later, I couldn't remember the distance and direction at all.Even the north, south, east, and west are already unclear.

The Burial God Realm is too far away from the Supreme Academy.

After flying non-stop for more than a year, the speed of the battleship slowed down a bit.

Feeling the change in speed, everyone woke up from their practice, and everyone came to the deck of the battleship.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was shocked.

This place is really a ruin, but this ruin is a bit too big, too big.

"Is that a city?" Someone pointed to a city-like building made of floating stars in the distance and said in horror.

Hongdao looked at it carefully, and then said: "That's not a city, it's just a section of the ruins of the city wall."


The ruins of a section of the city wall are composed of a piece of stars, so how big should the city be.There is really no way to imagine the existence.

"When you get here, everyone has to be careful. Anything here can easily kill you. Even a speck of dust can crush a world. Don't try anything here. Otherwise, you will not even know how you died." Hongdao solemnly warned everyone.

As if to verify Hongdao's words, at the moment Hongdao's words just fell.

A stone that looked smaller than a nail hit the protective layer of the silver battleship.


Suddenly the hull shook violently, as if it was about to disintegrate.The protection was almost broken, and everyone was shaken to pieces.

Fortunately, the battleship was extraordinary and did not disintegrate.

Seeing such a scene, everyone's face turned pale.

This place is called Burial God Realm, and it’s really not called for nothing.Let alone gods, anything buried here is possible.

Just a small stone caused such damage, and everyone had a bad feeling about this trip.

After another period of time, everyone finally saw the crack that penetrated the myriad worlds.

At this time, there are indeed some unstable factors in the cracks here.

The pitch-black devilish energy was constantly tumbling, as if something was about to come out of it.

Seeing such a scene, Hong Dao and Gu Gong changed their expressions completely.Immortal World is not ready yet, if they come here at this time, Immortal World may be doomed.


Suddenly, a group of devilish energy erupted, and the stones that almost destroyed the battleship just now were completely powerless to resist in the explosion of devilish energy, and all turned into dust.

Everyone's faces turned even paler. If it hadn't been hit by a stone just now, but by the devilish energy, the silver battleship probably wouldn't have existed.

Lin Mu's expression was equally solemn. Lin Mu had fought against people from that world several times.Deeply aware of their strength.If at this time, they invaded in an all-round way, Immortal Realm would not have any ability to fight back.

After observing carefully for a while, Hong Dao controlled the silver battleship and left.Go to this time, the place agreed upon by everyone.

This is a relatively stable place with much less danger. It can be regarded as a safe harbor and has been blessed by several supreme beings.

Argent battleship soon arrived, such a floating safe haven.

Looking at this normal-sized city, bound by countless sacred scripts and countless space chains, Lin Mu and other disciples felt dizzy.

The supreme method is really unimaginable.Too exaggerated, and too powerful.

The battleship entered the city, and Lin Mu and others also saw it. Four or five warships of the same level had already docked inside.Obviously, the Supreme Academy did not come early.

(End of this chapter)

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