Supreme Chef

Chapter 1948 I Didn't Cause Trouble This Time

Chapter 1948 I Didn't Cause Trouble This Time
This is the first frontal collision between heaven and earth, such as the Supreme Academy, since ancient times.

Or to put it a bit bigger, this can be regarded as the comprehensive recovery of the ancient times.At the same time, in a sense, it also marks the full opening of the doomsday, and everyone has to work hard for themselves to survive.

These battleships made the disciples of the Supreme Academy excited, but at the same time they had some vague expectations.

"This safety island was arranged by Supreme in ancient times. Although it has been reinforced, it is not too firm and stable. You cannot do anything here. If you violate it, you will be killed." Hongdao said before disembarking , Seriously warn everyone.

"Yes, Dean."

"Ling Mu, especially you, if you destroy this place with your own hands, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you." Hongdao specially told Lin Mu.

Hongdao's words also made everyone focus on Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was a little depressed, why should he remind himself specially.Looking at it myself, does it really look like the kind of person who finds fault?

Lin Mu said: "Dean, as long as no one provokes me, I will definitely not strike first."

Hongdao said: "If someone provokes you, you should try to be patient."

The situation here is very complicated, and the Supreme Academy is no longer what it used to be. Although there are fierce people like Gugong, they still have a profound background.But after all, it is not the same as before, if it really causes trouble, it will be very troublesome.

Lin Mu said helplessly, "Okay. I promise, as long as he doesn't attack me first, I will definitely not do it. Is it okay?"

After changing the subject, Lin Mu said: "But if he takes the lead in attacking me, I will definitely not be polite."

Hongdao nodded, very satisfied with Lin Mu's answer.

It's just that Bai Yixian looked at the trees with some amusement in his eyes.

"What do you look at, I'm a man and I don't like men." Lin Mu said.

Bai Yixian said: "I want to see how you take the initiative to force them to do something to you later. I'm looking forward to it very much."

Lin Mudao: "What nonsense, I will be fine, take the initiative to cause trouble?"

Bai Yixian said: "You are telling the truth. You never cause trouble. But you are a trouble yourself, and things will always come to you by themselves."

Lin Mu wanted to refute, but thought about it.It seems that this is indeed the case, and things will always come to you on your own initiative.On this point, Lin Mu really has nothing to refute.

"Is there nothing to say?" Bai Yixian asked jokingly.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, then followed the crowd and got off the boat together.

Just as Lin Mu and the others got off the boat, a huge and luxurious palace boat drove past their heads.

This building ship is very huge, as big as three silver battleships of the Supreme Academy.The pavilions and pavilions above are countless times more luxurious than the imperial palace.

"Which side of the force is this? They don't understand the rules too much, and they actually pass over people's heads. Is this an active provocation?" In the Supreme Academy, a disciple said angrily.

Although Lin Mu, Tiandao and the others did not speak, their expressions were equally ugly, which was definitely a naked insult.

"Shh, keep your voice down. This is Tiangong's building boat, be careful if people from Tiangong hear it and get in trouble." The young disciple warned in a low voice.

The young disciple immediately became quiet after hearing what the old disciple said.An ordinary disciple like Tiangong couldn't afford to mess with such a colossus.Unless he wants to die, otherwise, it's better to shut up honestly.

He shut up though, but Gookon was furious.

Gu Gong has always had a violent temper. It is strange for Gu Gong to be able to recognize him when he is crushed from the top of his head like this.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to start a war with my Supreme Academy?" Gugong restrained himself and didn't make a direct move, but his voice was still thunderous.

When Lin Mu heard Gu Gong's shout, he also looked at Hong Dao with a smirk.

Hongdao paid attention to himself, but forgot that his old buddy had a hotter temper than himself.

Gu Gong's roar attracted many people's attention.

In fact, when the building boat was heading towards the Supreme Academy, many people saw it.After coming here, everyone is just waiting and watching, wanting to see the reaction of the Supreme Academy.

At that time, the Supreme Academy was truly prosperous. Among the twelve famous Supremes in history, half of them were related to the Supreme Academy.The Supreme Academy at that time had a stronger status than Tiangong now.

The dean of the Supreme Academy is even more mysterious.His identity is even more mysterious than the dean of Qiankun Academy where Wu De works.Many people are speculating that he may have survived from the ancient blood.

But except for Hong Dao and Gu Gong, no one has seen his face, and later he disappeared without a trace.

But with the rise of Tiangong, Supreme Academy gradually declined.Many people are holding the mentality of watching a movie, wanting to see what kind of collision will happen between these two behemoths, old and new.

Gu Gong's roar naturally reached the ears of Tiangong and others in the building boat.

The building boat stopped, and all the visitors from Tiangong this time appeared on the deck.

These are the real elites of the Heavenly Palace, each of whom is surrounded by an indescribable royal aura.Everyone's eyes seem to contain the stars of the universe, and this is the real top powerhouse in this world.

What is even more frightening is that they are not one person, but a group of people.In comparison, among the Supreme Academy, there are too few who can compete with them.

Not counting among them, there are a few very special ones.Their faces can't be seen clearly at all. Everyone is the top powerhouse. Once they make a move, the Immortal Emperor will probably be defeated in minutes.

Presumably they are some of the people in Tiangong who have been granted the title of Little Heavenly God.

An old man headed by the Heavenly Palace was wearing a purple and gold luxurious robe, and even the shoes under his feet were top-notch fairy treasures.

If you take him and Gu Gong for a fortune, Gu Gong is almost like a beggar.

But of course, it doesn't mean that the background of the Supreme Academy is not as good as them.It's just because Supreme Academy likes to keep a low profile and doesn't like such revealing.If you really want to compare, although there is a gap now, it will not be so obvious.

The people who came out of the Heavenly Palace saw Gu Gong, smiled, and said: "So it's Brother Gu, I'm really sorry. I didn't pay attention. The disciple who was in charge of sailing the boat was also a newcomer, so I might have overlooked it. I will apologize to Brother Gu." gone."

Although it is an apology, it does not mean apology at all.The attitude is very arrogant, making people want to go up, drag him down and beat him up.

Gu Gong thought so, and he was ready to do the same.However, he was held back by Hong Dao beside him.

If Gugong and the people from Tiangong fight, the safety island is likely to be destroyed.At that time, the Supreme Academy will act first, and there will be no reason to say it anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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