Supreme Chef

Chapter 1949

Chapter 1949

The people in Tiangong made it clear that they were deliberately provoking.

As for the purpose, it's not that everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart.

Hong Dao stopped Gu Gong, but did not let Gu Gong do anything.

The people from Tiangong continued: "Brother Gu, it is forbidden to do anything here, not to mention that I have just made an apology and promised you to deal with the disciple who sailed the boat."

This is still provocative, teasing Gu Gong.

"Don't stop me." Gu Gong shouted at Hongdao with red eyes.

Hong Dao looked serious, and said: "They did it on purpose, can't you see it?"

Lin Mu suddenly said, "Both deans, I have a word, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Gu Gong said: "If you fart, let it go."

Gu Gong, who is in a fit of anger, can have anything good to say.

Lin Mu was a little depressed after being scolded, but he still said, "The two deans, you can ask their disciple who controls the battleship to come out and apologize."

Hongdao is a wise man, and after hearing Lin Mu's words, he also somewhat understands what Lin Mu is going to do.But Gu Gong is not very clear.

Hongdao glanced at it, and Lin Mu said, "You can handle this matter."

Lin Mu said, "Let's forget it, the principal. Tiangong already has a grudge against me, and the hatred is even deeper. I can't help but do it at that time. I can't bear that kind of punishment."

Gu Gong said: "If they dare to make a move, and then dare to punish you, I will stand up for you."

Lin Mu made a very determined look, and said, "Since senior is like this, I have nothing to hesitate."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly shouted to the people in Tiangong: "Senior, Dean Gu said that he doesn't need to pursue this matter, but the brother who controls the building boat needs to come out and apologize in person."

The people in Tiangong were also puzzled when they heard Lin Mu's words.But Lin Mu said so, although the people in Tiangong hesitated, they still randomly arrested a new disciple and came out to top the tank.As long as he can lose face of the Supreme Academy, he can be sent to die.

"This is the man who controls the building boat. We will deal with it seriously after we go back." The old man in Tiangong said: "Hurry up and apologize to the two deans of the Supreme Academy!"

The disciple who was arrested had the same arrogant attitude.Although he was caught as cannon fodder, he was still very rude to the Supreme Academy.

Lin Mu looked at this new disciple of Tiangong, who was only in the middle stage of Xianjun, with an expression of admiration on his face, and said: "It turns out that senior brother is the one who controls the building boat. Senior brother's mana is so profound, it is true that senior brother I really admire it. The younger brother really wants to see how the older brother controls the building boat by himself, and really wants to learn the skills."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, those who watched the battle couldn't help but suddenly realized.

At the same time, they also discovered that Lin Shu was really too bad.This is completely a set up to let the people in Tiangong go down step by step.

This building ship is so huge, how could it be possible for a mid-stage fairy to control it.Not to mention a middle-stage fairy, even a peak fairy can't be manipulated.Even the Immortal Emperor can only barely manipulate it.

Take the battleship of the Supreme Academy, Gugong and Hongdao need to control it together to keep it stable and safe.

It is absolutely impossible for such a huge building ship in Tiangong to be controlled by only one fairy in the middle stage.

The people in Tiangong, when they heard Lin Mu's words, all realized that they had been fooled and fell into Lin Mu's trap.

Now Lin Mu asked them to perform, what kind of performance would they use?
If this building boat has to be driven by a master of the level of a fairy, it will need at least a hundred of a fairy.

A fairy in the Heavenly Palace, even with all his strength, can't control the building boat.

Such a change made those who were about to leave before all come back.

Because they feel that this must be a good show to watch.

Seeing that the person from Tiangong didn't move, Lin Mu cupped his hands again, and said, "I have little knowledge, so please ask my brother to demonstrate it for me, so that I can explain to the two deans. Tell the two deans that this The matter is indeed what the senior brother did unintentionally."

What Lin Mu said again made the people in Tiangong look very ugly.Especially seeing that more people came to watch again, ready to watch the excitement.

Gu Gong also understood this matter, so he took the time to watch, wanting to see how Tian Gong lifted a rock and smashed his own foot.

The cannon fodder in Tiangong looked around and didn't know what to do.Because he really has no way to control the ship.

This is definitely a joke and a disgrace.Fail to lie, and then shoot yourself in the foot.

Gu Gong snorted coldly, and said: "What do you mean, don't you want this opportunity to prove Tiangong's innocence? If you are really the one who manipulated it, and it was an unintentional mistake, I can apologize to Tiangong."

"Elder, I..."

Even Gu Gong opened his mouth, and he had no way to procrastinate any longer.


The elder of Tiangong made a sudden move, and slapped the real cannon fodder to death with one palm, and said angrily: "You dare to lie to me, you are looking for death."

Cannon fodder really became cannon fodder, leaving no trace.

After solving this cannon fodder, the elder of Tiangong said with a smile on his face: "Brother Gu laughed, I didn't expect him to lie to me."

Gu Gong waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Let the real manipulator come out and apologize to me. I can pretend that this thing never happened."

The elder of Tiangong, when he heard Gu Gong's words, his expression became even uglier again.

But for this matter, if he can't come up with a high-grade character, I'm afraid Gugong will never give up.

This is definitely shooting yourself in the foot.

Gu Gong waited for a while, but he didn't see anyone, so he became angry immediately, and said, "What do you mean? Do you want to protect that person?"

The faces of the elders of Tiangong kept changing, this tree really created a problem for himself.

In the end, there was no other way. The people from Tiangong could only arrest two immortals who were both very prestigious in Tiangong to give Gu Gong an explanation.

Otherwise, if Gugong got angry, it would really not be a fun thing.And this time, even if Gu Gong made the first move, no one would think that Gu Gong was entirely responsible.

"Brother Gu, it's the two of them, I will abolish them now." The people from Tiangong said.

Gugong has completely inherited the essence of Linshu. Although Tiangong once again arrested two people, Gugong still uses the same method to let the two of them control the building boat.

Although the two are already at the peak of Xianjun, it is still very laborious for the two of them.

"I said what's going on with your Tiangong, how come the people who come here are all kinds of fakes, is there any truth in your Tiangong? It's really disgusting.!" Gu Gong said very disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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