Supreme Chef

Chapter 1950 Collective Apology

Chapter 1950 Collective Apology
Gugong is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and a few of them are idiots who can cultivate to the level of Gugong.

The trees have paved the road, if Gu Gong doesn't know how to get there, he is an idiot.

Gu Gong's direct question made Tian Gong and the others look even more ugly.
One cannon fodder has already died, so are there two more powerhouses at the peak of Xianjun?

The people in Tiangong gritted their teeth, and finally called out all the people who controlled the building boat, a total of more than fifty masters.

Looking at the number of people, Lin Mu said, "This should be more or less the case, and we're not going to pursue it anymore. You can apologize to the two directors, and let's settle this matter."

Gu Gong looked at these 50 people and was very satisfied.These 50 people apologized to themselves together, and the face of the Supreme Academy was completely recovered.

Gu Gong nodded and said, "Not bad. Not bad. If that's the case, I'd like to settle this matter."

Tiangong originally thought that he had taken advantage of it, but now it seems that he not only did not take advantage of it.It seems that he wants to lose a lot of people, and he looks around, as if he didn't take advantage of his own heavenly palace.

Shame is nothing more than that. It was originally intended to humiliate people, but in the end, it turned out like this.

This is not a typical stealing chicken but not losing money, what is it.

But the words have already been said, and it is too late to say anything now.Unless Tiangong wants to start a war with the Supreme Academy here, but if Tiangong takes the initiative to provoke a dispute at this time.

I'm afraid Tiangong will also be unlucky. Whoever provokes disputes here will be the culprit.

If it is drawn out at that time, some guardians in this safety island will not be able to eat and walk around even if it is Tiangong.

This safe island seems to be calm, but in fact there are many unknown secrets.Inside the safety island, there are guardians.Guarding the peace of the safe island, few people know about it.But Tiangong knows, because this is the arrangement of the Supreme.

And Tiangong also knows that these people really don't recognize their relatives.They don't care where you come from.As long as you go too far on the safety island, they will all be killed.It is said that they are completely a group of puppets.It exists in accordance with a certain order, and there is no reason to talk about it at all.

"Why don't you want to apologize, but admit that you did it on purpose." Gu Gong's voice became colder, and his aura was also growing crazily.

The people in Tiangong looked ugly. At this time, they had few choices and no room for maneuver.

There are only two options, either go to war, or you can only apologize.

It is obviously impossible to start a war as soon as you arrive.If you don't start a war, you can only choose to apologize.


In the end, the people in Tiangong almost squeezed out these two words from between their teeth.


The deputy palace lord had already spoken, and they could only apologize.

More than 50 powerhouses at the peak level of Xianjun apologized together, and the momentum was really huge and the scene was spectacular.

Looking at such a scene, Gu Gong was also very satisfied.

This time, the Supreme Academy has both face and reputation.

"Okay, since you have so many people in Tiangong, the more active and whirling, the older and more idiotic people, I don't care about it. This time it's your unintentional mistake." Gu Gong said very proudly.

When the people in Tiangong heard such words, their faces were all livid, very ugly.

Of course, everyone also noticed Lin Shu and the culprit.

The main responsibility for what happened this time lies with Lin Mu.

If Lin Shu didn't jump out suddenly to preside over this matter.Things will definitely not turn out like this, and Tiangong will not lose such a big face.

Lin Mu was watched by so many strong men, and he also hid behind Gu Gong.

"Senior Gu, this time I am standing up for the academy. Now I feel that my safety is threatened. Should the academy protect me?" Lin Mu said to Gu Gong.

Gu Gong is in a good mood now, he will agree to whatever Lin Mu says.

Gu Gong nodded and said: "Should be. You have made meritorious service for the academy. If anyone dares to deal with you, he must pass my test first."

With Gu Gong's protection, Lin Shu's back was straightened.

However, Hong Dao poured a basin of cold water at this time, and said: "If someone who surpasses your cultivation level attacks you, I will also attack you. But if it is a competition between peers, you have to rely on yourself."

Lin Mu said depressedly: "I knew it was like this."

"He's that Lin Mu, the one who beheaded Little Heavenly God's younger brother. He also killed members of the Zhan family, humiliating the face of the Zhan family."

At the same time, someone in Tiangong recognized who Lin Mu was.

In Tiangong, not everyone has heard of Lin Shu's name.Now hearing that Lin Mu has such a strong record.They all couldn't help being amazed, everyone knew that someone in Tiangong was humiliated in the Supreme Academy.But who did it, and what kind of person did it, no one really knows.

Now that they finally saw the true master, many people also looked at Lin Mu.But in everyone's eyes, there is no kindness, everything is malicious.

Especially for a few people, the killing intent in their eyes almost tore the sky apart.

The Deputy Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace was even more of a different person. Looking at the trees, he said quietly: "Sure enough, a young man born from a hero, with such ability, even in my Heavenly Palace, can be ranked at the top. Even if you look at the entire ancient fairy world , I am afraid it is also the existence of dragons and phoenixes among people."

This is absolutely naked flattery, who in the fairy world can not have the heart of winning or losing.Which one can win or lose is totally irrelevant.If it is really not to be surprised by favor or humiliation, then there is no need to cultivate immortality.Originally, cultivating immortals was fighting against the sky.Whoever does not have a competitive heart, and those who do not have a competitive heart cannot achieve much.

And now that he has such a high opinion of Lin Mu, it is basically equivalent to telling everyone clearly.Lin Shu is your benchmark, you all come to challenge Lin Shu.As long as you win the challenge against Lin Mu, you will be the top existences in this fairy world.As long as you win, then you can become famous in the fairy world.Get everyone's attention and get resources you didn't think of before.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, not only the people on the Tiangong building ship, but also the disciples on some other battleships all looked at Lin Mu.

And there was no kindness in that look.

"This bastard is really not a thing." Lin Mu cursed angrily in his heart.

Hongdao was obviously not worried about playing Lin Mu to death. After the deputy palace lord of Tiangong finished speaking, he said directly: "I also think that Lin Mu is a dragon and phoenix among people. Compared with the young supreme being back then, he is only stronger than weaker. Such a Powerful people deserve to be protected. If there are some fellow-minded people with evil intentions who secretly attack, don’t blame me, Supreme Academy, for being ruthless and doing the same thing unreasonably.”

Hong Dao's words were also very clear.It was directly blocked, the way for some old guys to attack Lin Shu.

But what Hong Dao doesn't pay attention to is that Hong Dao doesn't stop the competition among peers.Not only did Hongdao not block the attacks on Lin Mu among his peers, but he also seemed to have such a welcoming feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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