Supreme Chef

Chapter 1951 Little God of War

Chapter 1951 Little God of War

Those who can stand here are not fools.Hongdao said it so clearly, everyone knows what to do later.

In fact, there is no need to wait until then, someone has already stood up now.

"Lin Mu, you insult my Zhan family, today is your death date." A disciple of the Zhan family stepped forward and took the lead in attacking Lin Mu.

Lin Mu glanced at the Zhan family member, not concealing his disdain at all, and said: "You want to save face for the Zhan family, do you think you are worthy? In addition to making your Zhan family lose more face, What else can you do? I heard that in your Zhan family, there is a person who is regarded as the little God of War, let him come out."

Anyway, they have to face each other, so Lin Shu naturally has to pick the bigger one.There is no nutrition in pinching a small one, and it makes people laugh.There's no point in winning.

"You still want to challenge the little God of War. The little God of War has already stepped into the ranks of the strongest emperors. Under the hands of the little God of War, you can't even pass a single move." The people of the Zhan family, the contempt for Lin Shu, is completely don't hide.

When Lin Mu heard such words, he made an exaggerated expression, and said, "Really? Is it so powerful? I really didn't expect it."

"That is, little God of War, but the pride of my Zhan family." The Zhan family said proudly.

Lin Mu asked back: "What does it have to do with you? Why are you so excited? If you can represent him, I would rather torture you. But can you represent the Zhan family? A cannon fodder, why are you so excited."

The members of the Zhan family were completely speechless by Lin Muqi, and they didn't know what to say at all.

"court death!"

The members of the Zhan family stood up angrily, and shot directly angrily.

"Dean, you saw it. He attacked me first. Can I fight back?" Lin Mu looked at Hongdao and asked.

Hong Dao was very speechless, this Lin Mu was simply a troublemaker, even Hong Dao brought Lin Shu with him.If there were no trees, Hongdao would have less trouble.

But the people from the Zhan Family made the first move, so Lin Mu had no problem fighting back.

Seeing Hongdao nodding, Lin Mu punched him out.


Lin Mu used Wu Shengquan to form a super storm, which almost swept across the entire safety island.

Seeing Lin Shu coming up, Hong Dao's face immediately changed when he used such extreme strength.

This safe island seems to be solid, but in fact there are many hidden dangers. Once it exceeds a certain limit, it will become the most dangerous.

And when the trees came up, they used the limit directly. Is this going to destroy this place?



The people from Hongdao and Tiangong rushed to neutralize Lin Shu's attack power.

Hongdao and the deputy palace master of Tiangong joined forces to defuse Lin Shu's attack.

As for the person from Tiangong who made the move, his face turned pale from fright.There was no trace of blood on his face, if Hongdao and the deputy palace lord hadn't made a move, he might have died.

He really didn't expect that Lin Shu was so strong, so powerful that it was a bit outrageous.Such a punch was simply not something he could resist.

Even facing such a punch, he felt more terrifying than facing the little God of War in his family.

"Hongdao, what are you people from the Supreme Academy doing? Are you going to destroy this place?" the deputy palace master of Tiangong asked sharply.

Lin Mu said calmly at this time, "Destroy this place? If I remember correctly, it was the people from the Tiangong Zhan family who made the first move, and I just passively fought back. If you want to be held accountable, it seems that you are the one responsible." The matter of Tiangong? This kind of truth, no matter where you go, is it explained like this?"

What Lin Mu said was very in line with Gu Gong's taste, Gu Gong laughed and said: "Okay! You said it well. That's how it is. The people in Tiangong make random moves, and they should be responsible for this. This principle holds true no matter where you go.”

Gu Gong was almost forced to make a move just now. Although he got Tiangong's apology, Gu Gong was still very upset.

Now that Lin Mu helped him take revenge, Gugong was naturally very happy.

The deputy palace lord of Tiangong also turned pale when he heard Gu Gong's words.This matter is indeed the case, although Lin Mu's shot was too much.

But if the people from Tiangong don't make a move, will Lin Mu fight back?So no matter this kind of thing, no matter where he goes to reason, it is ultimately because the people in his heavenly palace do not occupy any reason.

"Master Vice Palace Master, this matter is indeed impulsive from my Zhan family, and please punish the Vice Palace Master." One of them was completely wrapped in the chaotic fighting spirit, and the rest of the extraordinary young people jumped out of the crowd and came to the Vice Palace Master. Said actively in front of him.

This person is really extraordinary, with such a strong fighting spirit, it makes people feel terrified when they look at it.

And he also seems to have walked out of a different path through a secret method.His path doesn't seem to be suppressed by the present Heavenly Dao.However, it is different from the road of Lin Mu.

He is simply transcending, but not contradicting.Under the heavenly law of this world, the strongest attack power can also be exerted.Of course, if you change the place, you can also exert the strongest attack power.

Such a path is very mysterious, and it is the hint and help that Lin Mu needs.

Lin Mu's eyes were burning, and he made up his mind to pay attention. He must enter the scripture storage building in Tiangong to find a solution, at least to get some hints.

"Little God of War!" Many people on the Tiangong side exclaimed when they saw this person coming out.

Of course, it's not just the people in Tiangong, the name of the little God of War is very famous in the entire fairy world.Especially among these ancient sects, they are very famous.

Little God of War is said to be the most likely person to become a War Lord, and he is the one who does not have one.The person who was placed high hopes by the Zhan family.

And the little God of War is indeed worthy of such a title, he rejected all the resources of the Zhan family.Completely through my own efforts, I embarked on my own path, without receiving any resources or help, and fought all the way to this point entirely by myself.

Such a road is very similar to the road taken by Lin Mu.Of course, it is impossible for a real strong person to grow up in a greenhouse.It is absolutely impossible to grow without experiencing any wind and rain.

The deputy palace lord saw the little God of War standing up, and said: "This is a matter between disciples, you disciples should settle it among themselves."

"Thank you, Deputy Palace Master." The little God of War bowed his hands respectfully, without any pride at all because of his identity.

Little God of War turned around, took a step forward, and came to the head of the bridge, standing in mid-air overlooking the trees.

"Let my Zhan family be humiliated, and still have such strength. After a while, I should be able to grow to the same level as me. At that time, I will accept your battle." The little God of War is not arrogant, nor is he arrogant. Contemptuously, he completely regards Lin Mu as an opponent of his own level.

(End of this chapter)

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