Supreme Chef

Chapter 1953 Who Takes Advantage

Chapter 1953 Who Takes Advantage
Lin Mu's move is insidious enough, and it was your people who suggested it.If you scold me now, it is tantamount to scolding him again.

If you want to scold, you can scold as much as you want, anyway, I beat you, and someone will accompany me to be scolded.

Everyone has a new understanding of Lin Shu's shamelessness.Especially some people in the Emperor Sect, they all felt that their sect lost to such a shameless person, and they really panicked.

The trees were ruthlessly raging, and Zhan Jia's body and mind seemed to want to regain the face he had just lost.

Hong Dao frowned slightly, but Gu Gong was very pleased.

"That's right, this kid can always be unexpected. This trick is really good, and it's fun to watch. This kid has a bit of a trick, and it's really very good." Gu Gong admired Lin Mu very much.

The Zhan family, whose veins were sealed by trees, was soon beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces.And now he didn't dare to scold him anymore, because what Lin Mu said was right, and his scolding Lin Mu was equivalent to scolding the little God of War again.

Can only be beaten passively, unable to even speak back, this is definitely the most depressing thing in the world.

In the end, the little God of War couldn't stand it any longer. After all, he was a member of the Zhan family, and he lost not only the face of Tiangong, but also the face of the Zhan family.

"Enough is enough, I don't want people to say that I am bullying the small." The little God of War said in a somewhat cold voice.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said: "If you have the ability, you can bully me and have a look. Don't think that you are really superior by pretending to be like a human. You end up, I will let him go."

Lin Mu is so strong, no matter how good-tempered the Little God of War is, he can't help but change his color.

But when he wanted to make a move, he was stopped by the elders of the Zhan family.

Lin Mu had suffered a small loss just now, but if he really took action in an all-round way.At that time, there will definitely be shocking waves. If the guardian is drawn out, the unlucky one will definitely be the little God of War.After all, he was the one who made the first move, and the guardian would only follow the rules and not care about other things.

The little God of War didn't do anything, and Lin Mu didn't bother to talk to him, so he picked up the man from the Zhan family and slapped him fiercely in the face.

That mouth really resounded through the audience, and everyone felt pain when they heard it.As for the people from Tiangong and Zhanjia, all of them had very ugly faces.

Lin Mu is not slapping one person in the face, he is clearly slapping all of them.

But because of the rules here, they can only endure it.

In the end, Lin Mu seemed to be tired from the beating, and he threw the Zhan family man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, which was as swollen as Zhu Tousan, to the ground.

"This is to teach you a lesson, to help you grow, and you will thank me in the future." Lin Mu left such a sentence, and swaggered back to his place in the academy.

Everyone in the Zhan family was gnashing their teeth, but they could only watch Lin Mu return to the side of the Supreme Academy.

"Brother Lin, you are really a person who never wants to suffer." Bai Yixian said beside Lin Mu.

Lin Mu said: "Anyway, we are already on the cusp of the storm, if we suffer again at this time, we will be a fool."

Lin Mu didn't hide his words, everyone could hear them.

"You mean, you're complaining?" Hong Dao turned around and asked.

Lin Mu quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't dare to do this. The dean is helping me improve. In the future, I will thank you, Mr. Dean. Besides, I just want to complain, so I just use my mouth. I still can't beat you."

Gu Gong laughed loudly, and said: "Boy, the more I look at you, the more pleasing to my eyes, it's really good."

A farce storm ended in such a chaotic situation.

The Supreme Academy seemed humiliated. After all, the people from Tiangong controlled the building boat and crushed it over their heads.Lin Mu also seemed to be humiliated, after all, the little God of War said that Lin Mu was not qualified to challenge him.

But in the eyes of everyone, it seems that Tiangong should suffer a bigger loss this time.

They let the building boat fly over the head of the Supreme Academy, but the price they paid was that more than fifty immortals shocked the audience and apologized to Gugong.At this moment, Gu Gong has face in his heart, and Gu Gong has face, which means that Supreme Academy has face.

As for Lin Mu, although he was underestimated by the little God of War, it seems that Lin Mu didn't lose a piece of meat.Moreover, a member of the Zhan family was beaten into a pig-headed three in front of the little God of War and everyone in Tiangong.

Calculated in this way, it seems that Lin Mu didn't lose face either.On the contrary, the people from Tiangong and Zhan family lost all face.

So on the whole, Tiangong should be the one who suffers in the end.

The first appearance of the Supreme Academy, the first appearance of Lin Mu, left a very deep impression on everyone.

Especially Lin Mu, with just a few words, the situation was completely reversed.And not only that, Lin Mu's cultivation and strength also left a deep impression on people.

Everyone has settled down. Although there is no restriction on flying in the safety island, everyone is used to walking here.

Everyone has their own area, and the Supreme Academy also has an area of ​​its own.

After Lin Shu entered his room, he was once again amazed at the supreme method.

This safety island may not seem big, but every room here is unique.Every room is a paradise filled with immortal essence.

There are divine characters carved in the room, which can help people improve the efficiency of cultivation.

Since Lin Mu entered the Immortal King, the role of the Time Tower has become weaker and weaker.Especially after Lin Mu successfully realized the principles of time, the time tower was basically useless.

Therefore, Lin Mu's cultivation base can only be done step by step, but the divine script here is effective in improving his cultivation effect, which is really amazing.

Shen Wen Lin Mu didn't understand it, but Lin Mu knew that Shen Wen had a huge effect.And it's very mysterious. If you can master it, it should be of great use.

"There are a total of 9 divine scripts, and there are only more than [-] known to be mastered by humans. Even in the ancient times, it is impossible to completely master it. It is said that each divine script has many heavens and earths. It has a mysterious The power of measuring is very extraordinary. And it is said that if you master one hundred and eight thousand scriptures, you can form a piece of invincible scriptures. It is similar to the scriptures of the Three Thousand Ways you are going to go. They are all legendary scriptures. I can see you." At some point, Bai Yixian came to Lin Mu's cave and said while watching Lin Mu observing the divine text.

Lin Mu turned around, looked at Bai Yixian, and said, "Didn't you know who knocked on the door when you came in?"

Bai Yixian said: "Your door is not locked, so I came in to take a look. See if you were killed, maybe I can save you."

Although the two are partners, it does not mean that the two are not enemies.

"What's the matter with the supreme scriptures you just mentioned? What about the divine texts?" Lin Mu didn't care much about the divine texts before, but now he cares very much.Because Lin Mu faintly felt that the divine writing should have something to do with his path.

(End of this chapter)

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