Supreme Chef

Chapter 1954 Collective voice

Chapter 1954 Collective voice
When Bai Yixian heard Lin Mu's words, he also replied: "I don't know much about divine writing. If you want to know more about it, go to the Shanshui Academy. There should be the answer you want. But the shaman who should practice with you technique is somewhat related.”

Lin Mu didn't continue to ask, because Bai Yixian might not know this matter clearly.

Only the Shanshui Academy knows the sacred texts, and only the Shanshui Academy specializes in the divine texts.If you want to know clearly, you can only go to them to find it.

"Did you come to see me for something? Fighting shouldn't be allowed here, right?" Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian and asked.

Bai Yixian said: "I didn't come to you for a fight. Do you think I'm a violent maniac just like you? I came to you for something else."

Lin Mu said: "Then hurry up and say it, don't delay my study of divine writing."

Bai Yixian said: "Tomorrow we will enter the Burial God Realm, let me study with you how we can cooperate?"

Lin Mu said: "There is nothing to study, just do whatever you want. If they come to bully me, I will bully you back. As for them to bully you, you can handle it yourself. If you encounter something that we can't handle, Just hide in the place you said."

Talking about this plan is tantamount to not saying it, there is no plan at all.Fighting on their own, what's the point of making an alliance.

Bai Yixian was not angry, he knew Lin Mu well, and knew that this was Lin Mu's character and way of acting.

"Alright then, just follow your plan." After Bai Yixian finished speaking, she turned and left.

After walking two steps, Bai Yixian turned around and said to Lin Mu: "By the way, I forgot to tell Brother Lin, these divine scriptures are incomplete. Even if you understand them, they are of little use. No, they are not at all." any use."

After Bai Yixian finished speaking, he turned and left.Lin Mu was left alone, gnashing his teeth there.

This fairy in white definitely did it on purpose. He had been watching for a long time before he said this.

Lin Mu and other disciples are resting separately.Hongdao and the other elders all gathered in one place to discuss the matter of the crack.

This time in the Dao Burial God Realm, the exchange of disciples is only secondary.What really matters is that *loose* thing.

Immortal World is still far from being ready.If they come across the realm at this time, Immortal Realm may really be hard to escape this time, the fate of Immemorial.

In other words, the fate this time will be worse than that of Taikoo.Taikoo was so powerful that it was completely destroyed in the end.

The ancient times were also so powerful, but they were also destroyed in the end.But in the current Immortal World, there is not even an Immortal Emperor.

The two consecutive cleansings have depleted too much of the current world origin of Immortal World.It is not enough to give birth to an immortal emperor, let alone a supreme being.

The Immortal Realm can maintain its present state, completely relying on the last arrangement of the ancient times.If there was no deception that time, I am afraid that the fairy world would no longer exist.

But the foundation of the fairy world is still shallow, and most of the arrangements have been noticed by them.The clarity this time should be inevitable, and this crack is the most important thing, and they must not be allowed to come over too early.Otherwise, the destruction will be devastating.

"The Burial God Realm is a very mysterious place. It will become the battlefield of God's War and the place of God Burial. It is definitely not as simple as we thought. There are many secrets here, and even the people in that world are very curious. Here It is very likely to become a flash point. We must deal with it carefully." The deputy palace master of Tiangong said.

This truth, needless to say, everyone knows.If not, they would not have ventured here.This God Burial Domain is not a place for good men and women.

"Because of this, I think we should cooperate sincerely. As for our disciples, it is king to cooperate sincerely." Hongdao said.

The Deputy Palace Master of Tiangong shook his head, and did not agree with Hongdao's words, and said: "Sincere cooperation is necessary, but competition is also necessary. Blind cooperation without competition will not be able to cultivate a real supreme powerhouse. "

There is nothing wrong with saying something like this, but if you say it on this occasion, it will be a big problem.

Tiangong has just lost face under the hands of the Supreme Academy.Saying such things now is obviously out of revenge.

When Gu Gong heard this, he also jumped up and said: "I also agree with this statement. Without competition, there will be no real supreme power. As long as the time comes, you old and immortal, just don't stand up."

The deputy palace master of Tiangong is a generation older than Gu Gong.However, Gu Gong's strength is comparable to or even stronger than these old antiques.

So when Gu Gong said such words, although the people in Tiangong were angry, it was not easy to attack directly.

"I also agree with the saying that growing up in a greenhouse really doesn't get any nutrients, and they can't really grow. This time is very dangerous for them, but it is also an opportunity for them. If you really encounter that world It is also an opportunity for them to practice. After all, they will have to face these things sooner or later. It is also good for them to face them in advance. But if we people still want to intervene If you don’t, then it’s really boring.” A Taoist in a blue gown with a picture of heaven and earth printed on it said.

This is the vice president of Qiankun Academy, and he is also a very important person among everyone.

After all, the history of Qiankun Academy is almost equal to that of Supreme Academy.It is much longer than the time of Tiangong.

Although in the era when the Supreme Academy dominated, the brilliance of Qiankun Academy was covered up.But no one dared to underestimate the existence of Qiankun Academy.Even the Supreme Academy does not dare to underestimate Qiankun Academy.

And now, Supreme Academy has declined, but Qiankun Academy is still prosperous.Especially now, even Tiangong doesn't dare to take it lightly, and has to find a way to unite with Qiankun Academy.Therefore, no one dares to underestimate the words of the vice president of Qiankun Academy.

Everyone looked at the vice president of Qiankun Academy, and they didn't know what he meant by saying such words.

But this is not over yet, the deputy head of the Nanshan Beast Sect also said quietly at this time, "I also agree with Brother Gan, it is better for us not to intervene in the competition between disciples. After all, we are disciples." It’s not our experience. So let’s get rid of all those guardians. Let the disciples decide for themselves.”

(End of this chapter)

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