Supreme Chef

Chapter 1955 Death is the main theme

Chapter 1955 Death is the main theme
The Nanshan Beast Sect is also a remarkable existence. All the disciples in the Sect are descendants of the blood of divine beasts.

Although there is no pure blood except for the blood spirit dragon, each one is so powerful that it defies the sky.

All the blood vessels in the body have been activated, and they all have the potential to become pure-blooded beasts.

The ancient divine beast is a powerful existence that crosses the universe.It is a truly invincible existence. Once everyone in the Nanshan Beast Sect evolves to pure blood, it will really be an unimaginable existence.I'm afraid it will restore the ancient grandeur.But this is too difficult, almost an impossible task.

But even so, Nanshan Beast Sect is still no weaker than Tiangong and others.In the fairy world, there are few who dare to confront Nanshan Beast Sect head-on.

And now the appearance of the Blood Spirit Dragon gave them hope.Therefore, they will listen carefully to whatever the Blood Spirit Dragon says, and of course it must be under reasonable conditions.Just like this time, they also felt that the suggestion made by Xue Linglong was very reasonable.

Especially after Xue Linglong said that he knew both Lin Mu and Wu De, and expressed some of their plans cryptically.The elders and sect masters of Nanshan Beast Sect even more agreed with Xue Linglong's proposal.

Xue Linglong has never suffered a disadvantage in the Nanshan Beast Gate, and they have also seen the Wu De that Xue Linglong mentioned.In Qiankun Academy, he is also the master who never suffers.As for Lin Mu, although they didn't know much about it, they had heard about Lin Mu's stay in the Immortal Realm.

Lin Mu is a person who never suffers. With such a combination of three people, how can they suffer except others.

So the people from Nanshan Beast Gate discussed it and agreed.

Now the people from Qiankun Academy and Nanshan Beast Sect have all spoken.This made all the people present quiet.

If someone else spoke, it might not have that much weight, but people from Nanshan Beast Gate and Qiankun Academy spoke, which made people have to seriously consider it.

After all, whether it is the Qiankun Academy or the Nanshan Beast Sect, they are all definitely strong in this world.

"I also think that should be the case. We should be more concerned about the crack, rather than the competition between our disciples. If the disciples can compete fully, and truly step out of a young supreme powerhouse, it is also considered a It's a blessing." An old man in a long gown with a landscape painting said quietly, stroking his beard.

Hearing this voice, everyone present looked in one direction.

Seeing this talking old man, everyone present was in awe no matter how old they were.

The person who spoke was none other than the Great Elder of Shanshui Academy.

Shanshui Academy is different from other places. Shanshui Academy has only one Dean, and then the Great Elder.

The dean is not here, the Great Elder is the dean.

And the Great Elder of Shanshui Academy is a remarkable figure.As for what is so great, there are really few people who can make it clear.Among other things, just the seniority of this great elder is enough to make everyone a few generations shorter.

If there is anyone in this fairy world who can be on the same level as the Great Elder in terms of seniority, then there are only those deans and palace masters who have disappeared.

The age of the Great Elder is almost equal to the sum of the ancient times and the current world.

His words still carry a lot of weight.Don't look at this old man, he is usually not warm, but no one can be sure, what kind of methods this great elder has.

After all, after living such a long time, what he saw and heard was dozens of times more than anyone present.

Now there are three important people who have expressed their opinions. If they were in the Supreme Academy, there would be four.

Tian Gong looked at the four who had already expressed their views, and didn't know what kind of medicine they bought in their gourds.

But now he needs to make a statement.

Of course, he can't sing against everyone, otherwise Tiangong will be inferior.

"Since everyone has such an opinion, my Tiangong naturally has no objection. If the disciples can really be trained, it will be of great benefit to the future of the fairy world." The deputy palace master could only echo.

If everyone agrees, the matter is considered settled.

All disciples, no matter what status, no matter what cultivation level, no matter what kind of talent they have.

No one can bring a guardian this time, everyone has to rely on their own abilities.

This is the real test of life and death, and it is the same for every disciple.

Such news quickly spread among the disciples.

However, this kind of news is also a joy for several families and sorrow for others.The real strong naturally don't care, what really cares are some disciples who are preparing to break through this time.

They came here to break through, and when they break through, they are at their weakest.If there is no one to guard them, the danger of their fall will increase exponentially.

That's what they're really worried about, and it's also the real danger.

But this is the decision of the above, even if they have the heart to resist.Even if their master wanted to resist, it was all useless.

The next day, just after dawn, all the disciples set off.

The sun in the Burial God Realm is incomplete, and it is said that it was formed by the golden crow, a divine beast with only half of its body left.

But whether it is true or not, no one can really say clearly.Such a temperature, even the Immortal Emperor or even the Great Emperor, cannot get close to it.

Under the sunlight, all the disciples left the safety island in batches.

For them, the so-called communication is experience.It's just that the tone of the experience is a little different this time, and the tone of the experience this time may be based on the theme of dead people.

After all, without the guardian, they will lose the last level of inflation, and if they die, they will really die.

And it was indeed as everyone thought, the moment everyone entered the God Burying Domain, there was a violent collision.

People from the Zhan family attacked Lin Mu in a sneak attack, intending to kill Lin Mu and wash away the shame of the Zhan family.

But they underestimated Lin Mu too much. Before they could do anything, Lin Mu had already caught it keenly.

Before they made a move, Lin Mu had already made a move, turned around and cut the sneak attacker into two pieces, turning them into a pile of pieces of meat. By the way, even the soul was completely chopped up, and he was completely expelled from the fairy world .

People died as soon as they came up, and those who died were members of the Zhan family.Such a beginning is doomed, and this trip to the God Burial Domain will probably be very, very restless.Everyone must be prepared for a complete fall.

(End of this chapter)

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