Supreme Chef

Chapter 1956 Divine Pill [Part [-]]

Chapter 1956 Divine Pill [Part [-]]

This first fall started from the forest, but it will definitely not end from the forest.

The God Burying Realm is full of endless crises, but it is also full of endless opportunities.After all, this place used to be the battlefield of gods, and ancient beasts and witch gods had fought bloody battles with people from another world here.

Not only witch gods and beasts are buried here, but also the powerhouses of another world are also buried here.

Although such a long time has passed, I am afraid that even their bones will not be left behind.But if the things that can really survive to this day are definitely the strongest treasures, it will make everyone jealous.

The area of ​​the Burial God Realm is very large, and everyone has their own different routes and different information.

Lin Mu just followed Bai Yixian, and he didn't know anything about Lin Mu here.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Mu was fighting alone, and his understanding of these places was almost equal to zero.So with such a free guide, Lin Mu is really wishing for it.

Bai Yixian led Lin Shu forward all the way, and the speed was not slow.It passed through many huge and indescribably broken city walls.

But Bai Yixian didn't stop there, obviously she really knew something.

"I think I should have the right to know where we are going?" Lin Mu asked.

Bai Yixian said: "This used to be an important strategic city. In the ancient times, it was the one that resisted the invasion of foreign renters. But when the ancient times ended, it also collapsed. There is another name here, called Bianguan The border between our world and that world, but unfortunately, it has been destroyed now. If it would not have been destroyed at that time, maybe we are now looking for the secret here, which should be hidden, a huge secret. And it should have been exposed long ago right."

After a pause, Bai Yixian said: "The place we are going now is the alchemy room of the border gate that stretches for millions of kilometers. This is the border gate, so there must be a lot of refining of various pills. Let's go now, Maybe you can gain something. Maybe you can find a complete pill."

After listening to Bai Yixian's words, Lin Mu was also completely moved.

The people of the ancient times are called the gods, and the medicines of the ancient times are naturally the gods.

You must know that in Taikoo at that time, there was no such prosperous alchemy technology.

And there is actually a city here, and there is a separate alchemy room.It can be seen that the preciousness of this elixir, we must know that Taikoo lacks everything, but Taikoo does not lack all kinds of top geniuses and treasures.So if it is really that time, the refined medicines are really the most precious varieties, and the value is very huge.Maybe there is Heavenly Dao Grass in it, the refined elixir, which can completely heal the Dao injury in Lin Mu's body now.

The speed of Lin Mu and Bai Yixian increased, and soon they came to a floating palace.

At this time, there were already many people standing in front of the palace.Obviously, Bai Yixian is not the only person who knows such news.

People from Tiangong, Zhantai's family, and ancient families have all been present.All are waiting.Waiting for the moment to get inside.

The disadvantage of having many enemies is better reflected at this time.Those present, Lin Mu couldn't even find a friend.

"Brother Lin, as far as I know, there must be a magic pill in it, but it hasn't been born yet. When the time comes, you and I will join hands and we will definitely be able to take the magic pill." Bai Yixian told Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay, but have you planned the escape route? If we really got the gods, but we can't beat them, it must be very troublesome."

Bai Yixian said: "There is no way to retreat here, even if you go back the same way, it is very dangerous. So the only way is to go shopping."


Just as Bai Yixian was talking to Lin Mu, the door of Dan's room was suddenly hit hard.

This hit hits.Let the space here be completely unstable.If the elixir room was not strong enough, the elixir inside would have popped out and destroyed everything here.

"This should be the magic pill. I didn't expect it to have its own spirituality and want to come out of it. We can't let it come out, otherwise, if it comes out, it will be very difficult for us to catch it again." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

In fact, this kind of thing doesn't need to be said by Bai Yixian, Lin Mu also understands it.This kind of elixir that has been born with spirituality, let alone let it go away.Even if it comes out, it cannot be allowed to come out of the alchemy room.

When the alchemy room was first established, it must have taken into account what might happen now.

Therefore, on the outside and inside of this pill room, there are all patterns that limit the spirituality of the pill.In the alchemy room, it can be restricted. If it escapes from the inside, then the people here may not necessarily be its opponents.

After all, it is a elixir left over from the ancient times. After a long time, no one knows what it will contain.No one knows what happened to it.

If you let it get out of trouble, it will be like a fish entering the sea. If people want to catch it again, it will really not be an ordinary difficulty.

The magic pill has appeared, and no one can calm down.Especially Lin Shu, who was even more restless.

Because Lin Shu smelled the smell of Heavenly Dao Grass in the divine pill, and it was also the smell of mature Heavenly Dao Grass.The truly mature Tiandao grass is infinitely close to the elixir of longevity.Of course, the most important thing is that what Lin Mu lacks now is this.

Back then, even such things were casually made into pills. The glory of those years was really unimaginable.

Finally someone couldn't bear it anymore and was ready to make a move.

The person who made the move is also a hero, and at the same time a character.As soon as such a person made a move, he was easily enveloped by the light curtain, and then sent him into the temple.

Seeing such a scene, many people were indeed jealous.Is this considered approved?The alchemy room is so huge, there must be other ways, and they still have a chance to enter.

However, their excitement of joy had not yet passed when they heard a scream

The blood of the next generation of immortals spilled more than three thousand feet.Obviously, there is no need to look at the situation inside, he is already dead.The blood erupted three thousand feet, how could he still be alive.

This just entered, and someone failed again.This is really not a good sign, and it also makes everyone look forward to the things inside.

(End of this chapter)

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