Supreme Chef

Chapter 1957 Divine Pill [Part [-]]

Chapter 1957 Divine Pill [Part [-]]

There is a great danger inside, and at the same time everyone understands that besides the great danger, there is also a great opportunity inside.

The magic pill that can kill people is really unimaginable.


Someone moved and rushed towards the middle of the alchemy room.

The three of them formed a seamless defensive formation and rushed into the alchemy room.

The three of them entered successfully without any hindrance.Obviously, the formation of the alchemy room is a single-item formation, which only restricts the things inside, and does not restrict the entry of people outside.

But not long after, the blood spattered three thousand feet again.Dye the sky red.

Of the four people who entered just now, none of them were weak.They are all genius disciples from their respective academies and sects, but they cannot resist at all, they cannot defend at all.


Suddenly a ray of flute sound came, and the sound of the flute was melodious, causing the avenue to resonate, as if dancing with the sound of the flute.

This kind of flute sound is really intoxicating and obsessive, and people can't help but fall into it.

With the sound of the flute, the petals of the avenue floated down from the sky, which was extremely amazing and beautiful.

These are the true flowers of enlightenment. If used properly, there will be unexpected insights and experiences.

"What a song of heaven and earth, people from the Miao family of Tiangong are here." Bai Yixian couldn't help admiring when she heard such a song.

The ancestor of the Miao family is Yinzun. According to legend, he was an upright official back then, and he was good at playing the piano.In the end, after many hardships, he enlightened the Tao with sound and became the supreme supreme powerhouse.At the same time, she is also one of the few women among the Supremes.

This song Tian Di Shang was written by Yin Zun to commemorate his lover.It is a well-known repertoire among the world, and at the same time, its power is also countless.

There are three wars in the world, one is Yinzun's Heaven and Earth War, and the other is Zhanjia's Qiankun War.There is also a Taoist Divine Comedy called Tao.But it has disappeared, no one has heard of it, and no one knows what it is.

Yin Zun had gone to look for it back then, but found nothing.Some people even don't think that Daoge exists.

As soon as the wind changed, the Daohua flower suddenly shattered, the heavens and the earth mourned, and blood rained down.

The world was full of blood, and everyone felt an inexplicable sadness, and the sorrow in their hearts was completely aroused.Everyone has an urge to cry.

Even Lin Mu's state of mind was disturbed and affected by it.

Lin Mu silently rotated his divine sense nine times, completely suppressing this impulse.

Danfang's defensive formation melted, and then a passage was opened.

A barefoot girl, wearing a light gauze, walks in the air, every step is set off by the flowers of the avenue.

The beauty of this young girl is truly indescribable, as if she does not belong to this world at all.As if she came from another world, such a beauty makes people feel that it is an insult to describe it in words.

Everyone watched obsessively, but there was no expression on the girl's face.Not pleased, not to have compassion.

In other words, she didn't pay attention to these people at all.She doesn't even bother to be with these people.

Without looking sideways, she stepped out step by step, and finally disappeared in front of everyone and entered the alchemy room.

"What a wonderful Miao Qingshuang, worthy of being the Goddess of the Heavenly Palace, who has attracted countless heroes to bow down to her." Bai Yixian sincerely praised her.

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian and said, "I think you are also a woman?"

Bai Yixian was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Brother Lin, how could you have such an idea?"

Lin Mudao: "When Miao Qingshuang appeared just now, all men's gazes were dull, including me. But your eyes have always been so clear. There are only two situations that may be like this. Mine is taller, but this is obviously impossible. Second, you are also a woman."

Bai Yixian smiled slightly and said, "Why can't there be a third possibility?"

Lin Mu said: "Then tell me, what is the third possibility?"

Bai Yixian looked at Lin Shu, his eyes glowed, and said: "Could it be that I like men and have no interest in women."

After Lin Mu heard Bai Yixian's words, he was frightened and moved a few feet away.Lin Mu looked at Bai Yixian with a look of horror, and said: "You really have this kind of preference. I asked you before, but you still denied it. Now you finally admit it. I'd better stay away from you. From now on, We go our separate ways without interfering with each other.”

Bai Yixian looked at the terrified Lin Mu, couldn't help laughing, and said, "Brother Lin, do you think I have that kind of obsession? Master left me a pure heart jade, it keeps me awake .”

Bai Yixian held a piece of transparent jade pendant and dangled it in front of Lin Shu.

This jade pendant is indeed extraordinary, Lin Mu felt very peaceful when he looked at it.However, Lin Shu continued to keep a distance from Bai Yixian.Regardless of whether it was true or not, Lin Mu felt that this fairy in white was a bit weird.

"Brother Lin, we also went in. Miao Qingshuang is living very well inside. If we are late, she will take away all the good things." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu on his own initiative.

Hearing this, Lin Mu didn't rush in, but said to Bai Yixian, "You go in first, and I'll follow you behind."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Bai Yixian couldn't help laughing, then raised his foot and was about to go in.

But just when Bai Yixian was about to make a move, suddenly there was a rumbling drum sound in the world.

The sound of the drum resounded through the heavens and the earth, making the heavens and the earth jump with its rhythm.Such an excited drumbeat can easily arouse the burning fighting spirit in everyone's heart.At the same time, it is very easy to make everyone's blood boil.

"The Battle Song of the Zhan Family!" Someone was surprised and looked into the distance, wanting to see who was playing it, whether it was the Little God of War.

This battle song was not played by the little God of War, but it was also played by a handsome young man in golden armor.

Although this young man is not as good as the Little God of War, he is not far behind.Moreover, he is younger than the little God of War, so he may not grow into a little God of War in the future.

"This is the number two member of the Zhan family, known as one of the two heroes of the Zhan family, Zhange. His attainments in Qiankun Zhange are better than that of the little god. There are two such people in the Zhan family, and the future will be worry-free .” For this later battle song, everyone’s evaluation is also very high.

However, Lin Mu is not considering this issue now, but Lin Mu is considering another issue.

Lin Mu didn't believe that the top young people in these two heavenly palaces.The meeting just wanted a gorgeous appearance, so it played the divine comedy that is rare in the world with great fanfare.

With their level of cultivation, such boring things are rarely done.

(End of this chapter)

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