Supreme Chef

Chapter 1962 Strength Is King [Part [-]]

Chapter 1962 Strength Is King [Part [-]]

The oppression of thousands of troops made Lin Mu and Miao Qingshuang feel tremendous pressure.

In particular, the war drum seemed to be infected, and it sounded automatically.

The Qiankun battle song, combined with thousands of troops, is almost going to sweep the world.

It was so dark that everyone was terrified.

Miao Qingshuang's face was solemn, and the jade sword in her hand was held even tighter by her.

But she was not as direct as Lin Mu. Lin Mu didn't pay attention to these things at all, and directly jumped into the thousands of troops.

What Lin Mu did shocked everyone present.This tree is too strong, no matter what kind of attack it faces, it will always respond strongly.


Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife opened and closed wide, and the witch energy on his body was surging, tearing the sky apart.

Miao Qingshuang watched from behind, her eyelids also twitching.It was the first time she had seen such a fierce person as Lin Mu.Don't directly use the power of Taoism, and rely entirely on your body to shake it hard.

Of course, it's not that Lin Mu doesn't want to use it, it's just because Lin Mu's Taoist injury hasn't healed yet.Otherwise, Lin Mu would not be so sure about the Heavenly Dao Pill refined by this Heavenly Dao Grass.

"court death!"

Seeing Lin Mu making such a move, Zhange couldn't help but sneer, and then the battle ax in his hand hit the drum directly.


The sound was like a shock, and everyone felt their hearts were shaken violently, almost jumping out of their bodies.


However, Lin Shu was still fearless, fully exerting the advantage of strength to the limit.

Lin Mu was alone, and there were tens of thousands of soldiers, and Miao Qingshuang was watching from behind, unable to help at all.


Lin Shu roared wildly, like a generation of demon gods, and the Wuying knife slashed down on the head, directly tearing everything apart.

Thousands of heroes disappeared, and Zhange was forced by the trees to retreat again and again, his arms were trembling, and blood flowed down.


Lin Mu kicked the war drum, and then the war drum was kicked by Lin Mu and flew into the distance.


Roaring in Lin Mu's mouth, he completely entered the fighting mode, fighting to a state of madness.


Lin Shu punched out, and Wu Sheng's fist rolled out, forming a storm that destroyed the world.

When Zhange saw such a scene, there was a trace of panic and panic in his eyes.


But after all, he is a supreme family, what kind of storm has never been seen before, he roared in his mouth.

He pushed his fighting spirit to the extreme, everything in the world, except the weapon in Miao Qingshuang's hands, all the weapons in everyone's hands were homogenized by his fighting spirit and became his supreme warrior.

The soldier formed a mad dragon, and directly bit down on the fist wind towards the tree.


The fist wind was too tyrannical, and the dragon tooth was shattered as soon as it came into contact with it.This is not a real dragon tooth, but a pair of twisted shears with a very long history.


The twisted scissors were shattered, and the owner of the twisted scissors was naturally affected, and he just gulped science, and staggered back.



The steel war dragon couldn't stop the fist wind at all, and Long Yan began to shatter one by one. The owners of these dragon teeth were all affected, and they all coughed up blood.

Later, those who were forcibly seized with weapons could only consider themselves unlucky and forcibly cut off the connection between themselves and the weapons.

Otherwise, if they were destroyed by trees like this, they would all be seriously injured.It's better to cut it off by yourself now. Although it is also injured, it can be done lightly.

Of course, they were even more angry about Zhange's actions.But who told Zhan Song to come from the Zhan family, but one of the two heroes of the Zhan family, even if they dared to be angry, they would not dare to speak out.

But now they have begun to hope that Lin Mu can win, at least this can help them vent their anger.



Lin Mu continued to stimulate the witch energy, and the Wu Sheng Fist became even more tyrannical.The steel war dragon couldn't resist at all, it was broken inch by inch, and finally all shattered.

Seeing his beloved fairy treasure turned into a pile of iron filings.There is no one who does not feel distressed, but let them open their mouths to crusade, they do not have the courage, nor the ability.

"Lin Mu must win." Among the crowd, someone whispered, hoping that Lin Mu would win.


The fist wind finally bombarded the armor of Warsong, making an earth-shattering sound.

Zhange was sent flying horizontally, his body rolled in the air, and his battle armor was almost shattered by the trees.

In the damaged places, the bloody body was exposed.

Zhange was really seriously injured, and was severely injured by Lin Mu with pure strength.

In the end, Zhange's body stopped, and Zhange lay on the ground, almost unable to stand at all.

Lin Mu looked at Zhange, shook his head, and said: "It seems that there are no one in your Zhan family?"

"You may be in trouble." Bai Yixian heard Lin Mu's words and couldn't help but send a voice transmission to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu didn't know what Bai Yixian meant by saying this, but soon Lin Mu understood what it meant.

Battle Song lying on the ground, heard Bai Yixian's words, the blood in his body burned up.

This is real burning, the red flame completely melted the supreme armor on Zhange.

The armor on Zhan Ge's body is definitely not ordinary, Lin Shu has already identified it.

If it was an ordinary thing, I am afraid that the battle armor would have completely collapsed just now.

But now it was melted by the war song and the burning blood. This temperature is probably more terrifying than ordinary sky fire.

With the burning of Zhange's blood, all the battle qi floating in the sky and the earth entered into Zhange's body as if they had encountered a black hole.

And not only that, the heroic spirits that had appeared in the alchemy room were all attracted by Zhange and entered Zhange's body.

Seeing the soaring momentum of Zhange, Lin Mu also felt a bad feeling.

"Completely berserk!" Miao Qingshuang frowned, looking at Zhange and said.

Completely crazy!

I still have some understanding of the Zhan family forests, and the Zhan family has a taboo secret method.Once this secret method is used, it will make people lose their minds, become completely mad, and become a killing machine.

Of course, at the price of rationality, what you gain is a five-fold increase in combat power, and you can mobilize the heroic spirits between the heavens and the earth, and use the fighting spirit to revive them, which is a truly terrifying secret method for promotion.Zhanjia people expressly prohibit it, and don't use it lightly if it is not necessary.Because the Zhan family after losing their minds is a complete murderous maniac.

From this point of view, Lin Mu really caused trouble, and this time the trouble was not small. A murderous monster was created by Lin Mu forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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