Supreme Chef

Chapter 1963 Power is King 【Part [-]】

Chapter 1963 Power is King 【Part [-]】

The armor on his body was completely burned, and Zhan Ge's entire body was covered with burning blood.

That kind of temperature, like dozens of rounds of the sun, makes it impossible for people to get close.

Seeing such a scene, everyone realized that something was wrong, and their expressions all changed.

Some people still remember the dark and turbulent years back then.An ancestor of the Zhan family, who was forced to fight like a frenzy.

In the end, this ancestor, the countless killings caused by one person, is really unimaginable.An ocean was turned into a sea of ​​blood by him several times, and the entire fairy world suffered the biggest damage since the end of ancient times.

If it wasn't for the fact that in the Tiangong, two supreme tools were used, and an ancestor of the Zhan family who shouldn't exist at all shot at the same time, I'm afraid he would have destroyed half of that era.

So everyone knows, don't let the members of the Zhan family become crazy, otherwise the end will be very terrible.

But now, Lin Mu has turned the war song of one of the two heroes of the Zhan family into a complete berserk.This is definitely not a joke, it will cause shocking waves.


The battle song roared, and the blood was like a dragon, soaring straight into the sky.

The high-energy temperature directly melts everything, and the formation in this alchemy room is simply incomparable.

Those supreme medicines left pure from ancient times melted directly into steam under his scorching temperature.


War Song made a move, and came straight to the forest.It was Lin Shu who made War Song mad, so War Song would kill the person who made him mad first, and then kill everyone.

"Let's take action together and cut down the tree. Maybe you can use the blood of the tree to wake up War Song." Someone shouted from below, and everyone was ready to move.

At this time, Bai Yixian couldn't stay aloof and watch.If Lin Shu was really besieged by people, coupled with the crazy battle song, then Lin Shu would be really dangerous.

Bai Yixian stood up and stood in front of everyone.What Bai Yixian didn't expect was that Miao Qingshuang also stood up and stood in front of everyone.

"Lin Mu is dead, and his blood can only make Zhange even more crazy." Miao Qingshuang said, and stopped talking.

Hearing Miao Qingshuang's words, the people below fell silent.

If this is the case, there is only one way to survive, and that is for Lin Shu to win the war song and die.

But let them besiege War Song, they really don't have the courage.That is a member of the Zhan family. If the Zhan family knew that he had participated in the siege, the Zhan family would definitely not let him go.Even if it is for survival, even if the battle song is crazy.

But it is still useless, Zhan Ge is a member of the Zhan Family.Even if he becomes mad, he is still a member of the Zhan Family.Those who want to provoke the Zhan family must be prepared to bear the wrath of the Zhan family.


Zhange's bloody fist punched straight at the forest.

Lin Mu didn't dodge, nor was he afraid, and he punched Zhange directly.

The fists of the two collided in mid-air, and a devastating explosion occurred.A devastating storm that almost destroyed everything here.

If it weren't for those spiritual elixir, which are protected by Xeon's large array, I am afraid that everything will be destroyed.


Lin Mu vomited blood, his body flew horizontally, and his hand bones were completely twisted and deformed, obviously he was severely injured.

Stabilizing his figure, Lin Mu looked at his completely scorched fist, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

After the berserk battle song, the strength has been improved too much, it is too scary, just hit the forest and suffered a big loss.

Zhange seemed to be tireless, he didn't give Lin Mu a chance to catch his breath, and he shot continuously, each time with a heavy punch.

The trees were completely suppressed, and every heavy blow would cause heavy damage to the trees.

One arm has been completely broken, if it is not for the connection of bones and fascia, this arm may have disappeared.


Zhange once again punched heavily, hitting the armor with one punch.


The armor made a muffled sound, and then a large pit appeared, almost shattered and disintegrated, and four of Lin Shu's sternums were directly broken, inserted into the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.


Lin Mu vomited blood again, regretting that he created such a lunatic.

"Let me help you block for a while!" Bai Yixian was worried that Lin Mu would lose, so he also took the initiative to stand up and said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and said, "No need. I can't even deal with a lunatic, so why should I mess around. I'll do it myself, just watch the people over there."

Bai Yixian nodded, and then continued to sweep the formation for Lin Shu, guarding against possible attacks from Miao Qingshuang and others.


Bai Yixian left, and Lin Mu's body was completely on fire.But it's not blood, but witchcraft.

The witchcraft on Lin Mu's body burned again, and with the burning of the witchcraft, Lin Mu's whole body made a sound like popping beans.

This is the sound of Lin Mu's body's bones joining together, and the sound of Lin Mu's flesh and blood regenerating.

Miao Qingshuang stared at the trees, her beautiful eyes glowed with splendor.

Obviously, Lin Shu brought her a lot of surprises, and Lin Shu's strength also exceeded her expectations.


Lin Shu and Zhange fought together again.

Every time the two fists collide, the stars will fall.Every confrontation of power will eclipse the sky and the earth.

However, Lin Mu has completely stabilized his position. There will be no new injuries to Lin Mu's body, and even if they do, they will get better instantly.

Looking back at Warsong, the situation is not so good.The blood vessels in his body burst continuously, all of which were shattered by the trees.

Although every time a blood vessel bursts, the burning blood in his body will become more tyrannical, but the price he pays every time is also very high.


The two confronted each other again, and one of Zhange's arms became bloody and bloody, and Lin Shu was also severely injured, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

But the people who watched the battle were completely dumbfounded.

They haven't heard of that person who can draw with the berserk Zhan family in a battle of the same level.It can also severely damage the Zhan family in one-on-one competitions.

How powerful it needs to be to have such an ability.

Everyone is guessing, who in the entire fairy world can compete with Lin Shu in terms of strength.

They searched for the memories in their minds, but couldn't find one.


The battle song hurts, but this arouses his ferocity even more.The battle ax in his hand also completely turned blood red, like the scythe of death.

Every time it falls, it will set off monstrous waves, split the sky and the earth, and let the sun and the moon fall.


Originally, everyone thought that Lin Mu would use the Shadowless Knife to fight back, but they didn't expect that Lin Mu grabbed the tomahawk with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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