Supreme Chef

Chapter 1968

Chapter 1968
Lin Shu has speed, and Bai Yixian also has his own advantages.

But other people are not so lucky, and few people can have that kind of recovery speed.

Moreover, the strength of these puppets is not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Some disciples have already started to fall. They are all the leaders of various colleges, sects, and aristocratic families, but all of them are useless and fall directly.

Just being a puppet has already caused heavy damage to Lin Mu and the others. If it is really someone who has taken over the world and came across the border, they probably won't have the ability to fight back and resist.

Relying on his own speed advantage, Lin Mu quickly beat the puppet to pieces.

Before they merged, Lin Mu shot again.Moreover, the Chaos Skyfire was used, because Lin Mu discovered that this Chaos Skyfire was also effective for them.

With Lin Mu's last shot, the puppet in front of him was finally obliterated by Lin Mu.

After obliterating this puppet, Lin Mu didn't feel any easier than fighting Zhange.

Such an ending made Lin Mu vigilant.

That world can create such puppets, obviously their disciples will use such puppets to practice.

If every one of them has the strength beyond Warsong.Then the fairy world is not dangerous, but there is no hope at all.

There are several battle songs in the fairy world. Although the battle songs were defeated by Lin Mu, this does not mean that the battle songs are not strong.

On the contrary, he just explained that the battle song is very strong.If all the people in that world had such strength, there would really be no hope for the fairy world.

Even if he is against the sky, he can deal with a few battle songs.Ten and eight, but what about one hundred and two hundred?

Such a discovery is really frustrating, because such a fact is really unacceptable and difficult to accept.

While Lin Mu was thinking about it, Bai Yixian had already dealt with his opponent.

It was not as easy for Bai Yixian to deal with his opponent as it was for Lin Mu. After all, there was still a big gap in strength between the two.

Bai Yixian dealt with his opponent, and also saw Lin Mu's frown.

Bai Yixian naturally understood what Lin Mu was thinking, and said: "According to some records left by my master, not all people in that world are so powerful. They are also like us, standing at the top of the pyramid." There are very few people. A puppet like this should be top-notch in their world. This time, I’m afraid it’s just to blow our confidence.”

Lin Mu nodded and said: "I know, but their overall strength is much stronger than ours, at least twice as much. The puppet I killed just now has been killed at least three times, and there are three different ones. People. The puppet you killed just now was also killed at least three times by different people. Apparently, the people on their side also used this puppet to train soldiers."

When Bai Yixian heard Lin Mu's words, his expression also changed slightly.What Lin Mu said, he did not find out.However, he believed that Lin Mu's judgment would never be wrong.Since Lin Mu said there was, it must have.

If this is the case, the situation in the fairy world is also very unoptimistic.

"Let's go. It's useless to think about it. Improving yourself is the key." The imminent approach of that world aroused Lin Shu's fighting spirit even more.

Bai Yixian said: "It should be so."

The two went on the road again, but the fellow travelers who followed them were not so lucky.Many people were left on the road by puppets.

Gu Gong, Hong Dao and the others sensed that the soul jade slips they were guarding were broken one by one, and they were really anxious.

These are the hopes for the future of the fairy world, and they are the main force against that world, but now they have fallen under the puppets.

Their actions, no matter who the puppet in front of them was, the hope of the fairy world is the most important thing now.

Gugong and the others all used their strongest combat power and their strongest magic weapon.

The Great Elder of Shanshui Academy, holding a wordless book, while dealing with those who besieged him, at the same time, he also had to prevent the people over there from attacking suddenly and killing them.

After an hour of bloody fighting, Gugong and the others finally won, but they paid a heavy price.

"That's right, it's a little stronger than I imagined." The person from that world said.


All of a sudden, everyone attacked the Wordless Heavenly Book at the same time.

How exaggerated is Gu Gong's immortal essence, and at this moment, they shot with all their strength, directly letting the Wordless Heavenly Book shine.

The light pierced directly through the heaven and the earth, and the first page of the wordless heavenly book was opened, and the chains of order composed of words rushed out of the heavenly book, rushing directly towards the cracked passage.


The people on the other side of the world snorted coldly when they saw the counterattack from Gugong and the others.

But he was powerless. Although he was strong, he was no match for Gu Gong and the others.

The channel completely collapsed, and the voice of that world never came again.


After finishing all this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.This battle was too difficult, and there was only one person on the opposite side, which made them spend so much effort.If it is not for the possession of the Wordless Book, the consequences may be unimaginable.

"When I come, it will be the end of your life!" Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, another voice came.

The spatial passages have been closed, and the sound can still be transmitted, which requires a lot of cultivation.At least among the people present, only a few people could do it with all their strength.But the other party obviously didn't try their best.

"Hurry up and save our disciple." After solving the matter in that world, someone had already reacted and began to give orders.

"Forget it, this is also a kind of experience for them. Sooner or later, they have to face it. It is better to be injured now than to fall unprepared at that time." The elder of Shanshui Academy spoke.

After hearing such words, everyone gave up after thinking about it.

Sooner or later, they have to face each other. If they don't face it now, what chance will they have to face it so directly and intuitively? Such an opportunity is very rare for them.

"Now that the fairy world has come to an end, there are some things we must do. It seems that we must step into the palace in the depths." The great elder of Shanshui Academy said quietly.

Among the crowd, his seniority is the highest, so when he speaks, no one will interrupt and no one will feel that he shouldn't.

"But it's too dangerous there, even we might not be able to escape unscathed." said the Deputy Palace Master of Tiangong.

"We can't retreat completely, but we have to step in. The time left for us is running out." The great elder of Shanshui Academy, although unwilling to admit such a fact, it is the truth.

There may be problems here today, and the same problem may occur in another place tomorrow.There is very, very little time left for them. If they don't do something now, they really have no chance.

(End of this chapter)

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