Supreme Chef

Chapter 1969 Weird Image [Part [-]]

Chapter 1969 Weird Image [Part [-]]

Such a turmoil has completely subsided. Although there were casualties, the casualties were not large.

However, his warning significance far exceeds the matter itself.It let everyone know that the end is no longer so far away, the end is already in sight.

Now there is only one way to fight, if you succeed, you can naturally fight for a future, if you fail.Then there is no future.Then it can only be cleaned, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

It's not just Lin Shu who have to fight, but also the heads and elders.

Cleaning will not distinguish whether you are a disciple or the head of the sect.

Lin Mu and Bai Yixian solved their troubles and moved forward quickly.Such an unexpected encounter also reminded Lin Mu and the others how tight time was.

Lin Mu and Bai Yixian soon came to the legendary shrine, which was also the biggest opportunity for the entire God Burial Domain.

When Lin Mu saw this, he frowned slightly.

"What's the matter? Have you been here before?" Seeing the change in Lin Mu's expression, Bai Yixian asked involuntarily.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I haven't been here before."

Bai Yixian did not continue to ask further, everyone has secrets, there is no need to delve into it.

Of course, Lin Mu did not lie, Lin Mu had never been here before.It was also the first time for Lin Mu to come here.The reason why Lin Mu has a change in expression is because the architectural style here is very similar to a place Lin Mu has seen before, and it can even be said to be exactly the same.

The buildings here, Lin Shu had seen in the land of perishing immortals in the realm of comprehension.There, Lin Mu met a man who entrusted him.

This man claims to be a gatekeeper, but he is really unfathomable.Even with Lin Mu's current eyes, he couldn't tell the depth of the other party.

Lin Mu even felt that the person who looked at him might have reached the supreme level, or even surpassed the supreme, and might enter a higher realm.

And the architecture here is exactly the same as the architectural style in the Land of Perishing Immortals.

If there is a difference, it is that it is a little smaller there and it is too big here.This shrine is completely established in a huge space crack.It is also possible that this place was not originally, but later became a space crack.

The space rift is very huge, and there is no problem at all in accommodating several galaxies.

It's so huge, no wonder there are people here who have entered it for a lifetime, but in the end they couldn't explore the mystery completely.

"There is not much danger here. Of course, the real danger is not here, but people." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I understand."

The age of existence here is too long to be verified. Even if there are still arrangements, there is probably no threat.So the formation here can be ignored, but the real danger still exists, and that is the people who came here with Lin Mu and the others.For the sake of the baby here, they can be desperate, even without any bottom line.

This is the real danger. Compared with this, other dangers are really not considered dangers.

"Let's go." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded, followed behind Bai Yixian, and entered the shrine.

As soon as he entered here, Lin Mu felt a faint sense of calling.

"Could it be that the person he asked me to find is here?" Lin Mu couldn't believe it, but felt that the possibility was very high.

After all, the architectural style here is exactly the same as that over there.This cannot but let Lin Shu have associations in this regard.

"There is nothing in the front, but there is a huge courtyard in the back, which is still a piece of pure land. It may be the place where exercises and elixir are stored, and there may be exercises from the ancient mythology era." Bai Yixian said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded absently, and followed Bai Yixian to the well-preserved courtyard.

When Lin Mu and Bai Yixian arrived here, they saw that there were already many people here.


Before Lin Mu had time to observe who was coming, he felt a overwhelming coercion and oppressed him.

Then Gugong and the others all descended here and landed on the ground.

"The dean and the others are here too. This time the place will definitely be broken." Seeing the arrival of their dean, everyone's hearts were full of hope.

This courtyard has troubled everyone for a long time. Almost every time I come here, I will enter here to look for it.

But there seems to be no defense here, but there is no entrance to enter.There is no way, whether you are a master of the formation or force your way in, all such methods have been tested.But all invalid, still can not find a way to enter.

When Gu Gong and the others arrived, the disciples here naturally all returned to their respective camps.

Lin Mu and Bai Yixian also came behind Lin Mu.

Seeing that all the disciples who were truly top-notch in their power were still alive, the deans were all relieved.

"What's the matter with you, Lin Mu?" Lin Mu's absent-mindedness also attracted the attention of Gu Gong and Hong Dao.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Nothing, just a little restless, and it seems that something is about to happen."

For the two deans, Lin Mu didn't hide anything, and directly expressed his feelings.

Gu Gong and Hong Dao frowned when they heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu has reached such a level of cultivation, and he feels that there must be nothing wrong.Lin Mu felt that something was going to happen, so something would definitely happen, but no one could predict what it would be.


Suddenly the sky and the earth changed color, and a dark cloud came from nowhere, completely covering the entire shrine.

Dark clouds covered the top, and everyone looked up at the sky.The dark clouds in the sky are like thick ink, so black that they seem to crush this place.

A dark cloud floated over for no reason, causing everyone's hearts to sink.

No one stepped in to intervene, fearing that something more unexpected would happen.


The thunder was rolling, and there were thunder churning in the dark clouds, and those thunders were as terrifying as golden dragons.


A thunderbolt struck the ground.

The ground did not collapse, but the thunder began to spread along the ground, and then smoke and dust rose up, and everyone's sight was completely blocked.

They used their Celestial Eyes, but they still couldn't see through.

This kind of thing has never happened in the past. This is definitely the first time. I don't know what it means.

Lin Mu looked at everything in front of him, and that feeling became more and more intense, and even Lin Mu felt that he might fulfill the first oath and promise today.

When the smoke and dust fell, everyone was dumbfounded and saw a group of people.That's right, a group of people.

They wear services that don't belong to ancient times, they should be from ancient times.Such a group of people are all very powerful, and the blood of each person makes people feel like they are facing a wild beast.

But these people are all guards, among them, the guard is a young man,

(End of this chapter)

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