Supreme Chef

Chapter 1970 Weird Image [Part [-]]

Chapter 1970 Weird Image [Part [-]]

Such a strange phenomenon is already shocking, but the person being guarded must be even more extraordinary.Everyone looked hard, trying to see clearly who the person in the middle was.

But it's a pity that the boy was surrounded by a group of people who looked like wild beasts.The thick blood energy blocked everyone's eyes, even the eyes of heaven could not pass through.

But only Lin Mu saw clearly, and Lin Mu saw the boy clearly.He is the gatekeeper of the land of perishing immortals in the realm of comprehension, the young master he let himself look for.

Lin Mu didn't know why he appeared here, and what was going on with this image.

All of this reveals a weirdness, which makes people completely unpredictable and don't know what happened.


Someone made a move, trying to destroy the team and see the people inside.

However, although this is an image, it is still impossible to break through if someone makes a move.

The image didn't shake at all, and the team was still moving forward steadily, neither fast nor slow, without being affected in the slightest.

The person who made the shot refused to accept it, and shot again, very forcefully.


This time the image reacted, and one of them turned his head without making a move, just a look.The space collapsed, the time became disordered, and the person who made the shot was shattered directly, without any vitality.


Everyone was dumbfounded, this is an attack through time and space.And it still came from the attack of the image recorded by heaven and earth.

Just the image attack has such power. If they are alive, how powerful they will be is really unimaginable.

"Don't shoot casually, see what they want to do, don't make fearless sacrifices." A dean reminded, warning everyone not to shoot casually.

After receiving such a reminder, all the disciples stopped making moves, and all watched quietly, waiting for the next move of such a group of people to see where they were going.

Without human interference, the team continued to move forward.The team didn't seem to notice that Lin Mu and the others existed, maybe they didn't want to pay attention to them at all.

Finally, the team passed through a door that didn't exist, the last person disappeared, the dark clouds in the sky also dispersed, and everything returned to the original calm and quiet.

The shrine is still this shrine, and the courtyard is still this courtyard.Quiet, peaceful, no entry point to be found.

"That's where they entered just now, so it should be the correct entrance." Someone pointed at the place where the team entered just now, and said.

In fact, without his reminding, everyone has already gathered around.

Such a video is recorded by heaven and earth.It cannot be wrong, and the place where they can pass is obviously the gate of this courtyard.

"All the spaces here have been inspected, but no doors were found, so it can't be fake?" someone questioned.

Of course, such doubts are not without purpose.This courtyard was discovered not a year or two, but three or five years ago.

This courtyard has been found to have been reincarnated one after another. It is no exaggeration to say that they have carefully checked every inch of the place, and found nothing of value.The space here is eerily quiet, without any nonsense, and there is simply no portal for people to enter.

"Not finding it doesn't mean it's not there. It's because we're not sure, so we can't give it a go. Now that the location is confirmed, we can definitely find the portal if we attack with all our strength." Someone refuted and expressed his opinion at the same time.

When everyone heard this, they all agreed very much.That's right, even the door is not sure, who would be willing to go all out, especially in this kind of place and under such circumstances.

But now it's different, the location has been determined, and everyone can naturally make a move with all their strength, without any scruples.

"Dean, can I try it?" Lin Mu found Hongdao and Gugong and said.

The two had been observing Lin Shu all the time, and had already discovered that Lin Mu was unusual. Now that Lin Mu had brought it up, the two of them would naturally do their best to help.

"I think it's best for our disciples to test it out before we go all out. It would be best for us if we can break through without bloodshed. We can't be sure that this portal will happen after a strong attack. What kind of ending." Gu Gong put forward his own opinion, and by the way made a foreshadowing for Lin Mu and others.

Gu Gong's proposal was reasonable, and there was no reason to refuse it.Even if Tiangong and Supreme Academy are already in such a situation, they can't find a reason to refuse.

In the end, Gu Gong's proposal was approved, and all the disciples should try it first, and if it doesn't work in the end, they will make a forcible breakthrough.

This is a time for a disciple to show off, and all the disciples are gearing up.I hope that I can be the first to enter this unexplored treasure land of images that has just erupted with visions.

The emperors took turns to fight, each showing their strongest and most ingenious means, trying to break the predicament here.

But no matter how amazing this method is, how incredible it makes these deans feel, but there is no change here.

After almost all the disciples took turns for half a circle, Lin Mu stood up and wanted to experiment.

"Most half of the experiment has passed. I think there is no way to break through here. Why don't we attack by force?" The people in Tiangong said immediately when they saw Lin Mu stand up.

This is completely aimed at trees again, the intention is too obvious.

Hearing such a target, Gu Gong immediately became angry and said, "What do you mean?"

The Deputy Palace Master of Tiangong said: "I don't mean anything, since everyone decides to continue. I have no objection. Let all the disciples come back to experiment with the sect we started from the beginning."

Lin Mu stared at the Deputy Palace Master of Tiangong, smiled coldly, and said, "Are you so worried that I will be able to pass, are you so worried about your disciples? If your disciples of Tiangong have fallen to such a point now, I think You don't need to exist anymore."

"You dare to insult my Tiangong, court death!" The hot-tempered disciple in Tiangong was instantly ignited, and rushed towards the forest.

Facing such an attack, Lin Mu really didn't care.Such an attack, to Lin Mu, is really not a threat at all, but a waste of time.

Lin Mu heard too many words like this, so Lin Mu didn't bother to listen.Anyway, if they want to do it, they can do it wherever they want.As for Lin Mu, he should do his own thing, or do his own thing, and not be disturbed by anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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