Supreme Chef

Chapter 1971

Chapter 1971
The people in Tiangong stood up, Gu Gong naturally would not stand by and watch.


Gu Gong let out a cold snort, and stepped forward directly, blocking in front of the trees, and the people who faced Tiangong were very rude.

"You are a disciple of the Supreme Academy, you don't know the rules, do you still want to cover up?" the deputy palace master of Tiangong asked.

Gu Gong said coldly: "The disciple is ignorant and can discipline you, but you are ignorant and don't know the rules. I think I should discipline you."

Gu Gong has always been like this, not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, not to mention that the other party is just a deputy palace master, even if he is the palace master of Tiangong, Gu Gong dares to say this.

Of course, Gu Gong spoke with confidence.Although Gu Gong's seniority is a little lower, it doesn't mean that Gu Gong's cultivation level is worse than them. On the contrary, Gu Gong's strength is stronger, stronger than these old antiques.

"Gu Gong, you are provoking the majesty of Tiangong, do you want to fight?" The deputy palace master of Tiangong was really angry.Being treated like a disciple is completely disrespectful.

Gu Gong nodded, and said indifferently: "If you think so, then I really have no opinion at all."

The Vice Palace Mistress of Tiangong's teeth itch from being annoyed by Gu Gong's attitude.

"It's already this time, and you still have kung fu to fight among yourself." The elder of Shanshui Academy said with a cold snort.

The Great Elder of Shanshui Academy spoke, Gu Gong and the Deputy Palace Master of Tiangong all fell silent.

"Go and experiment." After finishing speaking, the great elder of Shanshui Academy said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior."

Lin Mu didn't make any drastic movements when he stepped forward, he just put his hand on the portal that didn't exist.

"Pretentious, if this can break through the door, I'll show him shit." A person in Tiangong said contemptuously.

But the sound was not small, and everyone heard it.

Lin Mu put down his palm, turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile, "Is what you said true?"

The people in Tiangong said proudly: "Of course it is true. If you succeed, I will eat shit, and vice versa."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, nodded, and then put his palm on the space again, but this time he used a little more strength.


There was a muffled sound, and Lin Mu's palm seemed to hit something.

Hearing such a sound, everyone's minds were shocked, and the face of that person in Tiangong suddenly became very ugly.

Lin Mu looked back at the disciple in the Heavenly Palace, and clapped his palm again.

This time the sound is more crisp, and not only that, there are also lines on the space.These lines are as fine as spider webs, and if these spider webs are connected and drawn, it just happens to be in the shape of a door.

"There is really a portal here, and you can enter here." Everyone's spirits were shocked, and joy appeared on their faces.

But the disciple of Tiangong had a really ugly expression on his face.

Lin Mu was no longer for sale, and looked back at the Tiangong disciple, saying, "Please go ahead, you don't need my supervision, do you?"

Tiangong disciple's face was ugly, but he didn't have the courage to repent in front of so many people.

Reluctantly, he could only take off the ring on his hand, handed it to Lin Mu and said, "I admit defeat."

Lin Mu put away the other party's storage ring contentedly, then turned around and patted again.


This time the space was broken, and a portal that was exactly the same as what they saw in the video appeared in midair.

This portal is very old, and no one recognizes the patterns and lines on it.Even the dean of Shanshui Academy frowned when he saw such lines and patterns.

"The earliest divine writings are recorded in wordless heavenly scriptures, and it is these earliest divine writings that gradually evolved into the later hundred and eight thousand divine writings." The Great Elder of Shanshui Academy explained to everyone present Said.

Hearing the words of the Great Elder of Shanshui Academy, everyone looked at the patterns on the stone gate, wanting to remember these patterns and words, and then slowly deduce and comprehend after returning.

"These graphics and characters are already broken and don't have much meaning." The elder of Shanshui Academy broke everyone's hope after reading it.

After a pause, the Great Elder of Shanshui Academy said, "However, there may be complete text in it, or the mystery of broken divine text."

The words of the Great Elder of Shanshui Academy undoubtedly set everyone's hearts on fire.

"Boy, what are you still doing standing here, don't hurry up and get out of the way." Someone in the Tiangong spoke and drove away the trees.

Lin Mu turned his head, with a smile on his face, and said, "Okay. I'll get out of the way now, come on."

After speaking, Lin Mu stepped aside decisively.

And the people in Tiangong couldn't help but feel happy when they saw Lin Mu get out of the way like this.

But before the smile on his face unfolded, the smile completely froze on his face.

Because after Lin Mu left, the space healed again without leaving any trace, it completely disappeared and became the same as before.


Everyone was speechless, never expecting such a result.


The person who expelled the trees in the Tiangong made a move, trying to break the space, but it didn't work, it didn't work, the space remained the same.


This time, the person who expelled the trees in the sky was dumbfounded. In this way, wouldn't he become a sinner through the ages.

This made his face very embarrassed, and he didn't know what to do.

However, Lin Mu acted as if he hadn't noticed it, and looked at the sky by himself, with a very relaxed expression.

Lin Mu's actions made people speechless, but some people were also happy.Gu Gong was very happy, and he appreciated Lin Mu's practice very much.

"You guys did a good job." Gu Gong encouraged Lin Mu.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Dean, it's all the dean's good teaching."

Lin Mu and Gu Gong sang together there, but the people in Tiangong were very embarrassed.

"Open the door." The people in Tiangong took off their storage rings and threw them to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu took the ring, glanced at it, and threw it back, saying: "You want to impress me just like that, who do you think I am? How did you drive me out just now, and why are you inviting me now?"

When the people in Tiangong heard Lin Mu's words, they all gritted their teeth.This tree is really tossing people, it is completely humiliating Tiangong's face.This time and again, Tiangong really lost all face.

But there is no way for Tiangong, only trees can be opened here.If they don't do so, they will definitely be held accountable by everyone, and it will be even more difficult for them to step down. Why don't they take the initiative to make concessions now, at least they can get down.

There was no other way, the disciples of Tiangong could only give in, bowed their hands respectfully, apologized sincerely, and said, "Please!"

Lin Mu nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out his hand and said, "Bring something."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the disciples of Tiangong were about to get angry. He was already so submissive, but Lin Mu still pushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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