Supreme Chef

Chapter 1972 Senior Brother [Part [-]]

Chapter 1972 Senior Brother [Part [-]]

The disciple of Tiangong will be angry, but if he doesn't compromise now, others will be angry with him.

Such an opportunity was right in front of him. If the opportunity disappeared because of him alone, he would be a sinner through the ages.A single slap on the face of a person can turn him into a meat paste.

"Give you!"

In the end, the disciple of Tiangong chose to compromise and handed over his storage ring to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was also satisfied when he got the storage ring.

Arriving at the location of the portal again, Lin Mu's palm rested on it, and the space cracked again, cracks like spider webs appeared, and then the space was broken, and that simple portal appeared again .

The portal has appeared, but how can it be entered?

Lin Mu tried, pushing the door with his hands.

Lin Mu originally thought that this door should be indestructible and solid.But when Lin Mu pushed, half of his body fell directly into the door.

Seeing the trees so easily, like cutting tofu, half of the body entered the door.Everyone's eyes could not help but light up, seeing an opportunity.

But everyone is still waiting, not in a hurry.The example of Tiangong is right in front of you. If you don't want to be ashamed like Tiangong, you can only wait.

Lin Mu continued to try, and he completely entered the door without any hindrance, as if the door didn't exist.

After Lin Shu entered here, the door was completely stabilized. Even if Lin Shu disappeared, the door was still there.

Now everyone doesn't have to wait anymore, all set off and rush inside.

But not everyone can enter the door.Some people were blocked by the door.

The deputy palace lord of Tiangong tried, but couldn't enter, and was blocked by the door.

"What did Lin Mu do in there, tell him to come out and see me immediately." The deputy palace master of Tiangong who was blocked outside also became angry from embarrassment.

"You can't even see this. I really don't know how you became the deputy palace master. Can't you see that there is a restriction on this door, and only people above the peak of the fairy king and below the fairy emperor are allowed to enter?" Gu Gong said sarcastically.

Gu Gong's statement was also confirmed by the elder of Shanshui Academy, saying: "The lines and characters on it are indeed a restriction. We can't enter, and disciples with too low cultivation base can't enter. This should be a breakthrough. The reason is the opportunity of those disciples."

The Deputy Palace Master of Tiangong was blushing with embarrassment when he said such words.

When Gu Gong heard such words, he tried his best to ridicule the people in Tiangong, making the people in Tiangong feel ashamed.

After Lin Shu entered here, the feeling of calling became more and more intense.

In the Land of Perishing Immortals before, the tokens obtained by Lin Mu also became hotter and hotter.

As early as in the cultivation world, the gatekeeper at the Land of Perishing Immortals gave Lin Mu a piece of broken jade and told Lin Mu that it was a token.

But Lin Mu didn't take it seriously at the time, but now it seems that this token is not simple.

I can discover this place, be able to open this place, and be able to enter this place, all of which are related to this broken jade.

"Where are you going?" Bai Yixian asked behind Lin Shu.

Lin Mu turned to Bai Yixian and said, "I don't know either, but the place I'm going to is definitely not fun, it will be very dangerous. If you make up your mind, come with me, if you don't want to, just feel free. "

Lin Mu was not joking this time, he was very serious.After all, Lin Mu didn't know what was going on here.

But Lin Mu could feel that this matter would definitely not be simple.The place I want to go will definitely not be simple, and the Bai Yixian is very likely to perish after following me.

It was rare for Bai Yixian to see Lin Mu speak so formally and seriously, so he gave up his plan to continue following.Find another way to find your own opportunities.

After all, this place is very big, and all the places are not opened. It is a complete treasure land, and it has countless opportunities, which are unimaginable.

Lin Shu continued to move forward according to the guidance, and the speed continued unabated.

Along the way, Lin Mu has encountered too many opportunities, which are comparable to half-sacred herbs like fairy grass, and elixirs with partial holy medicines as the main medicine.

There are also various top-level refining materials, all of which are extinct, and if any of them are taken out, it will cause a sensation.

But now they are all randomly piled up here, and the opportunities here are really unimaginable.

Lin Mu galloped all the way, and finally Lin Mu saw a stone house.

As soon as he arrived at the stone house, the strange image that disappeared before reappeared.

A team of people escorted the person Lin Mu was looking for into the jet-black stone house.

The stone house is carved out of a whole boulder without any splicing.From the outside, the area of ​​this stone house is not too big.But Lin Mu believes that this stone house cannot be taken away by common sense, and the things inside are absolutely beyond his imagination.

"Practice room!"

The simple and direct name tells everyone the function and attributes of this stone house.

But this made Lin Mu's heart flutter, this is the practice room of the person the janitor in the Land of Perishing Immortals was looking for.This is a place where ancient ancestors practiced. No one knows what will be left here.Maybe there are unparalleled skills and peerless combat skills.These are all possible things, and they are extremely likely.

Without hesitation, Lin Mu directly prepared and entered the stone house.

Lin Mu entered this time not only to complete the task, but also to get the reward for finding someone.

But as soon as the trees moved, someone chased him from behind.

There were more than ten people in the team, and Lin Mu didn't know the leader.But Lin Mu knew the two people who followed the leader.These two people are exactly the two people who lost two storage rings under their hands in Tiangong.

They came here this time, obviously with malicious intentions, and wanted to seek justice.

"Lin Mu, we really have a narrow road to enemies. Get out of here now, and our affairs will be canceled. Otherwise, this will be your burial place today." The person who said he wanted to eat shit before shouted at Lin Mu in a stern voice .

Lin Mu glanced at him and said, "Is your mouth really eating shit? Talking so stinky."

"You're courting death!" Hearing that Lin Mu had untied his shirt again, the people in Tiangong were also angry.

Lin Mu said: "I would rather seek death than seek shit."


Lin Mu's words really made him furious.If it wasn't for him to have the final say now, and he didn't understand Lin Mu's strength, he would have done it long ago.

"What's Lin Mu's good tongue?" Another person who was forced to apologize to Lin Mu said in a mixed voice.

Lin Mu pointed at him, and said: "Yes, you are right. What is the skill of talking, it is better to apologize."

The other person, Tian Gong, was also completely angry when Lin Mu exposed his scars.

"Brother, please avenge us, and use Zhengtian Palace's prestige!" The two men saluted the person in the middle at the same time, and said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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