Supreme Chef

Chapter 1973 Senior Brother [Part [-]]

Chapter 1973 Senior Brother [Part [-]]

Lin Mu had already noticed, the leading elder brother.Among the group of people, the only one who caught Lin Mu's attention was this elder brother.

Because this senior brother has indeed performed very extraordinary.A brocade robe, each silk thread is woven with ten thousand years of silk.Without the magic circle, it is already the top fairy treasure.Coupled with the magic circle, it is even more tyrannical and unspeakable.Apart from this brocade robe, the rest of his body are all the top and strongest immortal treasures.

Of course, his own cultivation is absolutely top-notch.The imperial aura restrained in his body, like a divine light, emerges through his body, making him look extremely holy, and his every move can affect the way of heaven.

Such a person is definitely the top existence in Xianjun's cultivation base.

Seeing Lin Mu observing his elder brother, the people in Tiangong became more proud and arrogant.

"Brother Lin Mu is the number one person on the Dao list. He is Xianjun No. 1. If you are sensible, you can kneel down and apologize to us. We can consider letting you live." The other two said proudly.

Lin Mu curled his lips and said, "This list is made up by you again. Have you ever asked me? You dare to call yourself No.1 without even asking me. Do you dare to show some face?"

"Lin Mu, you are looking for death..."

The face of the person who was almost eaten shit also changed when he heard Lin Mu's words.

But what he spoke even faster was the strong move of the big brother.

The elder brother's body turned into a stream of light, the speed was unimaginably fast, and the palm was printed, nothing earth-shattering, but it made Lin Mu's heart skip a beat.


Lin Mu resisted with all his strength, and punched out to resist.

The fists and palms intersected, and there was a violent collision and terrifying fluctuations.

Lin Mu's body was beaten backwards, his face turned pale.

The elder brother also retreated, but his movements were graceful, and he was obviously not affected by it at all.

This is not over yet, with the palm just now, Lin Mu's body received more than just a little shock.

The palm just now completely messed up the anger and death in Lin Mu's body.

Life and death are constantly blending and confronting in Lin Shu's body, destroying Lin Shu's bodily functions.

Lin Mu stood where he was, not daring to move, fearing that it would lead to a life-and-death riot.

Life and death are in Lin Shu's body, constantly running around, destroying the meridians, muscles, bones, and internal organs in Lin Shu's body.

Eldest brother is obviously a person who will kill once he makes a move.When the body was a little bit in the air, it attacked again.

This time, the two palms of the elder brother moved together, life and death were kicked with both hands and feet, forming a life and death seal.

According to Lin Mu's knowledge, the seal of life and death is the supreme law of life.

The life and death seal back then also caused heavy damage to another world, and even almost caused the Taoist master of that world to fall in that final battle.

The elder brother in front of him is able to use the seal of life and death to such an extent, he is definitely as extraordinary as the supreme life back then.

Alternating life and death formed a seal of life and death, and pressed towards Lin Shu, vowing to kill Lin Shu with one blow.

There is pressure inside and outside, so that Lin Mu dare not act rashly.

Lin Mu didn't expect that this senior brother would teach him such a harsh lesson when he came up.

Faced with such oppression, Lin Mu also used Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill.

Life and death correspond to yin and yang, and yin and yang are the origin, so it is not a problem to deal with life and death.

The yin and yang qi, in Lin Shu's body, rotate like two swimming dragons, sucking all the disordered life and death into the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Pill.

After the circulation of Taiji Yinyang Dan, rebalance and return to the body.

Lin Mu raised his head, his eyes were clear, looking at the seal of life and death in front of him, he threw out the same two punches together.

At the beginning, the big brother didn't change much, but when he saw the aura circulating above Lin Mu's fist, his face suddenly changed drastically.But at this time, it was already too late.


Lin Mu's two punches directly hit the two palms of the elder brother.

The big brother used the seal of life and death, and Lin Mu directly mobilized Yin and Yang to fight against it.

However, the yin and yang of Lin Mu and the life and death of the elder brother are exactly the opposite.

Such a conflicting confrontation triggered an unimaginable explosion.If it weren't for the stable space here, I'm afraid this place would be completely shattered.

But even so, the resulting terrifying fluctuations still forced everyone to retreat, and they were all severely injured.


The elder brother couldn't help but also looked up to the sky and took a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down immediately, his face was as ugly as gold leaf.

Lin Mu was also severely injured, but he was in good health. After all, the name of the Wushuang Holy Physique wasn't just for its prestige.What's more, with the conditioning of Taiji Yinyang Pill, Lin Shu has already reduced the damage to a minimum.

Just when Lin Mu was about to make another move and launch a lore, his expression suddenly changed.

The next moment Lin Mu turned around and disappeared into the stone room.

"Lin Mu, you coward, don't run if you have the ability?" The people in Tiangong saw Lin Mu turn around and ran away, shouting from behind.

Only the eldest brother didn't speak, he knew what happened just now.He knew that Lin Mu was an opponent not weaker than him at all, even Lin Mu's yin and yang were more pure than his own life and death, and at the same time stronger.If I continue to fight, I am afraid that I have no chance of winning.

"Go and inform the others, I am here to guard, there may be a big opportunity to break out here." The elder brother said to the people behind him.

"Yes! Senior brother!" Hearing the senior senior brother's words, everyone did not dare to delay, and they all took action to notify others to come.

When the people behind him left, the senior brother couldn't help but sprayed three mouthfuls of blood, and his face became even paler.

Taking out a bottle of elixir and taking it all, the senior brother finally felt better.Lin Shu really caused him too much trauma.At least five tendons in the body were broken.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the eldest brother also recovered with all his strength.He was convinced that what he felt just now was correct, there were signs of life coming from the practice room.He believed that was also the reason why Lin Shu was so eager to get in and threw himself out.

This practice room has been abandoned for countless reincarnations, and it is definitely not a trivial matter that life fluctuations can still be heard.If there is really a living life, this matter is definitely not trivial.It is very possible that the secrets of the ancient times will be revealed, and even the most top inheritance of the ancient times will be revealed.

So he has to stay here, wait for others to come, and then enter together.After all, if he entered alone, he might not be Lin Mu's opponent.

Lin Shu entered here because he felt signs of life.In a place that has been abandoned for thousands of years of reincarnation, signs of life can still erupt, this matter is absolutely no small matter.

But after Lin Mu entered here, he found strangely that the signs of life had disappeared.And when Lin Mu looked back to find a way out, he found that there was no way out.There was nothing behind him, the place he entered completely disappeared, turning into chaos, with only one path under his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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