Supreme Chef

Chapter 1975 The Road to the Witch God [Part [-]]

Chapter 1975 The Road to the Witch God [Part [-]]

God body!

Since ancient times, only 12 people have embarked on such a road.

But Lin Mu soon found something wrong, Lin Mu suddenly felt that this person might not be the person he was looking for.

According to the information I got in the Land of Perishing Immortals.The age of the gatekeeper may be even longer than the ancient times.If this is the case, the young master he is looking for may be in the same era as the witch god.

The existence of the same era as the witch god will still fail on the way to attack the divine body.This really doesn't make sense, after all, his gatekeepers are already in a mess.

It's hard to understand, but even if they're not the same person, they're probably inextricably linked.Maybe it's his descendants, his blood relatives.But no matter what, Lin Mu had completed the task.

According to the handbook, Lin Mu has also reached a critical critical point of the Wushuang Holy Body.Thirty percent is a watershed, after this step the trees will enter a whole new field.

If he hadn't seen these letters today, Lin Mu would have thought that his breakthrough would come naturally.It was even said that if Lin Mu didn't reach here, he might die on the same road to the divine body.

But now Lin Mu is glad that he saw these letters, this is Lin Mu's chance.

At the same time, outside, some big events happened.

In the practice room, there was a wave of life, which was definitely a big event.

Everyone gathered together, even the younger generation who had won the title of God in Tiangong couldn't calm down and all gathered here.

After all, this matter is too big to be careless.Once it is confirmed to be true, or the signs of ancient life are really discovered, then this matter is really no small matter.It may change history and change the direction.

But when they gathered, they found that they couldn't enter at all.The door has disappeared, completely gone.

"What's going on here?" The little god asked the elder brother.

The eldest brother shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I tried to stop it, but it didn't work."

The senior brother's status in Tiangong is no lower than that of the little gods.It's just that it's too late to get started, but there is also a chance to get the title of god, so there is no need to be too humble.

The little gods all frowned when they heard what the elder brother said.If this is the case, it will be of great disadvantage to them.If there is really something in it, doesn't it mean that all of this belongs to the forest.


The little god started to try. As soon as he raised his hand, the endless chains of order rushed towards the practice room like a dragon.

Just by raising your hand, you have such power, it's really unimaginably powerful.As expected of a little god, such a title.

However, although the little god is invincible, it has no effect.The practice room is still so stable that it cannot be breached.

Such a result made the little god frown.But still try again, the result is still the same.

It is difficult to find a way to crack this kind of prehistoric relics, and only a strong attack can break through.

After trying twice in a row, the little god also turned around and said, "Let's join hands, this matter is no small matter."

This is the first time for Little Heavenly God to ask for cooperation.Of course, in the face of such a thing, the little god had no choice but to join forces.After all, this matter is too big. If it is confirmed to be true, it will change the history of the fairy world and many major events.It is possible that the ancient secrets will be completely exposed, and the impact will be too far-reaching.

Hearing such words, although the people present did not speak, they obviously acquiesced.

The outsiders were preparing to join forces to break through here, but Lin Shu was already in a trance in front of the wall.

Lin Mu has completely read the contents of the letter.Lin Mu already had a preliminary concept of impacting the divine body.

At the same time, Lin Mu also knew what the spirit pool was for.The spirit pool is to help Lin Shu adjust his body to the best state.

It is not used to save life at critical moments, because according to the records in the handbook, on the way of impact, if it fails, it will disappear, and it is impossible to save life.

At this time, the forest tree exudes a divine light, which is very soft and can affect the heaven and the earth.

This is the benefit of soaking in the Lingquan. Lin Mu feels that his current physical condition is at its peak.

My physical condition has never been so good.The body is spotless and spotless.There was not a single bit of hidden wound in the body, and the wound of the Dao left by the self-generated imperial energy was completely healed under the nourishment of the Heavenly Dao Pill.

Lin Mu felt that with his current physical condition, even against the strongest half-step immortal emperors like Xiao Tianshen and others, he had at least a [-]% chance of winning.

But everything Lin Mu is preparing now is completely for the purpose of impacting the divine body.

Lin Mu has no other distractions, and his whole body is in a mysterious ethereal state, which is the best state to hit the realm.

The witch god's body training technique slowly circulated in Lin Mu's body.

Lin Mu already knew that the Witch God Body Refining Technique is the strongest body refining method in ancient times, even in another world, it is also coveted by countless people.It is a truly top-notch body training technique, powerful and mysterious to the point of inconceivable.

With the circulation of the exercises, Lin Shu's body almost became transparent, and the blood vessels, tendons, bones, and internal organs in the body were all clearly visible.

Lin Mu has completed all the tempering of the immortal body, whether it is tendons, flesh, bones or internal organs, they are already in the strongest state.

In the current state of the forest, even if you smash it with a nine-level fairy weapon, it is impossible to hurt the forest in the slightest.

After confirming his physical condition, Lin Mu began to speed up the operation of "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

The exercises were circulating crazily, and all the immortal energy in Lin Mu's body was suppressed.In the end, it was suppressed in the Tai Chi Yin Yang Pill, and the witch energy in his body became more and more intense, finally making Lin Shu's body as black as ink, like a demon god crawling out of hell.

This is very similar to the ancient witch god.In the ancient world, witches were originally a kind of existence between demons and gods.

He is fierce, brave, warlike, and possesses some characteristics of a demon.At the same time, he has a side of being kind, defending the homeland, protecting peace, and divinity.

This is a contradictory unity, but I have to admit that he is very powerful.Across the ancient times, resist the beasts, and severely injure the invaders from another world.

With these glorious achievements, no one dared to underestimate his existence.


Lin Shu's eyes were red, and he let out a cry representing the truth of heaven and earth, a witch.This seems to indicate the return of witches.Tell everyone that the former king of this land has returned.

(End of this chapter)

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