Supreme Chef

Chapter 1976 The Road to the Witch God [Part [-]]

Chapter 1976 The Road to the Witch God [Part [-]]

With the roar of the trees, everything changed, whether it was inside or outside.

The people outside who were attacking the practice room all stopped and looked up at the sky, trying to find out what happened.

Unfortunately, they found nothing.

But it was not discovered, but it was the biggest discovery.Obviously, the opportunity here is beyond their imagination, so there will be no discovery.

The sky and the earth outside changed color, but the trees in the practice room were all sacred.

The sorcerer's aura is black and unusually holy, and the sorcerer's aura that penetrates the body makes people have an urge to worship the trees.


"Witch God Body Refining Technique" is like a beast that has lost its shackles, running crazily, driving the witch energy in Lin Shu's whole body.

The flow of witchcraft caused Lin Mu's body to make a sound like popping beans.

Obviously, this is the body undergoing a transformation, Lin Shu's body is constantly undergoing certain changes.

And at this moment, scenes of lakes appeared on the stone wall opposite the forest.

This lake records a road, a road full of thorns and infinite dangers.The Destroying Thunder that drank the death amount, was the weakest attack on both sides of the road.

All kinds of destructive rays of light raged on both sides of the road.Dead air pervades the entire road, and every time you want to take a step forward, you have to pay a huge price.

Lin Mu didn't expect that this stone wall would also have a huge effect.

Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, then set foot on the road recorded in the stone wall.

As soon as he stepped on such a road, Lin Mu immediately caused a series of reactions like a person who triggered a landmine.

This road boiled, and all murderous intentions and attack methods broke out at this moment.

The endless thunder of order easily tore apart Lin Shu's skin, exposing his flesh and bones.

This kind of attack also made Lin Mu grin his teeth.Although [-]% of the Peerless Holy Body has been developed, the thunder here still caused Lin Shu to be severely injured.

On this road, before Lin Shu took a step, his flesh and blood were already ripped apart.

This is definitely an extremely difficult road, but no matter how difficult it is, Lin Shu has to walk down it step by step.


Lin Mu took the first step, and with this first step, it also triggered terrible fluctuations.There were riots on the entire road, and the Thunder of Order covered the entire road as if they didn't want money.Lin Mu is destined to pay a huge price every time he takes a step.

However, Lin Mu still walked firmly, even though the thunder almost tore Lin Shu into pieces, even if the destructive light wanted to crush Lin Mu's customers.However, this did not shake Lin Mu's confidence to continue walking.

The road is long and short.

Without these dangers, the way would be short.But if there are these dangers now, the road will become extremely long.

Now for Lin Shu, the road is too long.

The bones of Lin Mu's body could already be seen, but the road still had no end in sight, even Lin Mu was thinking that the person he was looking for might not have fallen on the broken road at all.Instead, he was consumed to death by such a road.Because such a road is too difficult and terrifying.

Lin Shu walked hard step by step, and every step Lin Shu took would affect the changes in the rules of the world.

Every step will change the color of the world.

The little god was waiting outside, and was shocked to see such a change.

The more extraordinary the world's performance, the more terrifying the opportunity that proves it.

Therefore, they wanted to enter even more urgently, and everyone tried their best to blast the practice room out of control.

And their efforts were not in vain. With their full efforts, the soil in the practice room was falling down, as if it might collapse at any time.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Shu has adapted to this terrifying fluctuation and attack.

Lin Shu's speed began to gradually increase, but getting used to it didn't mean he could bear it.

Lin Mu still has to pay a huge price for every step, but the "Witch God Body Refining Technique" is also running faster.The wounds on his body healed more than five times faster than before.

But even so, the trees were still dripping with blood, leaving two bloody footprints where they walked.

Under this perverted oppression, Lin Shu's physical potential was also stimulated and developed along the way.

The treasures that were not fully developed before have all been stimulated to their potential under the oppression of this pervert.

As the treasure houses in this body were stimulated one after another, Lin Shu's body seemed to become an erupting volcano.Infinite energy gushes out from every acupuncture point of Lin Shu's body.

It seems that in every acupuncture point, there is an active volcano that is about to erupt.

These are the potentials of Lin Mu's body, all of which have been stimulated at this time.

However, these volcanoes do not cover every acupoint in the forest, nor do they cover the internal organs of the forest.

Lin Shu was deeply aware of his shortcomings, and realized that he wanted a strong way out.

Only when all the volcanoes in his body are fully stimulated, can Lin Shu be truly qualified to aspire to the divine body.

This opportunity is really rare for Lin Mu.

Trees are walking forward along such a road.With every step down, one or several volcanoes in the body will be completely stimulated and ignited.

This is a difficult journey, but also a difficult transformation, Lin Shu must persevere.If you want to surpass, you can only persist.

Lin Mu knew why such a road would be so long.Because this is a kind of experience in itself, too many journeys, it is impossible to stimulate the potential in one's body.

After understanding the key point, Lin Mu also directly gave up resistance.Open your body to meet the impact of thunder and the baptism of all kinds of hardships.

Under this kind of tribulation and baptism, the potential in Lin Mu's body was really fully stimulated.

The volcano at one hundred and eight acupuncture points was completely ignited.

The volcanoes among the limbs and bones were completely ignited.

The volcano of internal organs was completely ignited.

Even the volcano in the sea of ​​consciousness was completely ignited.

At this time, although Lin Mu was dripping with blood, he had a smile on his face.Such a body, even if it doesn't hit the divine body, can be swept away.

But Lin Mu understood that his enemies were not these people from the fairy world.My enemy is a strong man from another world.Even the witch god fell into their hands, not to mention that he is not a witch god yet.Therefore, Lin Shu will continue to move forward and surpass everything.

(End of this chapter)

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