Supreme Chef

Chapter 1980 Can only send you on the road

Chapter 1980 Can only send you on the road

Bai Yixian knew that this would be the case, but he had already stood up, so it was impossible for him to back down.

Bai Yixian's arm shook, Yuan Tian Teng appeared in Bai Yixian's hands.

At this time, the Yuantian Vine has re-condensed the gourds, and the seven gourds represent extraordinary meanings and contain great secrets.

"Yuantian Teng! The descendant of Yuantian Supreme!" Seeing the revealed identity of Bai Yixian, someone recognized Bai Yixian's identity.

"He can't stay either. The heir of Yuantian Supreme must die." Even though Yuantian Supreme came out of the Heavenly Palace back then, it was strictly covered up.

But there is an impenetrable wall in the world, and finally this matter was known.After being known, Tiangong's excuse to the outside world was that Yuantian Supreme had rebelled and betrayed Tiangong.

The Supreme is not a saint, and has his own interests and needs.Although he has made great contributions to the fairy world, it is also to keep himself alive.So when something like this happened, there was nothing to be astonished about.

So Yuantian Supreme has been a villain for a long time.Everyone in Tiangong didn't have a good impression of Yuantian Supreme.He thinks Yuantian Supreme is a traitor and a devil.

But the specific truth, on the contrary, no one knows.

Bai Yixian smiled slightly when he heard such words, and said: "It seems that Tiangong's shamelessness is even better than before. Brother Lin, although I seek justice for myself, it still has to be counted on your head, and I should give me a compensation." Points cannot be less."

After speaking, Bai Yixian took the initiative to attack.

The Yuantian vine directly covered the heavens, and the seven gourds, like the seven rounds of the sun, shone in the sky, as if they were about to melt everything.

Everyone was affected, and some people with lower cultivation bases were even stabbed blind.

The little gods and others did not choose to make a move, after all, the difference in cultivation was too great.They still can't do such a bullying thing.

Moreover, Bai Yixian has to face so many people by himself, and they don't quite believe that Bai Yixian can take advantage of it and protect the forest.

So since this is the case, naturally there is no need for them to take action.

After a short period of silence, the war broke out.More than ten people attacked Bai Yixian together.

And Bai Yixian also stood in front of Lin Mu, using the Yuantian Vine to protect Lin Mu behind him.

However, there are still too many people, and the attackers are not cats or dogs.They are all the strongest people in the Immortal World, selected from among the best in the Ten Thousand Worlds and Eternal Ages, and finally left behind.

Although Bai Yixian's inheritance is extraordinary and his strength is also extraordinary, he can still deal with it for a while.

Within half a stick of incense, Bai Yixian was already showing signs of fatigue, and the circle of defense had to be narrowed again.He could almost only defend himself and Lin Shu's body.


But in the end, someone broke through the defense and entered the defensive circle.

Lin Mu's body was in front of his eyes, and the eyes of the person who had been humiliated by Bai Yixian before were filled with endless light.

The spear in his hand released endless rays of light, and then stabbed directly at the sea of ​​consciousness of the forest.

He had to destroy Lin Shu's Sea of ​​Consciousness first, and only then could he occupy Lin Shu's body.

But at his battle spear, less than an inch away from the forest's sea of ​​consciousness, one hand firmly grasped his battle spear.

This sudden stillness made him also stunned.Then he saw Lin Mu opened his eyes.

What kind of eyes are these? In the eyes, there is the change of the sun and the moon, as if the two eyes are two worlds.

This is really too strong, really unimaginable existence.With just one glance, he was completely terrified.The fighting spirit in his heart was completely disintegrated at once.His body was shaking constantly.

He wanted to run away, he wanted to turn around and leave immediately, away from this dangerous place.But he couldn't move, he couldn't even drop his weapon and run away.

The field of trees completely restricted his body and restricted his cultivation.

This is too extraordinary, but also too powerful a person.He regretted infinitely in his heart, regretting being an enemy of such a person.

Given the choice, he would rather commit suicide.

Lin Mu looked at him with no expression on his face.

"Do not……"

He didn't even say a complete word, Lin Mu just blew out a breath, and he had already fallen.

This is the power of the Primordial Shaman God, even with one breath, he can blow down the sun, the moon and the stars.However, the distance between Lin Shu and such a step is too far, not even a star and a half.But in one breath, it is still very easy to kill a person.

Killing a peak Xianjun existence in one breath, such a powerful, made everyone feel terrified.

Lin Mu stood up from the ground, looked around at the people who had stopped attacking, and said, "I didn't expect that I would attract so many people after practicing for a while, but I really have nothing to entertain you, so I can only send you on your way."

Seeing that Lin Mu was awake, Bai Yixian heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "You're finally awake. Look at the things I've done for you. You should give me some reward, right?"

Lin Mu glanced at Bai Yixian and said, "Did I ask you to do it for me?"

When Bai Yixian heard Lin Mu's words, he was not angry, but smiled slightly and said, "Are you not afraid that I will join their camp?"

Lin Mu said: "I'm really not afraid, I'm just afraid that you won't join."

Bai Yixian laughed at himself and said, "Okay, forget about meddling in my own business."

But that's all Lin Mu said, Lin Mu still has a clear grievance.Bai Yixian helped him, and Lin Mu would definitely benefit Bai Yixian.

Lin Mu took out a jade slip and said, "This is some of my understanding in body training, and it should be of some use to you."

Seeing Bai Yixian take the jade slip, even the little gods were moved.

Lin Mu is now in the stage of divine body, which is equivalent to the body of the ancient witch god.Since the end of the ancient times, no one has ever heard of someone reaching such a point.Even those old antiques have never heard of anyone who has reached such a point.

This kind of body is really too scary, and the understanding of body training given by Lin Mu is absolutely invaluable, it is impossible to estimate its value at all.Maybe it's just some old antiques, they will be very hot-eyed.

Bai Yixian took the jade slip, smiled helplessly, and said, "Brother Lin, you are doing me a favor, and you don't let me stop. Being watched like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop again."

Lin Mu said: "If you don't want it, you can return it to me."

Bai Yixian quickly put it away and said, "How could you not want it? It's not an easy task to take something out of your hands, Brother Lin. I'm not that stupid."

Lin Mu turned his head to look at his besiegers, and moved his slightly stiff body.Suddenly, a roaring sound erupted from Lin Shu's body.

You can have such momentum just by moving your body. If it really explodes, who else in this world can stop it.

The faces of those who surrounded the forest were very ugly.Lin Shu's sudden awakening changed everything and completely reversed the scene.

Bai Yixian alone is already very difficult to deal with.Now with the addition of Lin Mu, the evil star, it's not as simple as being difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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